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NEWS2025-03-24[SALT eNews] Reminder: SALT Telescope Shutdown (24 March – 2 May 2025)
Dear SALT community,
2025-03-23[SALT eNews] Announcement: New Gamma Release of the polSALT software
Dear SALT Community,
2025-03-06SALT Visits
Dear all,
2025-01-15SALT affairs - reminder
Dear all,
2025-01-13[SALT eNews] REMINDER: SALT Call for proposals for semester 2025-1
Dear SALT Community,
2024-12-18[SALT eNews] SALT Newsletter
Dear SALT community,
![]() 2024-12-13[SALT eNews] SALT Call for proposals for semester 2025-1
Dear colleagues,
![]() 2024-12-11Polish participation in SALT - questionnaire for EVERYONE
Dear all,
2024-12-02[SALT eNews] SALT Annual Report 2024 - request for inputIf you send the information requested by Anja, please send also a copy to This will be an input to the raport on Polish participation.Original message:
Dear Colleague,
2024-11-20Invitation to SALT Finance and Audit Committee
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
![]() 2024-07-30[SALT eNews] SALT Users Group for Astronomical Resources (SUGAR)
Dear SALT Users,
2024-07-25[SALT eNews] SALT proposal dealine for 2024-2 semester EXTENDED to 2 August 2024
Dear SALT Community,
2024-07-24[SALT eNews] Fwd: Reminder of SALT proposal dealine for 2024-2 semester - 26 July 2024
Dear SALT Community,
2024-06-19[SALT eNews] SALT Call for proposals for semester 2024-2
Dear colleagues,
![]() ![]() 2024-05-06[SALT eNews] SALT Newsletter
Dear SALT community,
![]() 2024-04-24[SALT eNews] SALT Annual Report 2023
Dear SALT Community,
![]() 2024-03-22[SALT eNews] announcement: inaugural workshop on "Synergies in Non-Thermal Astrophysics in Southern Africa"Oto oryginalna wiadomość:
Dear colleagues,
![]() 2024-02-01[SALT eNews] DEADLINE EXTENSION: SALT Call for proposals for semester 2024-1
Dear all,
2024-01-22[SALT eNews] REMINDER: SALT Call for proposals for semester 2024-1
Dear all,
![]() 2023-12-22[SALT eNews] SALT Newsletter December 2023
Dear SALT community,
![]() 2023-12-20[SALT eNews] SALT Call for proposals for semester 2024-1
Dear colleagues,
![]() 2023-08-15[SALT eNews] SALT newsletter
Dear SALT community,
![]() 2023-06-19[SALT eNews] SALT Call for Proposals for semester 2023-2
Dear Colleagues,
2023-04-06[SALT eNews] SALT Annual Report 2022
Dear SALT Community,
![]() 2023-01-30SALT Science Conference - abstract and financial support deadline 31 January
Dear colleagues,
2023-01-25[SALT eNews] SALT Proposal Deadline Extension to Friday 3 February + NIRWALS updateOto oryginalna wiadomość:
Dear SALT Community,
2023-01-17[SALT eNews] FP survey and SALT Proposal deadline reminder
Dear all,
2022-12-12[SALT eNews] SALT Call for Proposals for semester 2023-1
Dear colleagues,
![]() 2022-12-09[SALT eNews] SALT Newsletter December issue
Dear SALT community,
![]() 2022-12-05 [SALT eNews] Announcement: SALT Science Conference
Prof. Joanna Mikolajewska | Phone: +48 22 3296134 |
N. Copernicus Astronomical Center | Fax: +48 22 8410046 |
Bartycka 18 | Email: | 00-716 Warszawa, Poland | Web: |
Dear SALT community,
Please find the August issue of our SALT Newsletter here:
This issue's highlight (by far) is the achievement of the long awaited
NIR first light! Everyone is excited, and you all get the chance to try
it out soon. Also, the RSS updates are progressing nicely, and you hear
about some results of the questionnaire that made the rounds a while ago.
We hope that everyone stays safe and healthy!
The SALT Operations team
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Hi all,
A quick reminder about the SALT Happenings blog, since things are ramping up on the NIR front!
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Dear Colleagues,
Updated versions of the SALT Principal Investigator Proposal Tool (PIPT) and RSS simulator that include the NIR and PG0700 grating are now available through the SALT website:
For more information on the current call for proposals, please see the email below and the Call for Proposals documentation on the SALT website
Any queries can be directed to
Kind regards,
SALT Astronomy Operations
Dear Colleagues,
We are now accepting SALT Phase 1 proposals for the period 1 November 2022 - 30 April 2023 (2022 Semester 2).
The Phase 1 proposal deadline is Friday, 29 July 2022, at 18:00 SAST (corresponding to 16:00 UTC
This proposal call is for SALTICAM, RSS, HRS and NIR. All details of the status of specific instrument modes are available in the Call for Proposals link below, including changes from previous semesters.
