All science papers that include SALT data which are submitted for publication
in refereed science journals must include the following words
of acknowledgment:
“All/some [choose whichever is appropriate] of the observations reported
in this paper were obtained with the Southern African Large Telescope (SALT).”
In addition, a footnote symbol should appear after the paper title*, and the following text should be written as a footnote:
*based on observations made with the Southern African Large Telescope (SALT)
Please include the Proposal Code and Principle Investigator for the observations in the paper. This could be done in the footnote (e.g. …(SALT) under program 2012-2-* (PI: YourName)), the observations or acknowledgements section of the paper.
Those publishing data obtained after April 1st, 2021 from proposals
that were awarded Polish SALT time
and Polish astronomers publishing data from other telescopes located
in the Sutherland Observatory must also include the following
acknowledgement in their paper:
“Polish participation in SALT is funded by grant No. MEiN 2021/WK/01.”
Those publishing data obtained before April 1st, 2021 from proposals
that were awarded Polish SALT time
and Polish astronomers publishing data from other telescopes located
in the Sutherland Observatory must also include the following
acknowledgement in their paper:
“Polish participation in SALT is funded by grant No. MNiSW DIR/WK/2016/07.”
If you use data reduced by the SALT science pipeline or use the PySALT software, please provide a link to ‘’ and cite the following paper:
Crawford, S.M., Still, M., Schellart, P., Balona, L., Buckley, D.A.H., Gulbis, A.A.S., Kniazev, A., Kotze, M., Loaring, N., Nordsieck, K.H., Pickering, T.E., Potter, S., Romero Colmenero, E., Vaisanen, P., Wiliams, T., Zietsman, E., 2010. PySALT: the SALT Science Pipeline. SPIE Astronomical Instrumentation, 7737-82.
We also strongly encourage users to cite the relevant reference papers in their published work.
List of publications based on data from the SALT and other telescopes
in South Africa, co-authored by Polish astronomers
Mróz, Przemek ; Król, Krzysztof ; Szegedi, Hélène ; Charles, Philip ; Page, Kim L. ; Udalski, Andrzej ; Buckley, David A. H. ; Dewangan, Gulab ; Meintjes, Pieter ; Szymański, Michał K. ; Soszyński, Igor ; Pietrukowicz, Paweł ; Kozłowski, Szymon ; Poleski, Radosław ; Skowron, Jan ; Ulaczyk, Krzysztof ; Gromadzki, Mariusz ; Rybicki, Krzysztof ; Iwanek, Patryk ; Wrona, Marcin ; Mróz, Mateusz J.
"Millinovae: A New Class of Transient Supersoft X-Ray Sources without a Classical Nova Eruption"
2024, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 977, Issue 2, id.L37, 13 pp.
Gutiérrez, Claudia P. ; Mattila, Seppo ; Lundqvist, Peter ; Dessart, Luc ; González-Gaitán, Santiago ; Jonker, Peter G. ; Dong, Subo ; Coppejans, Deanne ; Chen, Ping ; Charalampopoulos, Panos ; Elias-Rosa, Nancy ; Reynolds, Thomas M. ; Kochanek, Christopher ; Fraser, Morgan ; Pastorello, Andrea ; Gromadzki, Mariusz ; Neustadt, Jack ; Benetti, Stefano ; Kankare, Erkki ; Kangas, Tuomas ; Kotak, Rubina ; Stritzinger, Maximilian D. ; Wevers, Thomas ; Zhang, Bing ; Bersier, David ; Bose, Subhash ; Buckley, David A. H. ; Dastidar, Raya ; Gangopadhyay, Anjasha ; Hamanowicz, Aleksandra ; Kollmeier, Juna A. ; Mao, Jirong ; Misra, Kuntal ; Potter, Stephen. B. ; Prieto, Jose L. ; Romero-Colmenero, Encarni ; Singh, Mridweeka ; Somero, Auni ; Terreran, Giacomo ; Vaisanen, Petri ; Wyrzykowski, Łukasz
"CSS 161010: A Luminous Fast Blue Optical Transient with Broad Blueshifted Hydrogen Lines"
2024, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 977, Issue 2, id.162, 21 pp.
Sun, Luming ; Jiang, Ning ; Dou, Liming ; Shu, Xinwen ; Zhu, Jiazheng ; Dong, Subo ; Buckley, David ; Bradley Cenko, S. ; Fan, Xiaohui ; Gromadzki, Mariusz ; Liu, Zhu ; Wang, Jianguo ; Wang, Tinggui ; Wang, Yibo ; Wu, Tao ; Yang, Lei ; Zhang, Fabao ; Zhang, Wenjie ; Zhang, Xiae
"Recurring tidal disruption events a decade apart in IRAS F01004-2237"
2024, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 692, id.A262, 22 pp.
Bachelet E., Rota P., Bozza V., Zieliński P., Tsapras Y., Hundertmark M., Wambsganss J., Wyrzykowski Ł., Mikołajczyk P. J., Street R. A., Jaimes R. Figuera, Cassan A., Dominik M., Buckley D. A. H., Awiphan S., Nakhaharutai N., Zola S., Rybicki K. A., Gromadzki M., Howil K., Ihanec N., Jabłońska M., Kruszyńska K., Kruszyńska K., Pylypenko U., Ratajczak M., Sitek M., Rabus M. "A Close Binary Lens Revealed by the Microlensing Event Gaia20bof", 2024, AJ, 168, 9. doi:10.3847/1538-3881/ad46fc
Driessen L.~N., Barr E.~D., Buckley D.~A.~H., Caleb M., Chen H., Chen W., Gromadzki M., Jankowski F., Kraan-Korteweg R. C., Palmerio J., Rajwade K. M., Tremou E., Kramer M., Stappers B. W., Vergani S. D., Woudt P. A., Bezuidenhout M. C., Malenta M., Morello V., Sanidas S., Surnis M. P., Fender R. P. "FRB 20210405I: a nearby Fast Radio Burst localized to sub-arcsecond precision with MeerKAT", 2024, MNRAS, 527, 3659. doi:10.1093/mnras/stad3329
Gaudin, Thomas M. ; Kennea, Jamie A. ; Coe, M. J. ; Monageng, I. M. ; Udalski, Andrzej ; Townsend, L. J. ; Buckley, David A. H. ; Evans, Phil A.
"Discovery of a Rare Eclipsing Be/X-Ray Binary System, Swift J010902.6-723710 = SXP 182"
2024, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 965, Issue 1, id.L10, 9 pp.
Gaudin T.~M., Coe M.~J., Kennea J.~A., Monageng I.~M., Buckley D.~A.~H., Udalski A., Evans P.~A. "CXOU J005245.0-722844: discovery of a Be star/white dwarf binary system in the SMC via a very fast, super-Eddington X-ray outburst event", 2024, MNRAS, 534, 1937. doi:10.1093/mnras/stae2176
Iłkiewicz K., Mikołajewska J., Shara M.~M., Faherty J.~K., Scaringi S. "Ancient Nova Shells of RX Pup Indicate Evolution of Mass Transfer Rate", 2024, ApJL, 972, L14. doi:10.3847/2041-8213/ad6e5a
Kołaczek-Szymański P.~A., Łojko P., Pigulski A., Różański T., Moździerski D. "Exploring extreme brightness variations in blue supergiant MACHO 80.7443.1718: Evidence for companion-driven enhanced mass loss", 2024, A&A, 686, A199. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202348104
Krishnan S., Markowitz A.~G., Krumpe M., Homan D., Brogan R., Haemmerich S., Gromadzki M., Saha T., Schramm M., Reichart D. E., Winkler H., Waddell S., Wilms J., Rau A., Liu Z., Grotova I. "An X-ray flaring event and a variable soft X-ray excess in the Seyfert LCRS B040659.9–385922 as detected with eROSITA", 2024, A&A, 691, A102. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202349126
Markowitz A., Krumpe M., Homan D., Gromadzki M., Schramm M., Boller T., Krishnan S., Saha T., Wilms J., Gokus A., Haemmerich S., Winkler H., Buchner J., Buckley D. A. H., Brogan R., Reichart D. E. "eROSITA detection of a cloud obscuration event in the Seyfert AGN EC 04570-5206", 2024, A&A, 684, A101. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202347745
Painter S., Aydi E., Motsoaledi M., Sokolovsky K.~V., Strader J., Buckley D.~A.~H. Kochanek C.~S. Maccarone T. J., Mukai K., Shappee B. J., Stanek K. Z. "Spectro-photometric follow-up of the outbursting AM CVn system ASASSN-21br", 2024, MNRAS, 532, 4205. doi:10.1093/mnras/stae1726
Singh K., Ninan J.~P., Romanova M.~M., Buckley D.~A.~H., Ojha D.~K., Ghosh A., Monson A., Schramm M., Sharma S., Reichart D. E., Mikolajewska J.a, Beamin J. C., Borissova J., Ivanov V. D., Kouprianov V. V., Hambsch F.-J., Pearce A. "Accretion Funnel Reconfiguration during an Outburst in a Young Stellar Object: EX Lupi", 2024, ApJ, 968, 88. doi:10.3847/1538-4357/ad4099
Wang Z.-Y., Pastorello A., Maeda K., Reguitti A., Cai Y.-Z., Andrew Howell D., Benetti S., Buckley D. A. H., Cappellaro E., Carini R., Cartier R., Chen T. -W., Elias-Rosa N., Fang Q. -L., Gal-Yam A., Gangopadhyay A., Gromadzki M., Gan W. -P., Hiramatsu D., Hu M. -K., Inserra C., McCully C., Nicholl M., Olivares E. F., Pignata G., Pineda-García J., Pursiainen M., Ragosta F., Rau A., Roy R., Sollerman J., Tartaglia L., Terreran G., Valerin G., Wang Q., Wang S. -Q., Young D. R., Aryan A., Bronikowski M., Concepcion E., Galbany L., Lin H., Melandri A., Petrushevska T., Ramirez M., Shi D. -D., Warwick B., Zhang J. -J., Wang B., Wang X. -F., Zhu X. -J. "Massive stars exploding in a He-rich circumstellar medium: X. Flash spectral features in the Type Ibn SN 2019cj and observations of SN 2018jmt", 2024, A&A, 691, A156. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202451131
Wu Z., Dong S., Yi T., Liu Z., El-Badry K., Gould A., Wyrzykowski Ł., Rybicki K. A., Bachelet E., Christie G. W., de Almeida L., Monard L. A. G., McCormick J., Natusch Tim, Zieliński P., Chen H., Huang Y., Liu C., Mérand A., Mróz P., Shangguan J., Udalski A., Woillez J., Zhang H., Hambsch F.-J., Mikołajczyk P. J., Gromadzki M., Ratajczak M., Kruszyńska K., Ihanec N., Pylypenko U., Sitek M., Howil K., Zoła S., Michniewicz O., Zejmo M., Lewis F., Bronikowski M., Potter S., Andrzejewski J., Merc J., Street R., Fukui A., Figuera J. R., Bozza V., Rota P., Cassan A., Dominik M., Tsapras Y., Hundertmark M., Wambsganss J., Bąkowska K., Słowikowska A. "Gaia22dkvLb: A Microlensing Planet Potentially Accessible to Radial-velocity Characterization", 2024, AJ, 168, 62. doi:10.3847/1538-3881/ad5203
Zajacek M., Panda S., Pandey A., Prince R., Rodriguez-Ardila A., Jaiswal V., Czerny B., Hryniewicz, K., Urbanowicz, M., Trzcionkowski, P., Śniegowska, M., Fałkowska, Z., Martínez-Aldama, M. L., Werner, N., 2024, A&A, 683, A140. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202348172
da Silva, R. ; Danielski, C. ; Delgado Mena, E. ; Magrini, L. ; Turrini, D. ; Biazzo, K. ; Tsantaki, M. ; Rainer, M. ; Helminiak, K. G. ; Benatti, S. ; Adibekyan, V. ; Sanna, N. ; Sousa, S. ; Casali, G. ; Van der Swaelmen, M. ;
"Ariel stellar characterisation II. Chemical abundances of carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen for 181 planet-host FGK dwarf stars",
eprint arXiv:2406.12393,
June 2024, DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2406.12393,
Moharana, Ayush ; Hełminiak, K. G. ; Marcadon, F. ; Pawar, T. ; Pawar, G. ; Konacki, M. ; Jordán, A. ; Brahm, R. ; Espinoza, N. ;
"Spectroscopy of Eclipsing Compact Hierarchical Triples I",
eprint arXiv:2405.12136
May 2024, DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2405.12136,
Kamiński, Tomek ; Schmidt, Mirek R. ; Djupvik, Anlaug Amanda ; Menten, Karl M. ; Kraus, Alex ; Iłkiewicz, Krystian ; Steinmetz, Thomas ; Mobeen, Muhammad Zain ; Szczerba, Ryszard ;
"A radical transition in the post-main-sequence system U Equulei",
Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 682, id.A133, 22 pp,
February 2024, DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/202347770,
Aydi, E. ; Chomiuk, L. ; Strader, J. ; Sokolovsky, K. V. ; Williams, R. E. ; Buckley, D. A. H. ; Ederoclite, A. ; Izzo, L. ; Kyer, R. ; Linford, J. D. ; Kniazev, A. ; Metzger, B. D. ; Mikołajewska, J. ; Molaro, P. ; Molina, I. ; Mukai, K. ; Munari, U. ; Orio, M. ; Panurach, T. ; Shappee, B. J. ; Shen, K. J. ; Sokoloski, J. L. ; Urquhart, R. ; Walter, F. M. ;