There are three major changes to highlight in this call:
1 - The NIR Integral Field Spectrograph is being offered for the first time, on a shared risk basis. The instrument is being installed at the telescope and it is expected to be commissioned during August/September. A document has been prepared by the NIR PI (link below) with the expected performance of the instrument to enable our users to estimate their time requests and the technical feasibility of their proposals for this phase 1 call. Please note that the phase 2 for this instrument will have its own separate deadline, which will be communicated to everyone once the instrument performance characteristics are known and the tools are ready.
2 - The RSS grating PG0300 will be permanently replaced with the new PG0700 grating.
3 - The SALTICAM imaging overheads have been increased significantly, to match the actual telescope performance.
Please submit your proposal via the SALT Principal Investigator Proposal Tool (PIPT), but please wait a couple of days if you plan to use the PG0700 grating on RSS or the NIR for the updated PIPT to be released.
Instructions, software, and other information about proposing for SALT can be found on the SALT website.
Call for Proposals, including link to information document:
Instructions for submitting your proposal:
Download the PIPT software:
SALT NIR Integral Field Spectrograph - description and performance predictions:
All questions regarding this proposal call should be addressed to:
SALT Astronomy Operations
Dr. Encarni Romero Colmenero
Head of SALT Astronomy Operations
For personal emails please use:
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Dear SALT Community,
We at SALT would like to improve our service to the SALT Community. In order to do this, we need your help: we need to know where we are dropping the ball and what would be most useful to work on. So we have prepared a simple anonymous questionnaire with NO compulsory answers to learn about any issues you’re having using SALT:
We will really welcome all of your answers - anything goes, as long as it doesn’t involve making SALT fully steerable!! ;)
It would be great if you could submit your responses by the end of the following week, Friday 10th June.
Encarni on behalf of the SALT Operations team
Dr. Encarni Romero Colmenero
Head of SALT Astronomy Operations
For personal emails please use:
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Dear SALT Community,
As a little Easter egg, the SALT Annual Report 2021 is ready and can be
+downloaded from
in both low as well as high resolution. Hard copies will become available
at the SAAO in Cape Town (next week), selected national and international
libraries and at SALT exhibition booths. If you want me to send you
directly a hard copy, please email me with your full postal address.
Happy Easter, Anja Schroeder
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Dear SALT community,
Please find attached the April issue of our SALT Newsletter, also
available on
This time we report, among others, that the NIR instrument is on its way
(yay!), while the new RSS collimator triplet has already arrived. Also, the
HRS has undergone some much needed maintenance.
We wish you all a Happy Easter and hope that everyone stays safe and healthy!
The SALT Operations team
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Dear SALT community,
Please find attached the December issue of our SALT Newsletter, also available on
This time we report on the success of the shutdown in October, give an update on the NIR
instrument and the slitmask IFU, and show some the of testing the new PG0700 grating.
We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Hope everyone stays safe and healthy!
The SALT Operations team
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Dear colleagues,
We are now accepting SALT Phase 1 proposals for the period 1 May 2022 - 31 October 2022 (2022 Semester 1).
The Phase 1 proposal deadline is Friday, 28 January 2021, at 18:00 SAST (corresponding to 16:00 UTC).
This proposal call is for SALTICAM, RSS and HRS. All details of the status of specific instrument modes are available in the Call for Proposals linked below, including changes from previous semesters. Note that a new grating for RSS, PG0700, will be commissioned over the next few months, and is available on a shared risk basis in the next semester.
Please submit your proposal via the SALT Principal Investigator Proposal Tool (PIPT). You may continue to use v5.5 unless you intend to use the new grating, in which case please update to the latest version available on the website. Instructions, software, and other information about proposing for SALT can be found on the SALT website. Note also that the web manager will ask for some user statistics, which the SAAO is now required to capture for reporting purposes.
Call for Proposals, including link to information document:
Instructions for submitting your proposal:
Download the PIPT software:
All questions regarding this proposal call should be addressed to: salthelp(at)
SALT Astronomy Operations
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Dear SALT Community,
The SALT Annual Report 2020 has finally come out - you can find it at
in both low as well as high resolution. If you want a hard copy, please email me
with your full postal address.
Enjoy, Anja Schroeder
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Dear SALT PIs and Co-Is of 2021-1 proposals,
As mentioned in our Call for Proposals and, more recently, in our August SALT Newsletter, SALT is having a short shutdown in October. The main purpose of the shutdown, together with a description of the various tasks, was discussed in an article in the newsletter
( As an update, we can now confirm that the RSS optics replacement will not
happen during this shutdown.
We have now finalised the dates as follows:
10th October - last observing night.