"Revisiting the classics: on the evolutionary origin of the 'Fe II' and 'He/N' spectral classes of novae", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 527, Issue 3, pp.9303-9321,
January 2024, DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stad3342,
PhD dissertations:
T. Saha "Morphology of Circumnuclear Accreting Gas in Active Galactic
A. Moharaana "Comprehensive study of low-mass Compact Hierarchical Triples using Eclipsing Binaries"
Coe, M. J. ; Kennea, J. A. ; Monageng, I. M. ; Buckley, D. A. H. ; Udalski, A. ; Evans, P. A. ;
"A rare outburst from the stealthy BeXRB system Swift J0549.7-6812",
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 524, Issue 3, pp.3263-3269,
September 2023,
Aydi, E. ; Chomiuk, L. ; Mikołajewska, J. ; Brink, J. ; Metzger, B. D. ; Strader, J. ; Buckley, D. A. H. ; Harvey, E. J. ; Holoien, T. W. -S. ; Izzo, L. ; Kawash, A. ; Linford, J. D. ; Molaro, P. ; Molina, I. ; Mróz, P. ; Mukai, K. ; Orio, M. ; Panurach, T. ; Senchyna, P. ; Shappee, B. J. ; Shen, K. J. ; Sokoloski, J. L. ; Sokolovsky, K. V. ; Urquhart, R. ; Williams, R. E. ;
"Catching a nova X-ray/UV flash in the visible? Early spectroscopy of the very slow Nova Velorum 2022 (Gaia22alz)",
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 524, Issue 2, pp.1946-1964,
September 2023,
Hosseinzadeh, Griffin ; Sand, David J. ; Sarbadhicary, Sumit K. ; Ryder, Stuart D. ; Jha, Saurabh W. ; Dong, Yize ; Bostroem, K. Azalee ; Andrews, Jennifer E. ; Hoang, Emily ; Janzen, Daryl ; Jencson, Jacob E. ; Lundquist, Michael ; Meza Retamal, Nicolas E. ; Pearson, Jeniveve ; Shrestha, Manisha ; Valenti, Stefano ; Wyatt, Samuel ; Farah, Joseph ; Howell, D. Andrew ; McCully, Curtis ; Newsome, Megan ; Padilla Gonzalez, Estefania ; Pellegrino, Craig ; Terreran, Giacomo ; Alzaabi, Muzoun ; Green, Elizabeth M. ; Gurney, Jessica L. ; Milne, Peter A. ; Ridenhour, Kaycee I. ; Smith, Nathan ; Robles, Paulina Soto ; Kwok, Lindsey A. ; Schwab, Michaela ; Gromadzki, Mariusz ; Buckley, David A. H. ; Itagaki, Koichi ; Hiramatsu, Daichi ; Chomiuk, Laura ; Lundqvist, Peter ; Haislip, Joshua ; Kouprianov, Vladimir ; Reichart, Daniel E. ;
"The Early Light Curve of SN 2023bee: Constraining Type Ia Supernova Progenitors the Apian Way",
The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 953, Issue 1, id.L15, 12 pp.,
August 2023,
Aharonian, F. ; Benkhali, F. Ait ; Aschersleben, J. ; Ashkar, H. ; Backes, M. ; Martins, V. Barbosa ; Barnard, J. ; Batzofin, R. ; Becherini, Y. ; Berge, D. ; Bernlöhr, K. ; Bi, B. ; de Bony de Lavergne, M. ; Böttcher, M. ; Boisson, C. ; Bolmont, J. ; Borowska, J. ; Bouyahiaoui, M. ; Bradascio, F. ; Breuhaus, M. ; Brose, R. ; Brown, A. M. ; Brun, F. ; Bruno, B. ; Bulik, T. ; Burger-Scheidlin, C. ; Caroff, S. ; Casanova, S. ; Cecil, R. ; Celic, J. ; Cerruti, M. ; Chand, T. ; Chandra, S. ; Chen, A. ; Chibueze, J. ; Chibueze, O. ; Cotter, G. ; Damascene Mbarubucyeye, J. ; Davids, I. D. ; Djannati-Ataï, A. ; Dmytriiev, A. ; Doroshenko, V. ; Egberts, K. ; Einecke, S. ; Ernenwein, J. -P. ; Fegan, S. ; Fontaine, G. ; Füßling, M. ; Funk, S. ; Gabici, S. ; Ghafourizadeh, S. ; Giavitto, G. ; Glawion, D. ; Glicenstein, J. F. ; Goswami, P. ; Grolleron, G. ; Haerer, L. ; Hofmann, W. ; Holch, T. L. ; Holler, M. ; Horns, D. ; Jamrozy, M. ; Jankowsky, F. ; Joshi, V. ; Jung-Richardt, I. ; Kasai, E. ; Katarzyński, K. ; Khatoon, R. ; Khélifi, B. ; Kluźniak, W. ; Komin, Nu. ; Kosack, K. ; Kostunin, D. ; Lang, R. G. ; Le Stum, S. ; Leitl, F. ; Lemière, A. ; Lenain, J. -P. ; Leuschner, F. ; Luashvili, A. ; Mackey, J. ; Marandon, V. ; Marchegiani, P. ; Martí-Devesa, G. ; Marx, R. ; Mehta, A. ; Meyer, M. ; Mitchell, A. ; Moderski, R. ; Mohrmann, L. ; Montanari, A. ; Moulin, E. ; de Naurois, M. ; Niemiec, J. ; Priyana Noel, A. ; O'Brien, P. ; Ohm, S. ; Olivera-Nieto, L. ; de Ona Wilhelmi, E. ; Ostrowski, M. ; Panny, S. ; Panter, M. ; Peron, G. ; Prokhorov, D. A. ; Pühlhofer, G. ; Punch, M. ; Quirrenbach, A. ; Reichherzer, P. ; Reimer, A. ; Reimer, O. ; Ren, H. ; Rieger, F. ; Rowell, G. ; Rudak, B. ; Ricarte, H. Rueda ; Ruiz-Velasco, E. ; Sahakian, V. ; Salzmann, H. ; Sanchez, D. A. ; Santangelo, A. ; Sasaki, M. ; Schüssler, F. ; Schutte, H. M. ; Schwanke, U. ; Shapopi, J. N. S. ; Sol, H. ; Specovius, A. ; Spencer, S. ; Stawarz, Ł. ; Steenkamp, R. ; Steinmassl, S. ; Steppa, C. ; Sushch, I. ; Suzuki, H. ; Takahashi, T. ; Tanaka, T. ; Terrier, R. ; Tsuji, N. ; van Eldik, C. ; van Soelen, B. ; Vecchi, M. ; Veh, J. ; Vink, J. ; Wach, T. ; Wagner, S. J. ; Wierzcholska, A. ; Zacharias, M. ; Zargaryan, D. ; Zdziarski, A. A. ; Zech, A. ; Zouari, S. ; Żywucka, N. ; Buckley, D. A. H. ; Cooper, J. ; Groenewald, D. ; H. E. S. S. Collaboration ;
"The Vanishing of the Primary Emission Region in PKS 1510-089",
The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 952, Issue 2, id.L38, 15 pp.,
August 2023,
Monier, Richard ; Niemczura, E. ; Kurtz, D. W. ; Rappaport, S. ; Bowman, D. M. ; Murphy, Simon J. ; Lebreton, Yveline ; Stuik, Remko ; Deal, Morgan ; Merle, Thibault ; Kılıçoğlu, T. ; Gebran, M. ; Le Ster, Ewen ;
"The Surface Composition of Six Newly Discovered Chemically Peculiar Stars. Comparison to the HgMn Stars mu Lep and beta Scl and the Superficially Normal B Star nu Cap",
The Astronomical Journal, Volume 166, Issue 2, id.54, 19 pp., August 2023,
Kamiński, Tomek ; Schmidt, Mirek ; Hajduk, Marcin ; Kiljan, Aleksandra ; Izviekova, Inna ; Frankowski, Adam ;
"Lithium in red novae and their remnants",
Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 672, id.A196, 12 pp., April 2023,
Chen, Ping ; Dong, Subo ; Ashall, Chris ; Benetti, S. ; Bersier, D. ; Bose, S. ; Brimacombe, Joseph ; Brink, Thomas G. ; Buckley, David A. H. ; Cappellaro, Enrico ; Christie, Grant W. ; Elias-Rosa, N. ; Filippenko, Alexei V. ; Gromadzki, Mariusz ; Holoien, Thomas W. -S. ; Hu, Shaoming ; Kochanek, C. S. ; Koff, Robert ; Kollmeier, Juna A. ; Lundqvist, P. ; Mattila, S. ; Milne, Peter A. ; Muñoz, J. A. ; Mutel, Robert ; Natusch, Tim ; Nicolas, Joel ; Pastorello, A. ; Prentice, Simon ; Prieto, J. L. ; Roth, Tyler ; Shappee, B. J. ; Stone, Geoffrey ; Stanek, K. Z. ; Stritzinger, M. D. ; Thompson, Todd A. ; Tomasella, Lina ; Villanueva, Steven ;
"A Linear Relation between the Color Stretch s BV and the Rising Color Slope {s}_{0}({*) }(B-V) of Type Ia Supernovae",
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 946, Issue 2, id.101, 7 pp., April 2023,
Homan, D. ; Krumpe, M. ; Markowitz, A. ; Saha, T. ; Gokus, A. ; Partington, E. ; Lamer, G. ; Malyali, A. ; Liu, Z. ; Rau, A. ; Grotova, I. ; Cackett, E. M. ; Buckley, D. A. H. ; Ciroi, S. ; Di Mille, F. ; Gendreau, K. ; Gromadzki, M. ; Krishnan, S. ; Schramm, M. ; Steiner, J. F. ;
"Discovery of the luminous X-ray ignition eRASSt J234402.9−352640. I. Tidal disruption event or a rapid increase in accretion in an active galactic nucleus?",
Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 672, id.A167, 25 pp., April 2023,
Greiner, J. ; Maitra, C. ; Haberl, F. ; Willer, R. ; Burgess, J. M. ; Langer, N. ; Bodensteiner, J. ; Buckley, D. A. H. ; Monageng, I. M. ; Udalski, A. ; Ritter, H. ; Werner, K. ; Maggi, P. ; Jayaraman, R. ; Vanderspek, R. ;
"A helium-burning white dwarf binary as a supersoft X-ray source",
Nature, Volume 615, Issue 7953, p.605-609, March 2023,
Haberl, F. ; Maitra, C. ; Kaltenbrunner, D. ; Buckley, D. A. H. ; Monageng, I. M. ; Udalski, A. ; Doroshenko, V. ; Ducci, L. ; Kreykenbohm, I. ; Maggi, P. ; Rau, A. ; Vasilopoulos, G. ; Weber, P. ; Wilms, J. ;
"SRG/eROSITA-triggered XMM-Newton observations of three Be/X-ray binaries in the LMC: Discovery of X-ray pulsations",
Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 671, id.A90, 13 pp., March 2023,
Liu, Z. ; Malyali, A. ; Krumpe, M. ; Homan, D. ; Goodwin, A. J. ; Grotova, I. ; Kawka, A. ; Rau, A. ; Merloni, A. ; Anderson, G. E. ; Miller-Jones, J. C. A. ; Markowitz, A. G. ; Ciroi, S. ; Di Mille, F. ; Schramm, M. ; Tang, S. ; Buckley, D. A. H. ; Gromadzki, M. ; Jin, C. ; Buchner, J. ;
"Deciphering the extreme X-ray variability of the nuclear transient eRASSt J045650.3−203750. A likely repeating partial tidal disruption event",
Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 669, id.A75, 26 pp., January 2023,
Maitra, C. ; Kaltenbrunner, D. ; Haberl, F. ; Buckley, D. A. H. ; Monageng, I. M. ; Udalski, A. ; Carpano, S. ; Coley, J. B. ; Doroshenko, V. ; Ducci, L. ; Malacaria, C. ; König, O. ; Santangelo, A. ; Vasilopoulos, G. ; Wilms, J. ;
"Broadband study and the discovery of pulsations from the Be/X-ray binary eRASSU J052914.9−662446 in the Large Magellanic Cloud",
Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 669, id.A30, 11 pp., January 2023,
O'Connor, B. ; Göğüş, E. ; Hare, J. ; Mukai, K. ; Huppenkothen, D. ; Brink, J. ; Buckley, D. A. H. ; Levan, A. ; Baring, M. G. ; Stewart, R. ; Kouveliotou, C. ; Woudt, P. ; Bellm, E. ; Cenko, S. B. ; Evans, P. A. ; Granot, J. ; Hailey, C. ; Harrison, F. ; Hartmann, D. ; van der Horst, A. J. ; Kaper, L. ; Kennea, J. A. ; Potter, S. B. ; Slane, P. O. ; Stern, D. ; Wijers, R. A. M. J. ; Younes, G. ;
"Swift Deep Galactic Plane Survey classification of Swift J170800-402551.8 as a candidate intermediate polar cataclysmic variable",
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 525, Issue 4, pp.5015-5024,
November 2023,
Zajaček, Michal ; Panda, Swayamtrupta ; Pandey, Ashwani ; Prince, Raj ; Rodríguez-Ardila, Alberto ; Jaiswal, Vikram ; Czerny, Bożena ; Hryniewicz, Krzysztof ; Urbanowicz, Maciej ; Trzcionkowski, Piotr ; Śniegowska, Marzena ; Fałkowska, Zuzanna ; Martínez-Aldama, Mary Loli ; Werner, Norbert ;
"UV Fe II emission model and its relation to broad-line time delays for HE 0413-4031 observed in the optical and IR bands",
eprint arXiv:2310.03544, October 2023,
Kołaczek-Szymański, Piotr Antoni ; Łojko, Piotr ; Pigulski, Andrzej ; Różański, Tomasz ; Moździerski, Dawid ;
"Exploring extreme brightness variations in blue supergiant MACHO 80.7443.1718: Evidence for companion-driven enhanced mass loss",
eprint arXiv:2309.16532, September 2023,
Saha, T. ; Markowitz, A. ; Homan, D. ; Krumpe, M. ; Haemmerich, S. ; Czerny, B. ; Graham, M. ; Frederick, S. ; Gromadzki, M. ; Gezari, S. ; Winkler, H. ; Buckley, D. A. H. ; Brink, J. ; Naddaf, M. H. ; Rau, A. ; Wilms, J. ; Gokus, A. ; Liu, Z. ; Grotova, I. ;
"Multiwavelength study of extreme variability in LEDA 1154204: A changing-look event in a type 1.9 Seyfert",
eprint arXiv:2309.08956, September 2023,
Pelisoli, Ingrid ; Marsh, T. R. ; Buckley, David A. H. ; Heywood, I. ; Potter, Stephen. B. ; Schwope, Axel ; Brink, Jaco ; Standke, Annie ; Woudt, P. A. ; Parsons, S. G. ; Green, M. J. ; Kepler, S. O. ; Munday, James ; Romero, A. D. ; Breedt, E. ; Brown, A. J. ; Dhillon, V. S. ; Dyer, M. J. ; Kerry, P. ; Littlefair, S. P. ; Sahman, D. I. ; Wild, J. F. ;
"A 5.3-min-period pulsing white dwarf in a binary detected from radio to X-rays",
Nature Astronomy, Volume 7, p. 931-942, August 2023,
Kurpas, J. ; Schwope, A. D. ; Pires, A. M. ; Haberl, F. ; Buckley, D. A. H.
"Discovery of two promising isolated neutron star candidates in the SRG/eROSITA All-Sky Survey"
Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 674, id.A155, 10 pp., June 2023,
Prince, Raj ; Zajaček, Michal ; Panda, S. ; Hryniewicz, K. ; Jaiswal, V. K. ; Czerny, Bożena ; Trzcionkowski, P. ; Bronikowski, M. ; Rałowski, M. ; Figaredo, C. S. ; Martinez-Aldama, M. L. ; Śniegowska, M. ; Średzińska, J. ; Bilicki, M. ; Naddaf, M-H ; Pandey, A. ; Haas, M. ; Sarna, M. J. ; Pietrzyński, G. ; Karas, V. ; Olejak, A. ; Przyłuski, R. ; Sefako, R. R. ; Genade, A. ; Worters, H. L. ; Kozłowski, S. ; Udalski, A.
"Wavelength-resolved reverberation mapping of intermediate redshift quasars HE 0413-4031 and HE 0435-4312: Dissecting Mg II, optical Fe II, and UV Fe II emission regions"
eprint arXiv:2304.13763, April 2023,
Driessen, Laura Nicole ; Barr, Ewan ; Buckley, David ; Caleb, Manisha ; Chen, Hao ; Chen, Weiwei ; Gromadzki, Mariusz ; Jankowski, Fabian ; Kraan-Korteweg, Renee ; Kramer, Michael ; Palmerio, Jesse ; Rajwade, Kaustubh ; Stappers, Ben ; Tremou, Evangelia ; Vergani, Susanna ; Woudt, Patrick ; Christiaan Bezuidenhout, Mechiel ; Malenta, Mateusz ; Morello, Vincent ; Sanidas, Sotiris ; Surnis, Mayuresh ; Fender, Rob
"FRB 20210405I: the first Fast Radio Burst sub-arcsecond localised with MeerKAT"
eprint arXiv:2302.09787, February 2023,
Pearson, Jeniveve ; Sand, David J. ; Lundqvist, Peter ; Galbany, Lluís ; Andrews, Jennifer E. ; Bostroem, K. Azalee ; Dong, Yize ; Hoang, Emily ; Hosseinzadeh, Griffin ; Janzen, Daryl ; Jencson, Jacob E. ; Lundquist, Michael J. ; Mehta, Darshana ; Meza Retamal, Nicolás ; Shrestha, Manisha ; Valenti, Stefano ; Wyatt, Samuel ; Anderson, Joseph P. ; Ashall, Chris ; Auchettl, Katie ; Baron, Eddie ; Blondin, Stéphane ; Burns, Christopher R. ; Cai, Yongzhi ; Chen, Ting-Wan ; Chomiuk, Laura ; Coulter, David A. ; Cross, Dane ; Davis, Kyle W. ; de Jaeger, Thomas ; DerKacy, James M. ; Desai, Dhvanil D. ; Dimitriadis, Georgios ; Do, Aaron ; Farah, Joseph R. ; Foley, Ryan J. ; Gromadzki, Mariusz ; Gutiérrez, Claudia P. ; Haislip, Joshua ; González Hernández, Jonay I. ; Hinkle, Jason T. ; Hoogendam, Willem B. ; Howell, D. Andrew ; Hoeflich, Peter ; Hsiao, Eric ; Huber, Mark E. ; Jha, Saurabh W. ; Jiménez Palau, Cristina ; Kilpatrick, Charles D. ; Kouprianov, Vladimir ; Kumar, Sahana ; Kwok, Lindsey A. ; Larison, Conor ; LeBaron, Natalie ; Le Saux, Xavier ; Lu, Jing ; McCully, Curtis ; Mera Evans, Tycho ; Milne, Peter ; Modjaz, Maryam ; Morrell, Nidia ; Müller-Bravo, Tomás E. ; Newsome, Megan ; Nicholl, Matt ; Padilla Gonzalez, Estefania ; Payne, Anna V. ; Pellegrino, Craig ; Phan, Kim ; Pineda-García, Jonathan ; Piro, Anthony L. ; Piscarreta, Lara ; Polin, Abigail ; Reichart, Daniel E. ; Rojas-Bravo, César ; Ryder, Stuart D. ; Salmaso, Irene ; Schwab, Michaela ; Shahbandeh, Melissa ; Shappee, Benjamin J. ; Siebert, Matthew R. ; Smith, Nathan ; Strader, Jay ; Taggart, Kirsty ; Terreran, Giacomo ; Tinyanont, Samaporn ; Tucker, M. A. ; Valerin, Giorgio ; Young, D. R.
"Strong Carbon Features and a Red Early Color in the Underluminous Type Ia SN 2022xkq"
eprint arXiv:2309.10054, September 2023,
Aydi, E. ; Buckley, D. A. H. ; Orio, M. ; Mikolajewska, J. ; Chomiuk, L. ; Strader, J. ; Sokolovksy, K. V.
"SALT spectroscopic classification of TCP J16272388-4601564 as a Galactic classical nova"
The Astronomer's Telegram, No. 16111, July 2023,
Gromadzki, M. ; Buckley, D. ; Nicholl, M.
"SALT Transient Classification Report for 2023-08-09"
Transient Name Server Classification Report, No. 2023-1907, August 2023,
Oates, S. R. ; Kuin, N. P. M. ; Nicholl, M. ; Marshall, F. ; Ridley, E. ; Boutsia, K. ; Breeveld, A. A. ; Buckley, D. A. H. ; Cenko, S. B. ; De Pasquale, M. ; Edwards, P. G. ; Gromadzki, M. ; Gupta, R. ; Laha, S. ; Morrell, N. ; Orio, M. ; Pandey, S. B. ; Page, M. J. ; Page, K. L. ; Parsotan, T. ; Rau, A. ; Schady, P. ; Stevens, J. ; Brown, P. J. ; Evans, P. A. ; Gronwall, C. ; Kennea, J. A. ; Klingler, N. J. ; Siegel, M. H. ; Tohuvavohu, A. ; Ambrosi, E. ; Barthelmy, S. D. ; Beardmore, A. P. ; Bernardini, M. G. ; Bonnerot, C. ; Campana, S. ; Caputo, R. ; Ciroi, S. ; Cusumano, G. ; D'Ai, A. ; D'Avanzo, P. ; D'Elia, V. ; Giommi, P. ; Hartmann, D. H. ; Krimm, H. A. ; Malesani, D. B. ; Melandri, A. ; Nousek, J. A. ; O'Brien, P. T. ; Osborne, J. P. ; Pagani, C. ; Palmer, D. M. ; Perri, M. ; Racusin, J. L. ; Sakamoto, T. ; Sbarufatti, B. ; Schlieder, J. E. ; Tagliaferri, G. ; Troja, E. ; Xu, D.
"Swift/UVOT discovery of Swift J221951-484240: a UV luminous ambiguous nuclear transient"
eprint arXiv:2307.01044, July 2023,
Siwak, Michał ; Hillenbrand, Lynne A. ; Kóspál, Ágnes ; Ábrahám, Péter ; Giannini, Teresa ; De, Kishalay ; Moór, Attila ; Szilágyi, Máté ; Janík, Jan ; Koen, Chris ; Park, Sunkyung ; Nagy, Zsófia ; Cruz-Sáenz de Miera, Fernando ; Fiorellino, Eleonora ; Marton, Gábor ; Kun, Mária ; Lucas, Philip W. ; Udalski, Andrzej ; Szabó, Zsófia Marianna
"Gaia21bty: An EXor light curve exhibiting a FUor spectrum"
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 524, Issue 4, pp.5548-5565
October 2023,
Munday, James ; Tremblay, P. -E. ; Hermes, J. J. ; Barlow, Brad ; Pelisoli, Ingrid ; Marsh, T. R. ; Parsons, Steven G. ; Jones, David ; Kepler, S. O. ; Brown, Alex ; Littlefair, S. P. ; Hegedus, R. ; Baran, Andrzej ; Breedt, Elmé ; Dhillon, V. S. ; Dyer, Martin J. ; Green, Matthew J. ; Kennedy, Mark R. ; Kerry, Paul ; Lopez, Isaac D. ; Romero, Alejandra D. ; Sahman, Dave ; Worters, Hannah L.
"An eclipsing 47 min double white dwarf binary at 400 pc"
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 525, Issue 2, pp.1814-1823
October 2023,
Mistry, Priyashkumar ; Pathak, Kamlesh ; Prasad, Aniket ; Lekkas, Georgios ; Bhattarai, Surendra ; Gharat, Sarvesh ; Maity, Mousam ; Kumar, Dhruv ; Collins, Karen A. ; Schwarz, Richard P. ; Mann, Christopher R. ; Furlan, Elise ; Howell, Steve B. ; Ciardi, David ; Bieryla, Allyson ; Matthews, Elisabeth C. ; Gonzales, Erica ; Ziegler, Carl ; Crossfield, Ian ; Giacalone, Steven ; Tan, Thiam-Guan ; Evans, Phil ; Hełminiak, Krzysztof G. ; Collins, Kevin I. ; Narita, Norio ; Fukui, Akihiko ; Pozuelos, Francisco J. ; Dressing, Courtney ; Soubkiou, Abderahmane ; Benkhaldoun, Zouhair ; Schlieder, Joshua E. ; Suarez, Olga ; Barkaoui, Khalid ; Palle, Enric ; Murgas, Felipe ; Srdoc, Gregor ; Goliguzova, Maria V. ; Strakhov, Ivan A. ; Gnilka, Crystal ; Lester, Kathryn ; Littlefield, Colin ; Scott, Nic ; Matson, Rachel ; Gillon, Michaël ; Jehin, Emmanuel ; Timmermans, Mathilde ; Ghachoui, Mourad ; Abe, Lyu ; Bendjoya, Philippe ; Guillot, Tristan ; Triaud, Amaury H. M. J.
"VaTEST. II. Statistical Validation of 11 TESS-detected Exoplanets Orbiting K-type Stars"
The Astronomical Journal, Volume 166, Issue 1, id.9, 21 pp., July 2023,
Sahoo, S. K. ; Baran, A. S. ; Worters, H. L. ; Németh, P. ; Kilkenny, D.