11th October - shutdown begins.
~18th October - on sky re-commissioning and beginning of observations with HRS and SALTICAM ONLY.
~26th October - RSS on-sky re-commissioning.
~29th October - normal operations.
Please note that these dates may shift slightly, depending on how things go.
As always, please do not hesitate to contact us (
if you have any questions.
Dr. Encarni Romero Colmenero
Head of SALT Astronomy Operations
Dear SALT community,
Please find attached our September issue of the SALT Newsletter. Among others, we report on progress with the RSS Big 5, the NIR instrument and the decision to obtain a laser frequency comb for the HRS. Our new FP postdoc reports on refurbishment plan for the LR and MR Fabry–Pérot etalons. And we look for volunteers to beta-test the new Web Manager.
We wish you all well during this challenging time of COVID-19. Hope everyone stays safe and healthy!
The SALT Operations team
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Dear SALT users
Please join us for an open discussion about "SALT Science with four Mini-Trackers" on Tuesday, 13 July at 15:00 SAST (13:00 UT):
Before the meeting, we would like to invite you to think expansively about this concept that is being explored, by which SALT could be augmented and used to provide spectroscopic observations of thousands of additional targets per year, even while executing its normal observing queue...
The idea is to employ multiple “mini-trackers” (MTs) to take advantage of SALT's spherical primary mirror's enormous (35 degree diameter) uncorrected field of view. These deployable devices, each with patrol fields of 100 square degrees, would be able to range around the focal sphere to access additional targets while conventional SALT observations are made with the main tracker. A suite of up to four MTs would therefore effectively serve as a set of individual four-to-six-metre mini-SALTs, each equipped with a low-resolution spectrograph that would likely be fibre-fed. These "telescopes" would be additionally constrained in terms of their track times and the fields they can access due to their dependence on the main tracker, but the simpler spherical aberration corrector optics would increase their throughput.
The main MT science case centres on transient follow-up for the Rubin Observatory and broader time-domain science. However, we need to be aware of other potential opportunities that may exist and we would particularly like to get a sense of the sorts of targets (total number, sky density, brightness range) that other science areas may provide for the MTs. An ideal project would include a vast pool of targets brighter than 21st magnitude distributed all over the sky, though only a small fraction of the total pool could be expected to be observed. Repeat visits would also be quite unlikely with the MTs, since their patrol fields would be governed by the main tracker observing the normal SALT queue.
Please see the attached PDFs for additional information and feel free to share this message with your networks as you consider the various kinds of science that might be pursued with such a system.
If you have any specific questions before the meeting, please feel free to contact us via salthelp.
We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday 13 July!
Kind regards
The SALT Team
Dear Colleagues,
We are now accepting SALT Phase 1 proposals for the period 1 November 2021 - 30 April 2022 (2021 Semester 2).
The Phase 1 proposal deadline is Friday, 30 July 2021, at 18:00 SAST (corresponding to 16:00 UTC).
This proposal call is for SALTICAM, RSS and HRS. All details of the status of specific instrument modes are available in the Call for Proposals link below, including changes from previous semesters.
Please submit your proposal via the SALT Principal Investigator Proposal Tool (PIPT). Instructions, software, and other information about proposing for SALT can be found on the SALT website.
Call for Proposals, including link to information document:
Instructions for submitting your proposal:
Download the PIPT software:
All questions regarding this proposal call should be addressed to:
SALT Astronomy Operations
Dear Colleagues,
We are now accepting SALT Phase 1 proposals for the period 1 April 2021 - 31 October 2021 (2021 Semester 1).
The Phase 1 proposal deadline is Friday, 29 January 2021, at 18:00 SAST (corresponding to
16:00 UTC).
This proposal call is for SALTICAM, RSS and HRS. All details of the status of specific instrument modes are available in the Call for Proposals link below, including changes from previous semesters.
Please submit your proposal via the SALT Principal Investigator Proposal Tool (PIPT). Instructions, software, and other information about proposing for SALT can be found on the SALT website.
Call for Proposals, including link to information document:
Instructions for submitting your proposal:
Download the PIPT software:
All questions regarding this proposal call should be addressed to:
SALT Astronomy Operations
Dear SALT community,
Please find attached our December 2020 issue of the SALT Newsletter - a
+jam-packed edition with lots of updates on SALT's various projects :)
Happy holidays!
The SALT Operations team.
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Dear Colleagues,
We are now accepting SALT Phase 1 proposals for the period 1 November 2020 - 30 April 2021 (2020 Semester 2).
The Phase 1 proposal deadline is Friday, 31 July 2020, at 18:00 SAST (corresponding to 16:00 UTC).
This proposal call is for SALTICAM, RSS, HRS, and BVIT. All details of the status of specific instrument modes are available in the Call for Proposals link below, including changes from previous semesters.
Please submit your proposal via the SALT Principal Investigator Proposal Tool (PIPT). Instructions, software, and other information about proposing for SALT can be found on the SALT website.
Call for Proposals, including link to information document:
Instructions for submitting your proposal:
Download the PIPT software:
All questions regarding this proposal call should be addressed to: salthelp(at)
SALT Astronomy Operations
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Dear SALT community,
Please find attached our April issue of the SALT Newsletter. We look at how the SALT shutdown went, report on the newly installed SPS and check-in with the progress on the NIR project. Podcasts, puppies and monkeys also make an appearance ;)
We wish you all well during this challenging time of COVID-19. Hope everyone stays safe and healthy!
The SALT Operations team
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Dear colleagues,
We are currently advertising a SALT Postdoctoral Fellowship, please see the link
Please share as widely as possible.
Thank you, and stay safe!
Dr. Encarni Romero Colmenero
Head of SALT Astronomy Operations
Dear all,
Three post-doc positions are currently being offered at the SAAO (the two
links are for the same positions). We would really appreciate it if you
could circulate amongst your institutions and anyone else who may be
We are in the process of adding these links also to the SALT website. As
always, please also let us know if there are any opportunities at your
institutions that you'd like to see advertised in the SALT website and/or
circulated amongst the community.
Dr. Encarni Romero Colmenero
Head of SALT Astronomy Operations
Dear SALT community,
Please find attached our January issue of the SALT Newsletter. We look back at accomplishments of 2019 (52 published papers!) and forward towards the Feb/March shutdown (to name but a few articles).
Happy reading!
The SALT Operations team.
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Dear Colleagues,
We would like to inform you that we are now accepting SALT Phase 1 proposals for
the period 1 April 2020 - 31 October 2020 (2020 Semester 1).
The Phase 1 proposal deadline is Wednesday, 29 January 2020, at 18:00 SAST
(corresponding to 16:00 UTC).
This proposal call is for SALTICAM, RSS, HRS, and BVIT. All details of the
status of specific instrument modes are available in the Call for Proposals
link below, including changes from previous semesters.
Please submit your proposal via the SALT Principal Investigator Proposal Tool
(PIPT). Instructions, software, and other information about proposing for SALT
can be found on the SALT website.
Call for Proposals, including link to information document:
Instructions for submitting your proposal:
Download the PIPT software:
All questions regarding this proposal call should be addressed to:
SALT Astronomy Operations
Dear Colleagues,
We would like to inform you that we are now accepting SALT Phase 1 proposals for the period 01 November 2019 - 30 April 2020 (2019 Semester 2).
The Phase 1 proposal deadline is Wednesday, 31 July 2019, at 18:00 SAST (corresponding to 16:00 UTC).
This proposal call is for SALTICAM, RSS, HRS, and BVIT. All details of the status of specific instrument modes are available in the Call for Proposals link below, including changes from previous semesters.
Please submit your proposal via the SALT Principal Investigator Proposal Tool (PIPT). Instructions, software, and other information about proposing for SALT can be found on the SALT website.
Call for Proposals, including link to information document:
Instructions for submitting your proposal:
Download the PIPT software:
All questions regarding this proposal call should be addressed to: salthelp(at)
SALT Astronomy Operations
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Dear SALT Community,
Apologies for the slight delay - please find attached the latest issue
of the SALT Newsletter,
It contains many articles that we hope are of interest to all
(too many to list!), including some more information about
the SALT Gravitational Wave SALT policy and process.
Encarni on behalf of the SALT Astronomy Operations Team.
Dear all,
As you may already know, LIGO/Virgo came back online on Monday, 1st April 2019. SALT has set aside some time for proposals covering gravitational wave events, which can be submitted by any member of the SALT partnership.
If you are a member of the SALT partnership, you need to use version 5.3 or higher of the PIPT
Contrary to Director’s Discretionary Time proposals, you do not have to get prior approval before submitting the proposal.
If you do not belong to a SALT partner, please contact and we’ll gladly put you in touch with our gravitational wave event group members.
A notification is sent out to a dedicated mailing list whenever a gravitational wave event proposal is (re)submitted and/or comments are sent for this proposal. In order to sign up on this mailing list, please go to
and sign up.
We have set up a webpage with more detailed information about the process:
And please also refer to the policy document for more details.
As always, please don’t hesitate to email with any questions you might have.
Dear SALT Community,
As mentioned already in our newsletter, we at AstroOps really wish to improve our service to you - and we really need your input. Please give us a few minutes of your time to tell us what we do well and where you think we need to improve.
We are all suffering from survey overload, so all of our survey questions are optional - you only need to answer those questions you want to answer. And at the end of the survey, you will have the option to enter a lucky draw for one hour of P0 time for SALT!