"A search for variable subdwarf B stars in TESS Full Frame Images III. An update on variable targets in both ecliptic hemispheres - contamination analysis and new sdB pulsators"
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 519, Issue 2, pp.2486-2499
February 2023,
Baran, A. S. ; Van Grootel, V. ; Østensen, R. H. ; Worters, H. L. ; Sahoo, S. K. ; Sanjayan, S. ; Charpinet, S. ; Nemeth, P. ; Telting, J. H. ; Kilkenny, D.
"Short-period pulsating hot-subdwarf stars observed by TESS. I. Southern ecliptic hemisphere"
Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 669, id.A48, 18 pp., January 2023,
Buckley, D. A. H. ; Aydi, E. ; Groot, P. ; Erasmus, N. ; Johnston, C. ; Vreeswijk, P. M. ; Mikolajewska, O. Mogawana J. ; Orio, M. ;
"SALT high resolution spectroscopy and MeerLICHT photometry of the LMC transient ASASSN-23ii (AT 2023ygp)", The Astronomer's Telegram, No. 16369, December 2023,
Aydi, E. ; Buckley, D. A. H. ; Orio, M. ; Mikolajewska, J. ; Chomiuk, L. ; Strader, J. ; Sokolovksy, K. V. ;
"SALT spectroscopic classification of TCP J16272388-4601564 as a Galactic classical nova",
The Astronomer's Telegram, No. 16111, July 2023,
Sokolovsky, Kirill ; Aydi, Elias ; Chomiuk, Laura ; Strader, Jay ; Sokoloski, Jennifer ; Linford, Justin ; Mukai, Koji ; Buckley, D. A. H. ; Mikolajewska, J. ; Orio, M. ; Stanek, Krzysztof ; Kochanek, Christopher ; Hambsch, Franz-Josef ; Odeh, Mohammad ; Pearce, Andrew ; Romanov, Filipp ; Sharp, Ian ; Verveer, Arie ; Young, Brad ;
"NuSTAR hard X-ray detection and optical observations of Nova Scorpii 2023",
The Astronomer's Telegram, No. 16018, April 2023,
Malyali, A. ; Rau, A. ; Bonnerot, C. ; Goodwin, A. J. ; Liu, Z. ; Anderson, G. E. ; Brink, J. ; Buckley, D. A. H. ; Merloni, A. ; Miller-Jones, J. C. A. ; Grotova, I. ; Kawka, A. ;
"Transient fading X-ray emission detected during the optical rise of a tidal disruption event", eprint arXiv:2309.16336, September 2023,
Michał Radziwonowicz from Astronomical Observatory of Warsaw University in his
BSc thesis “Studying variability of the symbiotic star LMC S147” (supervisor
Krystian Iłkiewicz; defended on 28 September 2023)
Chojnowski, S. Drew ; Hubrig, Swetlana ; Labadie-Bartz, Jonathan ; Rivinius, Thomas ; Schöller, Markus ; Niemczura, Ewa ; Nidever, David L. ; Stutz, Amelia M. ; Hummel, C. A. ;
"Trumpler 16-26: a new centrifugal magnetosphere star discovered via SDSS/APOGEE H-band spectroscopy",
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 516, Issue 2, pp.2812-2823, October 2022,
Coe, M. J. ; Monageng, I. M. ; Kennea, J. A. ; Buckley, D. A. H. ; Evans, P. A. ; Udalski, A. ; Groot, Paul ; Bloemen, Steven ; Vreeswijk, Paul ; McBride, Vanessa ; Klein-Wolt, Marc ; Woudt, Patrick ; Körding, Elmar ; Le Poole, Rudolf ; Pieterse, Danielle ;
"SXP 15.6 - an accreting pulsar close to spin equilibrium?",
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 513, Issue 4, pp.5567-5574, July 2022,
Dong, Yize ; Valenti, Stefano ; Polin, Abigail ; Boyle, Aoife ; Flörs, Andreas ; Vogl, Christian ; Kerzendorf, Wolfgang E. ; Sand, David J. ; Jha, Saurabh W. ; Wyrzykowski, Łukasz ; Bostroem, K. Azalee ; Pearson, Jeniveve ; McCully, Curtis ; Andrews, Jennifer E. ; Benetti, Stefano ; Blondin, Stéphane ; Galbany, L. ; Gromadzki, Mariusz ; Hosseinzadeh, Griffin ; Howell, D. Andrew ; Inserra, Cosimo ; Jencson, Jacob E. ; Lundquist, Michael ; Lyman, J. D. ; Magee, Mark ; Maguire, Kate ; Meza, Nicolas ; Srivastav, Shubham ; Taubenberger, Stefan ; Terwel, J. H. ; Wyatt, Samuel ; Young, D. R. ;
"SN 2016dsg: A Thermonuclear Explosion Involving a Thick Helium Shell",
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 934, Issue 2, id.102, 13 pp., August 2022,
Doroshenko, V. ; Staubert, R. ; Maitra, C. ; Rau, A. ; Haberl, F. ; Santangelo, A. ; Schwope, A. ; Wilms, J. ; Buckley, D. A. H. ; Semena, A. ; Mereminskiy, I. ; Lutovinov, A. ; Gromadzki, M. ; Townsend, L. J. ; Monageng, I. M. ;
"SRGA J124404.1-632232/SRGU J124403.8-632231: New X-ray pulsar discovered in the all-sky survey by the SRG",
Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 661, id.A21, 7 pp., May 2022,
Gałan, C. ; Mikołajewska, J. ; Iłkiewicz, K. ; Monard, B. ; Żywica, S. T. ; Zamanov, R. K. ;
"The symbiotic binary St 2-22: Orbital and stellar parameters and jet evolution following its 2019 outburst",
Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 657, id.A137, 12 pp., January 2022,
Haberl, F. ; Maitra, C. ; Vasilopoulos, G. ; Maggi, P. ; Udalski, A. ; Monageng, I. M. ; Buckley, D. A. H. ;
"Three new high-mass X-ray binaries in the Large Magellanic Cloud",
Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 662, id.A22, 14 pp., June 2022,
Han, Cheongho ; Udalski, Andrzej ; Lee, Chung-Uk ; Kim, Doeon ; Zhu, Wei ; Albrow, Michael D. ; Chung, Sun-Ju ; Gould, Andrew ; Hwang, Kyu-Ha ; Jung, Youn Kil ; Kim, Hyoun-Woo ; Ryu, Yoon-Hyun ; Shin, In-Gu ; Shvartzvald, Yossi ; Yee, Jennifer C. ; Zang, Weicheng ; Cha, Sang-Mok ; Kim, Dong-Jin ; Kim, Seung-Lee ; Lee, Dong-Joo ; Lee, Yongseok ; Park, Byeong-Gon ; Pogge, Richard W. ; Kim, Chun-Hwey ; Kim, Woong-Tae ; Mróz, Przemek ; Szymański, Michał K. ; Skowron, Jan ; Poleski, Radosław ; Soszyński, Igor ; Pietrukowicz, Paweł ; Kozłowski, Szymon ; Rybicki, Krzysztof A. ; Iwanek, Patryk ; Ulaczyk, Krzysztof ; Wrona, Marcin ; Gromadzki, Mariusz ; Buckley, David ; Dong, Subo ; Luo, Ali ;
"OGLE-2019-BLG-0468Lb,c: Two microlensing giant planets around a G-type star",
Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 658, id.A93, 10 pp., February 2022,
Hosseinzadeh, Griffin ; Kilpatrick, Charles D. ; Dong, Yize ; Sand, David J. ; Andrews, Jennifer E. ; Bostroem, K. Azalee ; Janzen, Daryl ; Jencson, Jacob E. ; Lundquist, Michael ; Meza Retamal, Nicolas E. ; Pearson, Jeniveve ; Valenti, Stefano ; Wyatt, Samuel ; Burke, Jamison ; Hiramatsu, Daichi ; Howell, D. Andrew ; McCully, Curtis ; Newsome, Megan ; Gonzalez, Estefania Padilla ; Pellegrino, Craig ; Terreran, Giacomo ; Auchettl, Katie ; Davis, Kyle W. ; Foley, Ryan J. ; Miao, Hao-Yu ; Pan, Yen-Chen ; Rest, Armin ; Siebert, Matthew R. ; Taggart, Kirsty ; Tucker, Brad E. ; Cyrus Leung, Feng Lin ; Swift, Jonathan J. ; Yang, Grace ; Anderson, Joseph P. ; Ashall, Chris ; Benetti, Stefano ; Brown, Peter J. ; Cartier, Régis ; Chen, Ting-Wan ; Della Valle, Massimo ; Galbany, Lluís ; Gomez, Sebastian ; Gromadzki, Mariusz ; Haislip, Joshua ; Hsiao, Eric Y. ; Inserra, Cosimo ; Jha, Saurabh W. ; Killestein, Thomas L. ; Kouprianov, Vladimir ; Kozyreva, Alexandra ; Müller-Bravo, Tomás E. ; Nicholl, Matt ; Paraskeva, Emmy ; Reichart, Daniel E. ; Ryder, Stuart ; Shahbandeh, Melissa ; Shappee, Ben ; Smith, Nathan ; Young, David R. ;
"Weak Mass Loss from the Red Supergiant Progenitor of the Type II SN 2021yja",
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 935, Issue 1, id.31, 24 pp., August 2022,
Hryniewicz, Krzysztof ; Bankowicz, Małgorzata ; Małek, Katarzyna ; Herzig, Aleksander ; Pollo, Agnieszka ;
"AGN in the ULIRG HE 0435−5304",
Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 660, id.A90, 19 pp., April 2022,
DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/202140925
Merle, Thibault ; Hamers, Adrian S. ; Van Eck, Sophie ; Jorissen, Alain ; Van der Swaelmen, Mathieu ; Pollard, Karen ; Smiljanic, Rodolfo ; Pourbaix, Dimitri ; Zwitter, Tomaž ; Traven, Gregor ; Gilmore, Gerry ; Randich, Sofia ; Gonneau, Anaïs ; Hourihane, Anna ; Sacco, Germano ; Worley, C. Clare ;
"A spectroscopic quadruple as a possible progenitor of sub-Chandrasekhar type Ia supernovae",
Nature Astronomy, Volume 6, p. 681-688, May 2022,
Modiano, David ; Wijnands, Rudy ; Buckley, David A. H. ; Gromadzki, Mariusz ; Verberne, Sill ; van Etten, Marieke ;
"TUVO-21acq: A new cataclysmic variable discovered through a UV outburst",
Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 664, id.A165, 10 pp., August 2022,
Monageng, I. M. ; Coe, M. J. ; Townsend, L. J. ; Laycock, S. G. T. ; Kennea, J. A. ; Roy, A. ; Udalski, A. ; Bhattacharya, S. ; Christodoulou, D. M. ; Buckley, D. A. H. ; Evans, P. A. ;
"Disentangling the neighbouring pulsars SXP 15.3 and SXP 305",
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 511, Issue 4, pp.6075-6086, April 2022,
DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stac106
Pennock, Clara M. ; van Loon, Jacco Th ; Anih, Joy O. ; Maitra, Chandreyee ; Haberl, Frank ; Sansom, Anne E. ; Ivanov, Valentin D. ; Cowley, Michael J. ; Afonso, José ; Antón, Sonia ; Cioni, Maria-Rosa L. ; Craig, Jessica E. M. ; Filipović, Miroslav D. ; Hopkins, Andrew M. ; Nanni, Ambra ; Prandoni, Isabella ; Vardoulaki, Eleni ;
"The VMC survey - XLIX. Discovery of a population of quasars dominated by nuclear dust emission behind the Magellanic Clouds",
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 515, Issue 4, pp.6046-6065, October 2022,
Salganik, Alexander ; Tsygankov, Sergey S. ; Djupvik, Anlaug A. ; Karasev, Dmitri I. ; Lutovinov, Alexander A. ; Buckley, David A. H. ; Gromadzki, Mariusz ; Poutanen, Juri ;
"On the nature of the X-ray pulsar XTE J1859+083 and its broad-band properties",
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 509, Issue 4, pp.5955-5963, February 2022,
Schwope, Axel ; Buckley, David A. H. ; Malyali, Adam ; Potter, Stephen ; König, Ole ; Arcodia, Riccardo ; Gromadzki, Mariusz ; Rau, Arne ;
"Discovery of eRASSt J192932.9-560346: A bright, two-pole accreting, eclipsing polar",
Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 661, id.A43, 5 pp., May 2022,
Thomas, Jessymol K. ; Buckley, David A. H. ; Charles, Philip A. ; Paice, John A. ; Potter, Stephen B. ; Steiner, James F. ; Lasota, Jean-Pierre ; Gandhi, P. ; Tao, Lian ; Ma, Xiang ; Yang, Yi-Jung ; Tuo, Youli ; Zhang, Shuang-Nan ;
"Synchronous X-ray/optical quasi-periodic oscillations from the black hole LMXB MAXI J1820+070",