Please find the link to the survey here:
Thank you very much for your help!
The SALT Astronomy Operations team
Dear SALT Community,
Please find attached the December issue of our SALT Newsletter summarising our year, highlighting the new RSS guider work, the HRS surgery in the later part of the year, the SALT Conference in November, etc.
We also wish to remind you all that our Call for Proposals for semester 2019-1 is open, with deadline 31st January 2019 at 16:00 UT.
If you are going on holiday this time of the year, have a wonderful time!
Wishing you lots of SALT time and all the best for 2019 from all of us,
The SALT Astronomy Operations team
Dear Colleagues,
We would like to inform you that we are now accepting SALT Phase 1 proposals for the period 01 May 2019 - 31 October 2019 (2019 Semester 1).
The Phase 1 proposal deadline is Thursday, 31 January 2019, at 18:00 SAST (corresponding to 16:00 UTC).
This proposal call is for SALTICAM, RSS, HRS, and BVIT. All details of the status of specific instrument modes are available in the Call for Proposals link below, including changes from previous semesters.
Please submit your proposal via the SALT Principal Investigator Proposal Tool (PIPT). Instructions, software, and other information about proposing for SALT can be found on the SALT website.
Call for Proposals, including link to information document:
Instructions for submitting your proposal:
Download the PIPT software:
All questions regarding this proposal call should be addressed to: salthelp(at)
SALT Astronomy Operations
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Dear SALT community,
Thank you to all who have expressed interest in the November SALT conference thus far! We are looking forward to productive and interesting meeting.
This is a reminder that the registration deadline is almost upon us - if you have not yet done so, please sign up at
by the end of day on
* Friday 17 August *
For more information, see the original announcement below. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
Kind regards,
Ros (on behalf of the LOC/SOC)
We invite the SALT community to join us for a conference “Advances with SALT”, to be held in Pretoria, South Africa, from 14 – 16 November 2018.
The conference will reflect on the recent scientific achievements enabled by SALT and look forward to new developments, providing an opportunity for SALT users and staff to gather together to discuss new results, upcoming projects, the strategic vision and plans for SALT’s future. In addition to keynote and contributed presentations, there will be practical sessions on making the most of SALT and dealing with data, less formal “unconference” sessions and discussions. We invite contributions on a broad range of science topics, instrumentation, SALT in outreach and other SALT-related themes.
For more information and to register, see the conference website:
The conference registration fee, covering the cost of lunches and refreshments, the conference dinner and a t-shirt, is R2500. We particularly encourage students and emerging researchers that use SALT or have an interest in using it in future to attend! We expect to be able to waive the registration fee and provide a limited number of travel grants for students from both South Africa and the international SALT partners, thanks to financial support from the SA National Research Foundation and SALT. Please indicate on the registration form if you are a student applying for support.
The conference takes place at the NRF’s Albert Luthuli Auditorium in Pretoria. Accommodation is available at the nearby Lynwood City Lodge, and should be booked before 15 September to take advantage of the group rate. Please see the website for more information.
Important dates:
Registration and abstract submission deadline: 15 August
The programme will be announced and recipients of travel grants will be notified in early September.
Please email us at
if you have any questions.
Kind regards,
Ros Skelton and Encarni Romero Colmenero, on behalf of the LOC and SOC
Matt Bershady (co-chair)
Encarni Romero Colmenero (co-chair)
Joanna Mikolajewska
Saurabh Jha
Brian van Soelen
Brent Miszalski
Ros Skelton
Ros Skelton
Encarni Romero Colmenero
Christian Hettlage
Nhlavutelo Macebele
Lisa Crause
Nazli Mohammed
Surayda Moosa
and the SALT Astronomy Operations team
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Second announcement
We invite the SALT community to join us for a conference “Advances with SALT”, to be held in Pretoria, South Africa, from 14 – 16 November 2018.
The conference will reflect on the recent scientific achievements enabled by SALT and look forward to new developments, providing an opportunity for SALT users and staff to gather together to discuss new results, upcoming projects, the strategic vision and plans for SALT’s future. In addition to keynote and contributed presentations, there will be practical sessions on making the most of SALT and dealing with data, less formal “unconference” sessions and discussions. We invite contributions on a broad range of science topics, instrumentation, SALT in outreach and other SALT-related themes.
For more information and to register, see the conference website:
The conference registration fee, covering the cost of lunches and refreshments, the conference dinner and a t-shirt, is R2500. We particularly encourage students and emerging researchers that use SALT or have an interest in using it in future to attend! We expect to be able to waive the registration fee and provide a limited number of travel grants for students from both South Africa and the international SALT partners, thanks to financial support from the SA National Research Foundation and SALT. Please indicate on the registration form if you are a student applying for support.