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, Volume 513, Issue 1, pp.L35-L39, June 2022,
Thomas, Jessymol K. ; Charles, Philip A. ; Buckley, David A. H. ; Kotze, Marissa M. ; Lasota, Jean-Pierre ; Potter, Stephen B. ; Steiner, James F. ; Paice, John A. ;
"Large optical modulations during 2018 outburst of MAXI J1820 + 070 reveal evolution of warped accretion disc through X-ray state change",
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 509, Issue 1, pp.1062-1074, January 2022,
Aydi, E. ; Sokolovsky, K. V. ; Bright, J. S. ; Tremou, E. ; Nyamai, M. M. ; Evans, A. ; Strader, J. ; Chomiuk, L. ; Myers, G. ; Hambsch, F. -J. ; Page, K. L. ; Buckley, D. A. H. ; Woodward, C. E. ; Walter, F. M. ; Mróz, P. ; Vallely, P. J. ; Geballe, T. R. ; Banerjee, D. P. K. ; Gehrz, R. D. ; Fender, R. P. ; Gromadzki, M. ; Kawash, A. ; Knigge, C. ; Mukai, K. ; Munari, U. ; Orio, M. ; Ribeiro, V. A. R. M. ; Sokoloski, J. L. ; Starrfield, S. ; Udalski, A. ; Woudt, P. A. ;
"The 2019 Outburst of the 2005 Classical Nova V1047 Cen: A Record Breaking Dwarf Nova Outburst or a New Phenomenon?",
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 939, Issue 1, id.6, 27 pp., November 2022
Prince, Raj ; Zajaček, Michal ; Czerny, Bożena ; Trzcionkowski, Piotr ; Bronikowski, Mateusz ; Sobrino Figaredo, Catalina ; Panda, Swayamtrupta ; Martinez-Aldama, Mary Loli ; Hryniewicz, Krzysztof ; Kumar Jaiswal, Vikram ; Śniegowska, Marzena ; Naddaf, Mohammad-Hassan ; Bilicki, Maciej ; Haas, Martin ; Jacek Sarna, Marek ; Karas, Vladimir ; Olejak, Aleksandra ; Przyłuski, Robert ; Rałowski, Mateusz ; Udalski, Andrzej ; Sefako, Ramotholo R. ; Genade, Anja ; Worters, Hannah L. ;
"Wavelength-resolved reverberation mapping of quasar CTS C30.10: Dissecting Mg II and Fe II emission regions",
Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 667, id.A42, 20 pp., November 2022,
Gilmore, G. ; Randich, S. ; Worley, C. C. ; Hourihane, A. ; Gonneau, A. ; Sacco, G. G. ; Lewis, J. R. ; Magrini, L. ; François, P. ; Jeffries, R. D. ; Koposov, S. E. ; Bragaglia, A. ; Alfaro, E. J. ; Allende Prieto, C. ; Blomme, R. ; Korn, A. J. ; Lanzafame, A. C. ; Pancino, E. ; Recio-Blanco, A. ; Smiljanic, R. ; Van Eck, S. ; Zwitter, T. ; Bensby, T. ; Flaccomio, E. ; Irwin, M. J. ; Franciosini, E. ; Morbidelli, L. ; Damiani, F. ; Bonito, R. ; Friel, E. D. ; Vink, J. S. ; Prisinzano, L. ; Abbas, U. ; Hatzidimitriou, D. ; Held, E. V. ; Jordi, C. ; Paunzen, E. ; Spagna, A. ; Jackson, R. J. ; Maíz Apellániz, J. ; Asplund, M. ; Bonifacio, P. ; Feltzing, S. ; Binney, J. ; Drew, J. ; Ferguson, A. M. N. ; Micela, G. ; Negueruela, I. ; Prusti, T. ; Rix, H. -W. ; Vallenari, A. ; Bergemann, M. ; Casey, A. R. ; de Laverny, P. ; Frasca, A. ; Hill, V. ; Lind, K. ; Sbordone, L. ; Sousa, S. G. ; Adibekyan, V. ; Caffau, E. ; Daflon, S. ; Feuillet, D. K. ; Gebran, M. ; Gonzalez Hernandez, J. I. ; Guiglion, G. ; Herrero, A. ; Lobel, A. ; Merle, T. ; Mikolaitis, Š. ; Montes, D. ; Morel, T. ; Ruchti, G. ; Soubiran, C. ; Tabernero, H. M. ; Tautvaišienė, G. ; Traven, G. ; Valentini, M. ; Van der Swaelmen, M. ; Villanova, S. ; Viscasillas Vázquez, C. ; Bayo, A. ; Biazzo, K. ; Carraro, G. ; Edvardsson, B. ; Heiter, U. ; Jofré, P. ; Marconi, G. ; Martayan, C. ; Masseron, T. ; Monaco, L. ; Walton, N. A. ; Zaggia, S. ; Aguirre Børsen-Koch, V. ; Alves, J. ; Balaguer-Nunez, L. ; Barklem, P. S. ; Barrado, D. ; Bellazzini, M. ; Berlanas, S. R. ; Binks, A. S. ; Bressan, A. ; Capuzzo-Dolcetta, R. ; Casagrande, L. ; Casamiquela, L. ; Collins, R. S. ; D'Orazi, V. ; Dantas, M. L. L. ; Debattista, V. P. ; Delgado-Mena, E. ; Di Marcantonio, P. ; Drazdauskas, A. ; Evans, N. W. ; Famaey, B. ; Franchini, M. ; Frémat, Y. ; Fu, X. ; Geisler, D. ; Gerhard, O. ; González Solares, E. A. ; Grebel, E. K. ; Gutiérrez Albarrán, M. L. ; Jiménez-Esteban, F. ; Jönsson, H. ; Khachaturyants, T. ; Kordopatis, G. ; Kos, J. ; Lagarde, N. ; Ludwig, H. -G. ; Mahy, L. ; Mapelli, M. ; Marfil, E. ; Martell, S. L. ; Messina, S. ; Miglio, A. ; Minchev, I. ; Moitinho, A. ; Montalban, J. ; Monteiro, M. J. P. F. G. ; Morossi, C. ; Mowlavi, N. ; Mucciarelli, A. ; Murphy, D. N. A. ; Nardetto, N. ; Ortolani, S. ; Paletou, F. ; Palouš, J. ; Pickering, J. C. ; Quirrenbach, A. ; Re Fiorentin, P. ; Read, J. I. ; Romano, D. ; Ryde, N. ; Sanna, N. ; Santos, W. ; Seabroke, G. M. ; Spina, L. ; Steinmetz, M. ; Stonkuté, E. ; Sutorius, E. ; Thévenin, F. ; Tosi, M. ; Tsantaki, M. ; Wright, N. ; Wyse, R. F. G. ; Zoccali, M. ; Zorec, J. ; Zucker, D. B. ;
"The Gaia-ESO Public Spectroscopic Survey: Motivation, implementation, GIRAFFE data processing, analysis, and final data products",
Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 666, id.A120, 36 pp.,
Dobie, D. ; Stewart, A. ; Hotokezaka, K. ; Murphy, Tara ; Kaplan, D. L. ; Buckley, D. A. H. ; Cooke, J. ; Ho, A. Y. Q. ; Lenc, E. ; Leung, J. K. ; Gromadzki, M. ; O'Brien, A. ; Pintaldi, S. ; Pritchard, J. ; Wang, Y. ; Wang, Z. ;
"A comprehensive search for the radio counterpart of GW190814 with the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder",
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 510, Issue 3, pp.3794-3805, March 2022,
Chen, Ping ; Dong, Subo ; Kochanek, C. S. ; Stanek, K. Z. ; Post, R. S. ; Stritzinger, M. D. ; Prieto, J. L. ; Filippenko, Alexei V. ; Kollmeier, Juna A. ; Elias-Rosa, N. ; Katz, Boaz ; Tomasella, Lina ; Bose, S. ; Ashall, Chris ; Benetti, S. ; Bersier, D. ; Brimacombe, Joseph ; Brink, Thomas G. ; Brown, P. ; Buckley, David A. H. ; Cappellaro, Enrico ; Christie, Grant W. ; Fraser, Morgan ; Gromadzki, Mariusz ; Holoien, Thomas W. -S. ; Hu, Shaoming ; Kankare, Erkki ; Koff, Robert ; Lundqvist, P. ; Mattila, S. ; Milne, P. A. ; Morrell, Nidia ; Muñoz, J. A. ; Mutel, Robert ; Natusch, Tim ; Nicolas, Joel ; Pastorello, A. ; Prentice, Simon ; Roth, Tyler ; Shappee, B. J. ; Stone, Geoffrey ; Thompson, Todd A. ; Villanueva, Steven ; Zheng, WeiKang ;
"The First Data Release of CNIa0.02-A Complete Nearby (Redshift ≤0.02) Sample of Type Ia Supernova Light Curves",
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, Volume 259, Issue 2, id.53, 27 pp., April 2022
Kuang, Renkun ; Zang, Weicheng ; Jung, Youn Kil ; Udalski, Andrzej ; Yang, Hongjing ; Mao, Shude ; Albrow, Michael D. ; Chung, Sun-Ju ; Gould, Andrew ; Han, Cheongho ; Hwang, Kyu-Ha ; Ryu, Yoon-Hyun ; Shin, In-Gu ; Shvartzvald, Yossi ; Yee, Jennifer C. ; Cha, Sang-Mok ; Kim, Dong-Jin ; Kim, Hyoun-Woo ; Kim, Seung-Lee ; Lee, Chung-Uk ; Lee, Dong-Joo ; Lee, Yongseok ; Park, Byeong-Gon ; Pogge, Richard W. ; Mróz, Przemek ; Skowron, Jan ; Poleski, Radoslaw ; Szymański, Michał K. ; Soszyński, Igor ; Pietrukowicz, Paweł ; Kozłowski, Szymon ; Ulaczyk, Krzysztof ; Rybicki, Krzysztof A. ; Iwanek, Patryk ; Wrona, Marcin ; Gromadzki, Mariusz ; Wang, Hanyue ; Huang, Shuo ; Zhu, Wei ;
"OGLE-2019-BLG-1470LABc: Another microlensing giant planet in a binary system?",
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 516, Issue 2, pp.1704-1720, October 2022,
Bao, Dong-Wei ; Brotherton, Michael S. ; Du, Pu ; McLane, Jacob N. ; Zastrocky, T. E. ; Olson, Kianna A. ; Fang, Feng-Na ; Zhai, Shuo ; Huang, Zheng-Peng ; Wang, Kai ; Zhao, Bi-Xuan ; Li, Sha-Sha ; Yang, Sen ; Chen, Yong-Jie ; Liu, Jun-Rong ; Yao, Zhu-Heng ; Peng, Yue-Chang ; Guo, Wei-Jian ; Songsheng, Yu-Yang ; Li, Yan-Rong ; Jiang, Bo-Wei ; Kasper, David H. ; Chick, William T. ; Nguyen, My L. ; Maithil, Jaya ; Kobulnicky, H. A. ; Dale, D. A. ; Hand, Derek ; Adelman, C. ; Carter, Z. ; Murphree, A. M. ; Oeur, M. ; Schonsberg, S. ; Roth, T. ; Winkler, Hartmut ; Marziani, Paola ; D'Onofrio, Mauro ; Hu, Chen ; Xiao, Ming ; Xue, Suijian ; Czerny, Bożena ; Aceituno, Jesús ; Ho, Luis C. ; Bai, Jin-Ming ; Wang, Jian-Min ; MAHA Collaboration ;
"Monitoring AGNs with Hβ Asymmetry. III. Long-term Reverberation Mapping Results of 15 Palomar-Green Quasars",
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, Volume 262, Issue 1, id.14, 31 pp., September 2022,
Loukaidou, G. A. ; Gazeas, K. D. ; Palafouta, S. ; Athanasopoulos, D. ; Zola, S. ; Liakos, A. ; Niarchos, P. G. ; Hakala, P. ; Essam, A. ; Hatzidimitriou, D. ;
"CoBiToM Project - II. Evolution of contact binary systems close to the orbital period cut-off",
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 514, Issue 4, pp.5528-5547, August 2022,
Reddy, Vishnu ; Kelley, Michael S. ; Dotson, Jessie ; Farnocchia, Davide ; Erasmus, Nicolas ; Polishook, David ; Masiero, Joseph ; Benner, Lance A. M. ; Bauer, James ; Alarcon, Miguel R. ; Balam, David ; Bamberger, Daniel ; Bell, David ; Barnardi, Fabrizio ; Bressi, Terry H. ; Brozovic, Marina ; Brucker, Melissa J. ; Buzzi, Luca ; Cano, Juan ; Cantillo, David ; Cennamo, Ramona ; Chastel, Serge ; Chingis, Omarov ; Choi, Young-Jun ; Christensen, Eric ; Denneau, Larry ; Dróżdż, Marek ; Elenin, Leonid ; Erece, Orhan ; Faggioli, Laura ; Falco, Carmelo ; Glamazda, Dmitry ; Graziani, Filippo ; Heinze, Aren N. ; Holman, Matthew J. ; Ivanov, Alexander ; Jacques, Cristovao ; Janse van Rensburg, Petro ; Kaiser, Galina ; Kamiński, Krzysztof ; Kamińska, Monika K. ; Kaplan, Murat ; Kim, Dong-Heun ; Kim, Myung-Jin ; Kiss, Csaba ; Kokina, Tatiana ; Kuznetsov, Eduard ; Larsen, Jeffrey A. ; Lee, Hee-Jae ; Lees, Robert C. ; de León, Julia ; Licandro, Javier ; Mainzer, Amy ; Marciniak, Anna ; Marsset, Michael ; Mastaler, Ron A. ; Mathias, Donovan L. ; McMillan, Robert S. ; Medeiros, Hissa ; Micheli, Marco ; Mokhnatkin, Artem ; Moon, Hong-Kyu ; Morate, David ; Naidu, Shantanu P. ; Nastasi, Alessandro ; Novichonok, Artem ; Ogłoza, Waldemar ; Pál, András ; Pérez-Toledo, Fabricio ; Perminov, Alexander ; Petrescu, Elisabeta ; Popescu, Marcel ; Read, Mike T. ; Reichart, Daniel E. ; Reva, Inna ; Roh, Dong-Goo ; Rumpf, Clemens ; Satpathy, Akash ; Schmalz, Sergei ; Scotti, James V. ; Serebryanskiy, Aleksander ; Serra-Ricart, Miquel ; Sonbas, Eda ; Szakáts, Robert ; Taylor, Patrick A. ; Tonry, John L. ; Tubbiolo, Andrew F. ; Veres, Peter ; Wainscoat, Richard ; Warner, Elizabeth ; Weiland, Henry J. ; Wells, Guy ; Weryk, Robert ; Wheeler, Lorien F. ; Wiebe, Yulia ; Yim, Hong-Suh ; Żejmo, Michał ; Zhornichenko, Anastasiya ; Zoła, Stanisław ; Michel, Patrick ; "Apophis Planetary Defense Campaign", The Planetary Science Journal, Volume 3, Issue 5, id.123, 16 pp., May 2022