The conference takes place at the NRF’s Albert Luthuli Auditorium in Pretoria. Accommodation is available at the nearby Lynwood City Lodge, and should be booked before 15 September to take advantage of the group rate. Please see the website for more information.
Important dates:
Registration and abstract submission deadline: 15 August
The programme will be announced and recipients of travel grants will be notified in early September.
Please email us at if you have any questions.
Kind regards,
Ros Skelton and Encarni Romero Colmenero, on behalf of the LOC and SOC
Matt Bershady (co-chair)
Encarni Romero Colmenero (co-chair)
Joanna Mikolajewska
Saurabh Jha
Brian van Soelen
Brent Miszalski
Ros Skelton
Ros Skelton
Encarni Romero Colmenero
Christian Hettlage
Nhlavutelo Macebele
Lisa Crause
Nazli Mohammed
Surayda Moosa
and the SALT Astronomy Operations team
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Dear Colleagues,
We would like to inform you that we are now accepting SALT Phase 1 proposals for the period 01 November 2018 - 30 April 2019 (2018 Semester 2).
The Phase 1 proposal deadline is Tuesday, 31 July 2018, at 18:00 SAST (corresponding to 16:00 UTC).
This proposal call is for SALTICAM, RSS, HRS, and BVIT. All details of the status of specific instrument modes are available in the Call for Proposals link below, including changes from previous semesters.
Please submit your proposal via the SALT Principal Investigator Proposal Tool (PIPT). Instructions, software, and other information about proposing for SALT can be found on the SALT website.
Call for Proposals, including link to information document:
Instructions for submitting your proposal:
Download the PIPT software:
All questions regarding this proposal call should be addressed to: salthelp(at)
SALT Astronomy Operations
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First announcement
We invite the SALT community to join us for a conference “Advances with SALT”, to be held in Pretoria, South Africa, from 14 – 16 November 2018.
The conference will reflect on the recent scientific achievements enabled by SALT and look forward to new developments, providing an opportunity for SALT users and staff to gather together to discuss new results, upcoming projects, the strategic vision and plans for SALT’s future. In addition to keynote and contributed presentations, there will be practical sessions on making the most of SALT and dealing with data, less formal “unconference” sessions and discussions. We invite contributions on a broad range of science topics, instrumentation, SALT in outreach and other SALT-related themes.
For more information and to register, see the conference website:
The conference registration fee, covering the cost of lunches and refreshments, the conference dinner and a t-shirt, is R2500. We particularly encourage students and emerging researchers that use SALT or have an interest in using it in future to attend! We expect to be able to waive the registration fee and provide a limited number of travel grants for students from both South Africa and the international SALT partners, thanks to financial support from the SA National Research Foundation and SALT. Please indicate on the registration form if you are a student applying for support.
The conference takes place at the NRF’s Albert Luthuli Auditorium in Pretoria. We are looking into a hotel block booking at the Lynwood City Lodge - more details on the accommodation will be provided as soon as possible.
Important dates:
Registration and abstract submission deadline: 15 August
The programme will be announced and recipients of travel grants will be notified in September.
Please email us at
Kind regards,
Ros Skelton and Encarni Romero Colmenero, on behalf of the LOC and SOC
Matt Bershady (co-chair)
Encarni Romero Colmenero (co-chair)
Joanna Mikolajewska
Saurabh Jha
Brian van Soelen
Brent Miszalski
Ros Skelton
Ros Skelton
Encarni Romero Colmenero
Christian Hettlage
Nhlavutelo Macebele
Lisa Crause
Nazli Mohammed
Surayda Moosa
and the SALT Astronomy Operations team
Dear Colleagues,
We would like to inform you that we are now accepting SALT Phase 1 proposals for the period 01 May 2018 - 31 October 2018 (2018 Semester 1).
The Phase 1 proposal deadline is Wednesday, 31 January 2018, at 18:00 SAST (corresponding to 16:00 UTC).
This proposal call is for SALTICAM, RSS, HRS, and BVIT. All details of the status of specific instrument modes are available in the Call for Proposals link below, including changes from previous semesters.
Please submit your proposal via the SALT Principal Investigator Proposal Tool (PIPT). Instructions, software, and other information about proposing for SALT can be found on the SALT website.
Call for Proposals, including link to information document:
Instructions for submitting your proposal:
Download the PIPT software:
All questions regarding this proposal call should be addressed to: salthelp(at)
SALT Astronomy Operations
Call for Proposals for semester 2018-1, which will be issued on the 20th December with deadline 31st January 2018 at 16:00 UT.
Dear Colleagues,
We would like to inform you that we are now accepting SALT Phase 1 proposals for the period
01 November 2017 - 30 April 2018 (2017 Semester 2).
The Phase 1 proposal deadline is Friday, 28 July 2017, at 18:00 SAST (corresponding to 16:00 UTC).
This proposal call is for SALTICAM, RSS, HRS, and BVIT. All details of the status of specific instrument
modes are available from the Call for Proposals link below, including changes from previous semesters.
PIs should note that SALT will likely have a stand-down period of 4 weeks during March 2018 to install
the new RSS guider, amongst other improvements.
Please submit your proposal via the SALT Principal Investigator Proposal Tool (PIPT). Instructions, software, and other information about proposing for SALT can be found on the SALT website.
Call for Proposals, including link to information document:
Instructions for submitting your proposal:
Download the latest PIPT software:
All questions regarding this proposal call should be addressed to: salthelp(at)
SALT Astronomy Operations
Dear SALT users,
we wish to remind you of the imminent SALT proposal deadline on Wed Feb
1, 16:00 UT for Semester 2017-1. See
Also, PIs of current 2016-2 proposals please note that there will be a
scheduled shutdown period of SALT for March 1-28 for a tracker upgrade.
SALT Astro Ops
Dear SALT Community,
We would like to kindly remind you that, if you wish to make an oral
presentation during the workshop on:
"SALT among the constellations of very large telescopes"
Kazimierz Dolny, Poland
7-9 June 2017
the deadline for your title and abstract submission is 31 January 2017
(for details visit:
Dear Colleagues,
We would like to inform you that we are now accepting SALT Phase 1 proposals
for the period 01 May 2017 - 31 October 2017 (2017 Semester 1).
The Phase 1 proposal deadline is Wednesday, 1 February 2017, at 18:00 SAST
(corresponding to 16:00 UTC).
This proposal call is for SALTICAM, RSS, HRS, and BVIT. All details of the
status of specific instrument modes are available in the Call for Proposals
link below, including changes from previous semesters. A new development
enhancing data quality of all instruments is the recent successful
introduction of active mirror alignment on SALT.
Please submit your proposal via the SALT Principal Investigator Proposal Tool
(PIPT). Instructions, software, and other information about proposing for SALT
can be found on the SALT website.
Call for Proposals, including link to information document:
Instructions for submitting your proposal:
Download the PIPT software:
All questions regarding this proposal call should be addressed to:
SALT Astronomy Operations
Dear Colleagues,
We would like to inform you that we are now accepting SALT Phase 1 proposals
for the period 01 November 2016 - 30 April 2017 (2016 Semester 2).
The Phase 1 proposal deadline is Friday, 29 July 2016, at 18:00 SAST
(corresponding to 16:00 UTC).
This proposal call is for SALTICAM, RSS, HRS, and BVIT. All details of the status
of specific instrument modes are available in the Call for Proposals link below,
including changes from previous semesters. A new development enhancing data quality
of all instruments is the recent successful introduction of active mirror alignment
on SALT.
Please submit your proposal via the SALT Principal Investigator Proposal Tool (PIPT).
Instructions, software, and other information about proposing for SALT can be found
on the SALT website.
Call for Proposals, including link to information document:
Instructions for submitting your proposal:
Download the PIPT software:
All questions regarding this proposal call should be addressed to: salthelp(at)
SALT Astronomy Operations
Dear SALT users,
please find our first
SALT status update for 2016
attached. A text-only version follows below as well.
SALT Astronomy Operations
- Reminder of Phase-1 deadline for 2016-1: Friday, Jan 29th
- Updated PIPT manual
- Record breaking weather and seeing
- Polarimetry update
- Fabry-Perot update
- Upgrade projects and 2015-2 targets
- Laser Frequency Comb update
- Press release: Brightest ever Supernova
- Science papers
All PIs are reminded of the deadline at 18:00 SAST (16:00 UTC) this Friday, Jan 29th.
Please refer to the detailed information in the Call for Proposals:
We are currently updating the PIPT manual. The new version so far covers
the general proposal creation process as well as the various phase 1 forms.
The manual is available both as html
and pdf
As much of South Africa is grappling with drought, November and December of 2015
saw extremely good weather in Sutherland, astronomically speaking. The weather
downtime of 21% at SALT in the month of December was the lowest ever since SALT
records began. The seeing was also very good, the intrinsic V-band seeing at zenith
occasionally staying sub-arcsec for hours at a time. The picture shows a field
in the Large Magellanic Cloud taken during a SALTICAM science observation
for Warner 2015-2-SCI-033 with approximately 1.2" sizes of stars on the detector.
The weather in January in contrast has not been very good.
Nevertheless, at this point, with about 45% the semester 2015-2 behind us,
nearly half of allocated P0-P1 time has been done, as well as about a third
of all P2 time.
As described in the Call for Proposals, commissioning of the RSS Polarimetric modes
has been progressing, and we accept proposals for 2016-1 for a limited mode:
point-source or compact object targets for linear long-slit spectropolarimetry.