Wrona, Marcin ; Kołaczek-Szymański, Piotr A. ; Ratajczak, Milena ; Kozłowski, Szymon ;
"Photometric Analysis of the OGLE Heartbeat Stars",
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 928, Issue 2, id.135, 22 pp., April 2022,
Wielgórski, Piotr ; Pietrzyński, Grzegorz ; Pilecki, Bogumił ; Gieren, Wolfgang ; Zgirski, Bartłomiej ; Górski, Marek ; Hajdu, Gergely ; Narloch, Weronika ; Karczmarek, Paulina ; Smolec, Radosław ; Kervella, Pierre ; Storm, Jesper ; Gallenne, Alexandre ; Breuval, Louise ; Lewis, Megan ; Kałuszyński, Mikołaj ; Graczyk, Dariusz ; Pych, Wojciech ; Suchomska, Ksenia ; Taormina, Mónica ; Rojas Garcia, Gonzalo ; Kotek, Aleksandra ; Chini, Rolf ; Pozo Nũnez, Francisco ; Noroozi, Sadegh ; Sobrino Figaredo, Catalina ; Haas, Martin ; Hodapp, Klaus ; Mikołajczyk, Przemysław ; Kotysz, Krzysztof ; Moździerski, Dawid ; Kołaczek-Szymański, Piotr ;
"An Absolute Calibration of the Near-infrared Period-Luminosity Relations of Type II Cepheids in the Milky Way and in the Large Magellanic Cloud",
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 927, Issue 1, id.89, 23 pp., March 2022,
Giacalone, Steven ; Dressing, Courtney D. ; Hedges, Christina ; Kostov, Veselin B. ; Collins, Karen A. ; Jensen, Eric L. N. ; Yahalomi, Daniel A. ; Bieryla, Allyson ; Ciardi, David R. ; Howell, Steve B. ; Lillo-Box, Jorge ; Barkaoui, Khalid ; Winters, Jennifer G. ; Matthews, Elisabeth ; Livingston, John H. ; Quinn, Samuel N. ; Safonov, Boris S. ; Cadieux, Charles ; Furlan, E. ; Crossfield, Ian J. M. ; Mandell, Avi M. ; Gilbert, Emily A. ; Kruse, Ethan ; Quintana, Elisa V. ; Ricker, George R. ; Seager, S. ; Winn, Joshua N. ; Jenkins, Jon M. ; Duffy Adkins, Britt ; Baker, David ; Barclay, Thomas ; Barrado, David ; Batalha, Natalie M. ; Belinski, Alexander A. ; Benkhaldoun, Zouhair ; Buchhave, Lars A. ; Cacciapuoti, Luca ; Charbonneau, David ; Chontos, Ashley ; Christiansen, Jessie L. ; Cloutier, Ryan ; Collins, Kevin I. ; Conti, Dennis M. ; Cutting, Neil ; Dixon, Scott ; Doyon, René ; Mufti, Mohammed El ; Esparza-Borges, Emma ; Essack, Zahra ; Fukui, Akihiko ; Gan, Tianjun ; Gary, Kaz ; Ghachoui, Mourad ; Gillon, Michaël ; Girardin, Eric ; Glidden, Ana ; Gonzales, Erica J. ; Guerra, Pere ; Horch, Elliott P. ; Hełminiak, Krzysztof G. ; Howard, Andrew W. ; Huber, Daniel ; Irwin, Jonathan M. ; Isopi, Giovanni ; Jehin, Emmanuël ; Kagetani, Taiki ; Kane, Stephen R. ; Kawauchi, Kiyoe ; Kielkopf, John F. ; Lewin, Pablo ; Luker, Lindy ; Lund, Michael B. ; Mallia, Franco ; Mao, Shude ; Massey, Bob ; Matson, Rachel A. ; Mireles, Ismael ; Mori, Mayuko ; Murgas, Felipe ; Narita, Norio ; O'Dwyer, Tanner ; Petigura, Erik A. ; Polanski, Alex S. ; Pozuelos, Francisco J. ; Palle, Enric ; Parviainen, Hannu ; Plavchan, Peter P. ; Relles, Howard M. ; Robertson, Paul ; Rose, Mark E. ; Rowden, Pamela ; Roy, Arpita ; Savel, Arjun B. ; Schlieder, Joshua E. ; Schnaible, Chloe ; Schwarz, Richard P. ; Sefako, Ramatholo ; Selezneva, Aleksandra ; Skinner, Brett ; Stockdale, Chris ; Strakhov, Ivan A. ; Tan, Thiam-Guan ; Torres, Guillermo ; Tronsgaard, René ; Twicken, Joseph D. ; Vermilion, David ; Waite, Ian A. ; Walter, Bradley ; Wang, Gavin ; Ziegler, Carl ; Zou, Yujie ;
"Validation of 13 Hot and Potentially Terrestrial TESS Planets",
The Astronomical Journal, Volume 163, Issue 2, id.99, 32 pp., February 2022,
Liu, Zhu ; Malyali, A. ; Krumpe, M. ; Homan, D. ; Goodwin, A. J. ; Grotova, I. ; Kawka, A. ; Rau, A. ; Merloni, A. ; Anderson, G. E. ; Miller-Jones, J. C. A. ; Markowitz, A. G. ; Ciroi, S. ; Di Mille, F. ; Schramm, M. ; Tang, Shenli ; Buckley, D. A. H. ; Gromadzki, M. ; Jin, Chichuan ; Buchner, J. ;
"Deciphering the extreme X-ray variability of the nuclear transient eRASSt J045650.3-203750: A likely repeating partial tidal disruption event",
eprint arXiv:2208.12452, August 2022
Aydi, E. ; Strader, J. ; Chomiuk, L. ; Sokolovsky, K. V. ; Kawash, A. ; Brink, J. ; Buckley, D. A. H. ; Orio, M. ; Mikolajewska, J. ; Stanek, K. Z. ; Kochanek, C. S. ; Shappee, B. J. ;
"Spectroscopic follow up of the slowly rising, likely Galactic nova Gaia22alz (AT2022bpq)",
The Astronomer's Telegram, No. 15395, May 2022
Aydi, E. ; Sokolovsky, K. V. ; Strader, J. ; Chomiuk, L. ; Kawash, A. ; Brink, J. ; Buckley, D. A. H. ; Orio, M. ; Mikolajewska, J. ; Stanek, K. Z. ; Kochanek, C. S. ; Shappee, B. J. ;
"Intriguing developments in the slowly rising Galactic optical transient Gaia22alz (AT2022bpq)", The Astronomer's Telegram, No. 15355, April 2022
Brink, J. ; Aydi, E. ; Buckley, D. A. H. ; Chomiuk, L. ; Kawash, A. ; Orio, M. ; Mikolajewska, J. ; Sokolovsky, K. V. ; Strader, J. ; Stanek, K. Z. ; Kochanek, C. S. ; Smith, M. R. ; Shappee, B. J. ; "SALT spectroscopic follow up of the optical transient Gaia22alz (AT2022bpq)",
The Astronomer's Telegram, No. 15270, March 2022
Monier, Richard ; Niemczura, Ewa ;
"A newly discovered southern HgMn star: HD 4065A",
Research Notes of the AAS, Volume 6, Issue 5, id.99., May 2022
Maitra, C. ; Kaltenbrunner, D. ; Haberl, F. ; Buckley, D. A. H. ; Monageng, I. M. ; Udalski, A. ; Carpano, S. ; Coley, J. B. ; Doroshenko, V. ; Ducci, L. ; Malacaria, C. ; König, O. ; Santangelo, A. ; Vasilopoulos, G. ; Wilms, J. ;
"Broadband study and the discovery of pulsations from the Be/X-ray binary eRASSU J052914.9-662446 in the Large Magellanic Cloud",
eprint arXiv:2209.01664, September 2022
Zielinski, P. ; Gromadzki, M. ; Wyrzykowski, L. ; Buckley, D. ;
"SALT spectroscopic classification of Gaia22bpl/AT2022hsp as microlensing event",
The Astronomer's Telegram, No. 15648, October 2022
Gromadzki, M. ; Buckley, D. ; Zielinski, P. ; Mroz, P. ; Kruszynska, K. ; Wyrzykowski, L. ;
"SALT spectroscopic classification of six Gaia microlensing event candidates",
The Astronomer's Telegram, No. 15504, July 2022
Gromadzki, M. ; Wyrzykowski, L. ; Buckley, D. A. H. ;
"SALT spectroscopic classification of microlensing event candidate Gaia22bmp",
The Astronomer's Telegram, No. 15373, May 2022
Gromadzki, M. ; Wyrzykowski, L. ; Buckley, D. A. H. ;
"SALT spectroscopic classification of transient event Gaia22akz as Be-star",
The Astronomer's Telegram, No. 15372, May 2022
Gromadzki, M. ; Wyrzykowski, L. ; Buckley, D. A. H. ; Brink, J. ;
"SALT spectroscopic classification of transient event Gaia22axt located within the Trumpler 14 nebula as B-star",
The Astronomer's Telegram, No. 15324, April 2022
Gromadzki, M. ; Buckley, D. ; Wyrzykowski, L. ; Ihanec, N. ;
"SALT Transient Classification Report for 2022-01-25",
Transient Name Server Classification Report, No. 2022-203, January 2022
Gromadzki, M. ; Buckley, D. ; Wyrzykowski, L. ; Ihanec, N. ;
"SALT Spectroscopic classification of nuclear transient SN 2022zz (Gaia22`) as a Type Ia supernova",
Transient Name Server AstroNote 2022-22, January 2022
Merle, T. ; Hamers, A. S. ; Van Eck, S. ; Jorissen, A. ; Van der Swaelmen, M. ; Pollard, K. ; Smiljanic, R. ; Pourbaix, D. ; Zwitter, T. ; Traven, G. ; Gilmore, G. ; Randich, S. ; Gonneau, A. ; Hourihane, A. ; Sacco, G. ; Worley, C. C. ;
"HD 74438: a Young Spectroscopic Quadruple as a Possible Progenitor of Supernovae Ia",
The Messenger, vol. 188, p. 26-29, September 2022
Charles, P. ; Buckley, D. A. H. ; Kotze, E. ; Kotze, M. M. ; Thomas, J. K. ; Gandhi, P. ; Paice, J. A. ; Lasota, J. P. ; Matthews, J. H. ; Steiner, J. F. ;
"A decade of black hole X-ray binary transients",
High Energy Astrophysics in Southern Africa 2021, 13 - 17 September, 2021,
online, published May 30, 2022. Online at, id.24, May 2022
Harmanec, P. ; Zasche, P. ; Brož, M. ; Catalan-Hurtado, R. ; Barlow, B. N. ; Frondorf, W. ; Wolf, M. ; Drechsel, H. ; Chini, R. ; Nasseri, A. ; Pigulski, A. ; Labadie-Bartz, J. ; Christie, G. W. ; Walker, W. S. G. ; Blackford, M. ; Blane, D. ; Henden, A. A. ; Bohlsen, T. ; Božić, H. ; Jonák, J. ;
"Towards a consistent model of the hot quadruple system HD 93206 = QZ Carinae - I. Observations and their initial analyses",
eprint arXiv:2204.07045, April 2022
Czerny, Bozena ; Cao, Shulei ; Jaiswal, Vikram Kumar ; Karas, Vladimír ; Khadka, Narayan ; Martínez-Aldama, Mary Loli ; Naddaf, Mohammad Hassan ; Panda, Swayamtrupta ; Pozo Nuñez, Francisco ; Prince, Raj ; Ratra, Bharat ; Sniegowska, Marzena ; Yu, Zhefu ; Zajaček, Michal ;
"Accretion disks, quasars and cosmology: meandering towards understanding",
eprint arXiv:2209.06563, September 2022
Kamiński, Tomek ; Tylenda, Romuald ; Kiljan, Aleksandra ; Schmidt, Mirek ; Lisiecki, Krzysztof ; Melis, Carl ; Frankowski, Adam ; Joshi, Vishal ; Menten, Karl M. ;
“V838 Monocerotis as seen by ALMA: A remnant of a binary merger in a triple system”,
Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 655, id.A32, 20 pp., November 2021
Kennea, J. A. ; Coe, M. J. ; Evans, P. A. ; Townsend, L. J. ; Campbell, Z. A. ; Udalski, A. ;
"Swift J011511.0-725611: discovery of a rare Be star/white dwarf binary system in the SMC",
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 508, Issue 1,
pp.781-788, November 2021, doi:10.1093/mnras/stab2632
Khadka, Narayan ; Yu, Zhefu ; Zajaček, Michal ; Martinez-Aldama, Mary Loli ; Czerny, Bożena ; Ratra, Bharat ;
"Standardizing reverberation-measured Mg II time-lag quasars, by using the radius-luminosity relation, and constraining cosmological model parameters",
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, vol. 508, no. 4, pp. 4722–4737,
December 2021. doi:10.1093/mnras/stab2807.
Mikołajewska, J.; Iłkiewicz, K.; Gałan, C.; Monard, B.;
Otulakowska-Hypka, M.; Shara, M. M.; Udalski, A.;
"The symbiotic recurrent nova V3890 Sgr: binary parameters
and pre-outburst activity",
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 504, Issue 2,
pp.2122-2132, June 2021, doi:10.1093/mnras/stab1058.
Coe, M. J.; Kennea, J. A. ; Evans, P. A.; Townsend, L. J.; Udalski, A.; Monageng, I. M.; Buckley, D. A. H.; "The Be/neutron star system Swift J004929.5-733107 in the Small Magellanic Cloud-X-ray characteristics and optical counterpart candidates", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 504, Issue 1, pp.1398-1406, June 2021, doi:10.1093/mnras/stab972
Treiber, H.; Vasilopoulos, G.; Bailyn, C. D. ; Haberl, F.; Gendreau, K. C. ; Ray, P. S.; Maitra, C.; Maggi, P.; Jaisawal, G. K.; Udalski, A.; Wilms, J.; Monageng, I. M.; Buckley, D. A. H.; König, O. ; Carpano, S.; "RX J0529.8-6556: a BeXRB pulsar with an evolving optical period and out of phase X-ray outbursts", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 503, Issue 4, pp.6187-6201, June 2021, doi:10.1093/mnras/stab807
Wołowska, Aleksandra; Kunert-Bajraszewska, Magdalena; Mooley, Kunal P.; Siemiginowska, Aneta; Kharb, Preeti; Ishwara-Chandra, C. H.; Hallinan, Gregg; Gromadzki, Mariusz; Kozieł-Wierzbowska, Dorota; "Caltech-NRAO Stripe 82 Survey (CNSS). V. AGNs That Transitioned to Radio-loud State", The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 914, Issue 1, id.22, 26 pp., June 2021,
Kankare, E.; Efstathiou, A.; Kotak, R.; Kool, E. C.; Kangas, T.; O'Neill, D.; Mattila, S.; Vaisanen, P.; Ramphul, R.; Mogotsi, M.; Ryder, S. D.; Parker, S.; Reynolds, T.; Fraser, M.; Pastorello, A.; Cappellaro, E.; Mazzali, P. A.; Ochner, P.; Tomasella, L.; Turatto, M. Kotilainen, J.; Kuncarayakti, H.; Perez-Torres, M. A.; Randriamanakoto, Z.; Romero-Canizales, C.; Berton, M.; Cartier, R.; Chen, T. -W.; Galbany, L.; Gromadzki, M.; Inserra, C.; Maguire, K.; Moran, S.; Muller-Bravo, T. E.; Nicholl, M.; Reguitti, A.; Young, D. R., „Core-collapse supernova subtypes in luminous infrared galaxies”, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 649, id.A134, 25 pp., May 2021, doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202039240
Zajaček, Michal; Czerny, Bożena; Martinez-Aldama, Mary Loli; Rałowski, Mateusz; Olejak, Aleksandra; Przyłuski, Robert; Panda, Swayamtrupta; Hryniewicz, Krzysztof; Śniegowska, Marzena; Naddaf, Mohammad-Hassan; Prince, Raj; Pych, Wojtek; Pietrzyński, Grzegorz; Sobrino Figaredo, Catalina; Haas, Martin; Średzińska, Justyna; Krupa, Magdalena; Kurcz, Agnieszka; Udalski, Andrzej; Karas, VladimírSarna, Marek; Worters, Hannah L.; Sefako, Ramotholo R.; Genade, Anja; "Time Delay of Mg II Emission Response for the Luminous Quasar HE 0435-4312: toward Application of the High-accretor Radius-Luminosity Relation in Cosmology", The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 912, Issue 1, id.10, 25 pp., May 2021, doi:10.3847/1538-4357/abe9b2
Shin, In-Gu ; Yee, Jennifer C. ; Hwang, Kyu-Ha ; Udalski, Andrzej ; Gould, Andrew ; Gould, Andrew ; Albrow, Michael D. ; Chung, Sun-Ju ; Han, Cheongho ; Jung, Youn Kil ; Kim, Hyoun-Woo ; Ryu, Yoon-Hyun ; Shvartzvald, Yossi ; Zang, Weicheng ; Cha, Sang-Mok ; Kim, Dong-Jin ; Kim, Seung-Lee ; Lee, Chung-Uk ; Lee, Dong-Joo ; Lee, Yongseok Park, Byeong-Gon ; Pogge, Richard W. ; Pogge, Richard W. ; Mróz, Przemek ; Szymański, Michał K. ; Skowron, Jan ; Poleski, Radek ; Soszyński, Igor ; Pietrukowicz, Paweł ; Kozłowski, Szymon ; Ulaczyk, Krzysztof ; Rybicki, Krzysztof A. ; Iwanek, Patryk ; Wrona, Marcin ; Gromadzki, Mariusz ; Gromadzki, Mariusz ;
“Using Source Proper Motion to Validate Terrestrial Parallax: OGLE-2019-BLG-1058”,
The Astronomical Journal, Volume 162, Issue 6, id.267, 14 pp., December 2021,
doi: 10.3847/1538-3881/ac2ba5
Salganik, Alexander ; Tsygankov, Sergey S. ; Djupvik, Anlaug A. ; Karasev, Dmitri I. ; Lutovinov, Alexander A. ; Buckley, David A. H. ; Gromadzki, Mariusz ; Poutanen, Juri
“On the nature of the X-ray pulsar XTE J1859+083 and its broadband properties”,
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Advance Access
November 2021, doi: 10.1093/mnras/stab3362
Yee, Jennifer C. ; Zang, Weicheng ; Udalski, Andrzej ; Ryu, Yoon-Hyun ; Green, Jonathan ; Hennerley, Steve ; Marmont, Andrew ; Sumi, Takahiro ; Mao, Shude ; Gromadzki, Mariusz ; Mróz, Przemek ; Skowron, Jan ; Poleski, Radoslaw ; Szymański, Michał K. ; Soszyński, Igor ; Pietrukowicz, Paweł ; Kozłowski, Szymon ; Ulaczyk, Krzysztof ; Rybicki, Krzysztof A. ; Iwanek, Patryk Wrona, Marcin ; Albrow, Michael D. ; Chung, Sun-Ju ; Gould, Andrew ; Han, Cheongho ; Hwang, Kyu-Ha ; Jung, Youn Kil ; Kim, Hyoun-Woo ; Shin, In-Gu ; Shvartzvald, Yossi ; Cha, Sang-Mok ; Kim, Dong-Jin ; Kim, Seung-Lee ; Lee, Chung-Uk ; Lee, Dong-Joo ; Lee, Yongseok ; Park, Byeong-Gon ; Pogge, Richard W. ; Bachelet, Etienne ; Christie, Grant ; Hundertmark, Markus P. G. ; Maoz, Dan ; McCormick, Jennie ; Natusch, Tim ; Penny, Matthew T. ; Street, Rachel A. ; Tsapras, Yiannis ; Beichman, Charles A. ; Bryden, Geoffery ; Novati, Sebastiano Calchi ; Carey, Sean ; Gaudi, B. Scott ; Henderson, Calen B. ; Johnson, Samson ; Zhu, Wei ; Bond, Ian A. ; Abe, Fumio ; Barry, Richard ; Bennett, David P. ; Bhattacharya, Aparna ; Donachie, Martin ; Fujii, Hirosane ; Fukui, Akihiko ; Hirao, Yuki ; Silva, Stela Ishitani ; Itow, Yoshitaka ; Kirikawa, Rintaro ; Kondo, Iona ; Koshimoto, Naoki ; Alex Li, Man Cheung ; Matsubara, Yutaka ; Muraki, Yasushi ; Miyazaki, Shota ; Olmschenk, Greg ; Ranc, Clément ; Rattenbury, Nicholas J. ; Satoh, Yuki ; Shoji, Hikaru ; Suzuki, Daisuke ; Tanaka, Yuzuru ; Tristram, Paul J. ; Yamawaki, Tsubasa ; Yonehara, Atsunori ; MOA Collaboration ;
"OGLE-2019-BLG-0960 Lb: the Smallest Microlensing Planet",
The Astronomical Journal, Volume 162, Issue 5, id.180, 22 pp., November 2021,
Zang, Weicheng ; Hwang, Kyu-Ha ; Udalski, Andrzej ; Wang, Tianshu ; Zhu, Wei ; Sumi, Takahiro ; Yee, Jennifer C. ; Gould, Andrew ; Mao, Shude ; Zhang, Xiangyu ; Albrow, Michael D. ; Chung, Sun-Ju ; Han, Cheongho ; Jung, Youn Kil ; Ryu, Yoon-Hyun ; Shin, In-Gu ; Shvartzvald, Yossi ; Cha, Sang-Mok ; Kim, Dong-Jin ; Kim, Hyoun-Woo Kim, Seung-Lee ; Lee, Chung-Uk ; Lee, Dong-Joo ; Lee, Yongseok ; Park, Byeong-Gon ; Pogge, Richard W. ; Mróz, Przemek ; Skowron, Jan ; Poleski, Radoslaw ; Szymański, Michał K. ; Soszyński, Igor ; Pietrukowicz, Paweł ; Kozłowski, Szymon ; Ulaczyk, Krzysztof ; Rybicki, Krzysztof A. ; Iwanek, Patryk ; Wrona, Marcin ; Gromadzki, Mariusz ; Bond, Ian A. ; Abe, Fumio ; Barry, Richard ; Bennett, David P. ; Bhattacharya, Aparna ; Donachie, Martin ; Fujii, Hirosane ; Fukui, Akihiko ; Hirao, Yuki ; Itow, Yoshitaka ; Kirikawa, Rintaro ; Kondo, Iona ; Koshimoto, Naoki ; Li, Man Cheung Alex ; Matsubara, Yutaka ; Muraki, Yasushi ; Miyazaki, Shota ; Olmschenk, Greg ; Ranc, Clément ; Rattenbury, Nicholas J. ; Satoh, Yuki ; Shoji, Hikaru ; Ishitani Silva, Stela ; Suzuki, Daisuke ; Tanaka, Yuzuru ; Tristram, Paul J. ; Yamawaki, Tsubasa ; Yonehara, Atsunori ; Beichman, Charles A. ; Bryden, Geoffery ; Calchi Novati, Sebastiano ; Carey, Sean ; Gaudi, B. Scott ; Henderson, Calen B. ; Johnson, Samson ; Spitzer Team ;
"Systematic KMTNet Planetary Anomaly Search. I. OGLE-2019-BLG-1053Lb, a Buried Terrestrial Planet",
The Astronomical Journal, Volume 162, Issue 4, id.163, 18 pp., October 2021,
Medler, K. ; Mazzali, P. A. ; Teffs, J. ; Prentice, S. J. ; Ashall, C. ; Amenouche, M. ; Anderson, J. P. ; Burke, J. ; Chen, T. W. ; Galbany, L. ; Gromadzki, M. ; Gutiérrez, C. P. ; Hiramatsu, D. ; Howell, D. A. ; Inserra, C. ; Kankare, E. ; McCully, C. ; Müller-Bravo, T. E. ; Nicholl, M. ; Pellegrino, C. Sollerman, J. ;
"SN 2020cpg: an energetic link between Type IIb and Ib supernovae",
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 506, Issue 2,
pp.1832-1849, September 2021,