PIs interested in other modes are encouraged to let salthelp know of their intentions
for the purpose of prioritizing further commissioning.
However, we have recently uncovered a potential problem in the RSS detector (PDET)
electronics making accurate polarimetric signal determination difficult below
approximately 0.3% level. The problem is being investigated, and while we hope
a solution is found before the start of 2016-1 Semester in May, users needing
this accuracy should be aware of this potential limitation.
For now, we strongly recommend sticking with the Faint/Slow detector setting,
and obtaining repeat measurements to assess systematic error.
The dual-etalon High Resolution (HR) mode has been tested on-sky, but is still
not in routine use due to instability in the relative alignment of the two etalons.
We have now traced the drifts to changes with temperature. Further tests are underway,
but unfortunately it is not clear at this stage when a successful fix will be ready.
We sincerely apologise for the inconvenience to all PIs affected in the current
semester. You may contact your liaison astronomer if you have other options
for your blocks, rather than wait for the fix.
Though we are hopeful, we cannot guarantee observations until commissioning
is finalized. We will accept new FP/HR proposals for 2016-1, but the PIs should
understand the uncertainty. In the Call for Proposals we suggest including
a back-up plan, if possible. We will update the FP users and the TACs
in late February during the technical reviews of proposals about the dual-etalon status.
As described in the Call of Proposals, the FP/LR and TF modes are in normal use,
while MR is currently off-line and is not offered for 2016-1.
There are many ongoing technical upgrade projects at SALT.
The most recent SALT schedule has the active primary mirror alignment system (SAMS)
integration and testing happening March onwards, an RSS service with up to 4 weeks
of telescope downtime in July/August during 2016-1, and a tracker upgrade during 2016-2.
Especially exciting is to see what SAMS will do for SALT image quality.
The SAMS work does not involve significant telescope downtime, while we had originally
scheduled a 4 week shutdown during the current 2015-2 semester. Since progress
with science programs has also been good, it is possible that gaps will develop
in the queue in March and April. We thus encourage users whose science allows it,
to update lists of optional targets in a given time allocation for the latter half
of 2015-2, or replace targets which have set with ones still visible.
As reported in our previous status update and described in
we will likely be doing HRS on-sky tests using a prototype laser frequency comb (LFC)
in the middle of this year. These instruments provide an incredibly precise method
to calibrate spectroscopy using tens of thousands of lines with well known wavelengths.
While the test is mainly an engineering project, it may be possible to do some limited
science observations. No separate proposals are called for this purpose,
but anyone within the SALT collaboration with interest and ideas on how to make use
of the capability on HRS in the short time period the LFC is available, is encouraged
to contact us at, preferably by the end of February.
Saurabh Jha, from Rutgers University, obtained spectroscopic observations of ASASSN-15lh
with SALT that led to it being identified as the most luminous supernova ever seen!
At a redshift of z = 0.2326, ASASSN-15lh reached an absolute magnitude
of Mu,AB = -23.5 ± 0.1. The results were reported by Dong et al. in a recent Science
paper, and the story has been mentioned in several major media outlets.
For further reading:
Science paper:
Press Release:
LA Times article:
The total number of refereed papers using SALT continued to climb,
reaching 36 for the calendar year 2015. The full list is available at
We strongly encourage SALT users to inform us of their papers making use
of any SALT data, and to please adhere to the Acknowledgements policy found under
the link above. It will make keeping track of the papers much easier.
The SALT Board has also requested that authors using SALT data make an effort
to make the source of their data as visible in their papers, e.g. by mentioning SALT
in the title, if appropriate, or in the abstract.
SALT papers found from ADS after the previous SALT update sent in late October
are listed below. These articles include the first one which has used published
HRS data.
Chernyakova et al. and van Soelen et al have monitored the 2014 periastron phase
of the binary system PSR B1259-63/LS 2883 using SALT data as well as SAAO 1.9m
and X-ray data.,
Childress et al. measure the Nickel masses produced by type Ia Supernovae.
Gvaramadze et al. describe the evolution in spectra of a new massive star MN44
in the luminous blue variable phase between 2009 and 2015.
Kangas et al. observed the bright type II supernova 2013fc in the circumnuclear ring
of a luminous infrared galaxy and describe its origins.
Kessler et al. describe the pipeline to search for transients in the Dark Energy Survey,
some of which were confirmed with SALT.
Kollatschny et al. use multi-wavelength data to study the peculiarities
of the extremely X-ray weak quasar PG0043+039.
Miszalski et al. report the discovery of an eclipsing dwarf nova in the peculiar,
bilobed nova shell Te 11.
Ninan et al. present a detailed study on the outbursting protostar V899 Mon;
the data used include the first HRS dataset to be published in a refereed paper.
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