Holdsworth, D. L. ; Cunha, M. S. ; Kurtz, D. W. ; Antoci, V. ; Hey, D. R. ; Bowman, D. M. ; Kobzar, O. ; Buzasi, D. L. ; Kochukhov, O. ; Niemczura, E. ; Ozuyar, D. ; Shi, F. ; Szabó, R. ; Samadi-Ghadim, A. ; Bognár, Zs ; Fox-Machado, L. ; Khalack, V. ; Lares-Martiz, M. ; Lovekin, C. C. ; Mikołajczyk, P. Mkrtichian, D. ; Pascual-Granado, J. ; Paunzen, E. ; Richey-Yowell, T. ; Sódor, Á. ; Sikora, J. ; Yang, T. Z. ; Brunsden, E. ; David-Uraz, A. ; Derekas, A. ; García Hernández, A. ; Guzik, J. A. ; Hatamkhani, N. ; Handberg, R. ; Lambert, T. S. ; Lampens, P. ; Murphy, S. J. ; Monier, R. ; Pollard, K. R. ; Quitral-Manosalva, P. ; Ramón-Ballesta, A. ; Smalley, B. ; Stateva, I. ; Vanderspek, R. ;
"TESS cycle 1 observations of roAp stars with 2-min cadence data",
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 506, Issue 1,
pp.1073-1110, September 2021, doi:10.1093/mnras/stab1578
Sowicka, Paulina ; Handler, Gerald ; Jones, David ; van Wyk, Francois ;
"The Missing Link? Discovery of Pulsations in the Nitrogen-rich PG 1159 Star PG 1144+005",
The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 918, Issue 1, id.L1, 5 pp.,
September 2021,
Kondo, Iona ; Yee, Jennifer C. ; Bennett, David P. ; Sumi, Takahiro ; Koshimoto, Naoki ; Bond, Ian A. ; Gould, Andrew ; Udalski, Andrzej ; Shvartzvald, Yossi ; Jung, Youn Kil ; Zang, Weicheng ; Bozza, Valerio ; Bachelet, Etienne ; Hundertmark, Markus P. G. ; Rattenbury, Nicholas J. ; Abe, F. ; Barry, R. ; Bhattacharya, A. ; Donachie, M. ; Fukui, A. Fujii, H. ; Hirao, Y. ; Silva, S. Ishitani ; Itow, Y. ; Kirikawa, R. ; Li, M. C. A. ; Matsubara, Y. ; Miyazaki, S. ; Muraki, Y. ; Olmschenk, G. ; Ranc, C. ; Satoh, Y. ; Shoji, H. ; Suzuki, D. ; Tanaka, Y. ; Tristram, P. J. ; Yamawaki, T. ; Yonehara, A. ; Mróz, P. ; Poleski, R. ; Skowron, J. ; Szymański, M. K. ; Soszyński, I. ; Kozłowski, S. ; Pietrukowicz, P. ; Ulaczyk, K. ; Rybicki, K. A. ; Iwanek, P. ; Wrona, M. ; Albrow, M. D. ; Chung, S. -J. ; Han, C. ; Hwang, K. -H. ; Kim, H. -W. ; Shin, I. -G. ; Cha, S. -M. ; Kim, D. -J. ; Kim, S. -L. ; Lee, C. -U. ; Lee, D. -J. ; Lee, Y. ; Park, B. -G. ; Pogge, R. W. ; Ryu, Y. -H. ; Beichman, C. A. ; Bryden, G. ; Novati, S. Calchi ; Carey, S. ; Gaudi, B. S. ; Henderson, C. B. ; Zhu, W. ; Maoz, D. ; Penny, M. T. ; Dominik, M. ; Jørgensen, U. G. ; Longa-Peña, P. ; Peixinho, N. ; Sajadian, S. ; Skottfelt, J. ; Snodgrass, C. ; Tregloan-Reed, J. ; Burgdorf, M. J. ; Campbell-White, J. ; Dib, S. ; Fujii, Y. I. ; Hinse, T. C. ; Khalouei, E. ; Rahvar, S. ; Rabus, M. ; Southworth, J. ; Tsapras, Y. ; Street, R. A. ; Bramich, D. M. ; Cassan, A. ; Horne, K. ; Wambsganss, J. ; Mao, S. ; Saha, A. ; ROME/REA Project Team;
"OGLE-2018-BLG-1185b: A Low-mass Microlensing Planet Orbiting a Low-mass Dwarf",
The Astronomical Journal, Volume 162, Issue 2, id.77, 18 pp.,
August 2021,
Bychkov, V. D. ; Bychkova, L. V. ; Madej, J. ;
"Catalog of averaged magnetic phase curves of stars. Second edition",
Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 652, id.A31, 5 pp., August 2021,
Bowman, D. M. ; Hermans, J. ; Daszyńska-Daszkiewicz, J. ; Holdsworth, D. L. ; Tkachenko, A. ; Murphy, S. J. ; Smalley, B. ; Kurtz, D. W. ;
"KIC 5950759: a high-amplitude δ Sct star with amplitude and frequency modulation near the terminal age main sequence",
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 504, Issue 3,
pp.4039-4053, July 2021,
Kim, Yun Hak ; Chung, Sun-Ju ; Yee, Jennifer C. ; Udalski, A. ; Bond, Ian A. ; Jung, Youn Kil ; Gould, Andrew ; Albrow, Michael D. ; Han, Cheongho ; Hwang, Kyu-Ha ; Ryu, Yoon-Hyun ; Shin, In-Gu ; Shvartzvald, Yossi ; Zang, Weicheng ; Cha, Sang-Mok ; Kim, Dong-Jin ; Kim, Hyoun-Woo ; Kim, Seung-Lee ; Lee, Chung-Uk ; Lee, Dong-Joo Lee, Yongseok ; Park, Byeong-Gon ; Pogge, Richard W. ; KMTNet Collaboration ; Poleski, Radek ; Mróz, Przemek ; Skowron, Jan ; Szymański, Michal K. ; Soszyński, Igor ; Pietrukowicz, Pawel ; Kozłowski, Szymon ; Ulaczyk, Krzysztof ; Rybicki, Krzysztof A. ; Iwanek, Patryk ; Wrona, Marcin ; Gromadzki, Mariusz ; OGLE Collaboration ; Abe, Fumio ; Barry, Richard ; Bennett, David P. ; Bhattacharya, Aparna ; Donachie, Martin ; Fujii, Hirosane ; Fukui, Akihiko ; Itow, Yoshitaka ; Hirao, Yuki ; Kirikawa, Rintaro ; Kondo, Iona ; Koshimoto, Naoki ; Matsubara, Yutaka ; Muraki, Yasushi ; Miyazaki, Shota ; Ranc, Clément ; Rattenbury, Nicholas J. ; Satoh, Yuki ; Shoji, Hikaru ; Sumi, Takahiro ; Suzuki, Daisuke ; Tristram, Paul J. ; Tanaka, Yuzuru ; Yamawaki, Tsubasa ; Yonehara, Atsunori ; MOA Collaboration ;
"KMT-2019-BLG-0371 and the Limits of Bayesian Analysis",
The Astronomical Journal, Volume 162, Issue 1, id.17, 12 pp., July 2021,
Cannizzaro, G. ; Wevers, T. ; Jonker, P. G. ; Pérez-Torres, M. A. ; Moldon, J. ; Mata-Sánchez, D. ; Leloudas, G. ; Pasham, D. R. ; Mattila, S. ; Arcavi, I. ; Decker French, K. ; Onori, F. ; Inserra, C. ; Nicholl, M. ; Gromadzki, M. ; Chen, T. -W. ; Müller-Bravo, T. E. ; Short, P. ; Anderson, J. P. ; Young, D. R. Gendreau, K. C. ; Arzoumanian, Z. ; Löwenstein, M. ; Remillard, R. ; Roy, R. ; Hiramatsu, D. ;
"Accretion disc cooling and narrow absorption lines in the tidal disruption event AT 2019dsg",
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 504, Issue 1,
pp.792-815, June 2021,
Jerzykiewicz, M. ; Pigulski, A. ; Michalska, G. ; Moździerski, D. ; Ratajczak, M. ; Handler, G. ; Moffat, A. F. J. ; Pablo, H. ; Popowicz, A. ; Wade, G. A. ; Zwintz, K. ;
"BRITE observations of ν Centauri and γ Lupi, the first non-eclipsing members of the new class of nascent binaries",
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 503, Issue 4,
pp.5554-5568, June 2021,
Jung, Youn Kil ; Han, Cheongho ; Udalski, Andrzej ; Gould, Andrew ; Yee, Jennifer C. ; Albrow, Michael D. ; Chung, Sun-Ju ; Hwang, Kyu-Ha ; Ryu, Yoon-Hyun ; Shin, In-Gu ; Shvartzvald, Yossi ; Zhu, Wei ; Zang, Weicheng ; Cha, Sang-Mok ; Kim, Dong-Jin ; Kim, Hyoun-Woo ; Kim, Seung-Lee ; Lee, Chung-Uk ; Lee, Dong-Joo ; Lee, Yongseok Park, Byeong-Gon ; Pogge, Richard W. ; KMTNet Collaboration ; Mróz, Przemek ; Szymański, Michał K. ; Skowron, Jan ; Poleski, Radek ; Soszyński, Igor ; Pietrukowicz, Paweł ; Kozłowski, Szymon ; Ulaczyk, Krzystof ; Rybicki, Krzysztof A. ; Iwanek, Patryk ; Wrona, Marcin ; OGLE Collaboration ;
"OGLE-2018-BLG-0567Lb and OGLE-2018-BLG-0962Lb: Two Microlensing Planets through the Planetary-caustic Channel",
The Astronomical Journal, Volume 161, Issue 6, id.293, 12 pp., June 2021,
Han, Cheongho ; Udalski, Andrzej ; Kim, Doeon ; Kil Jung, Youn ; Lee, Chung-Uk ; Bond, Ian A. ; Albrow, Michael D. ; Chung, Sun-Ju ; Gould, Andrew ; Hwang, Kyu-Ha ; Kim, Hyoun-Woo ; Ryu, Yoon-Hyun ; Shin, In-Gu ; Shvartzvald, Yossi ; Zang, Weicheng ; Yee, Jennifer C. ; Cha, Sang-Mok ; Kim, Dong-Jin ; Kim, Seung-Lee ; Lee, Dong-Joo Lee, Yongseok ; Park, Byeong-Gon ; Pogge, Richard W. ; Kim, Chun-Hwey ; Kim, Woong-Tae ; KMTNet Collaboration ; Mróz, Przemek ; Szymański, Michał K. ; Skowron, Jan ; Poleski, Radek ; Soszyński, Igor ; Pietrukowicz, Paweł ; Kozłowski, Szymon ; Ulaczyk, Krzysztof ; Rybicki, Krzysztof A. ; Iwanek, Patryk ; Wrona, Marcin ; Gromadzki, Mariusz ; OGLE Collaboration ; Abe, Fumio ; Barry, Richard ; Bennett, David P. ; Bhattacharya, Aparna ; Donachie, Martin ; Fujii, Hirosane ; Fukui, Akihiko ; Itow, Yoshitaka ; Hirao, Yuki ; Kirikawa, Rintaro ; Kondo, Iona ; Cheung Alex Li, Man ; Matsubara, Yutaka ; Muraki, Yasushi ; Miyazaki, Shota ; Ranc, Clément ; Rattenbury, Nicholas J. ; Satoh, Yuki ; Shoji, Hikaru ; Suematsu, Haruno ; Sumi, Takahiro ; Suzuki, Daisuke ; Tanaka, Yuzuru ; Tristram, Paul J. ; Yamakawa, Takeharu ; Yamawaki, Tsubasa ; Yonehara, Atsunori ; MOA Collaboration ;
"KMT-2019-BLG-1715: Planetary Microlensing Event with Three Lens Masses and Two Source Stars",
The Astronomical Journal, Volume 161, Issue 6, id.270, 16 pp., June 2021,
Han, Cheongho ; Udalski, Andrzej ; Kim, Doeon ; Lee, Chung-Uk ; Albrow, Michael D. ; Chung, Sun-Ju ; Gould, Andrew ; Hwang, Kyu-Ha ; Jung, Youn Kil ; Ryu, Yoon-Hyun ; Shin, In-Gu ; Shvartzvald, Yossi ; Yee, Jennifer C. ; Zang, Weicheng ; Cha, Sang-Mok ; Kim, Dong-Jin ; Kim, Hyoun-Woo ; Kim, Seung-Lee ; Lee, Dong-Joo ; Lee, Yongseok Park, Byeong-Gon ; Pogge, Richard W. ; Mróz, Przemek ; Szymański, Michał K. ; Skowron, Jan ; Poleski, Radosław ; Soszyński, Igor ; Pietrukowicz, Paweł ; Kozłowski, Szymon ; Ulaczyk, Krzysztof ; Rybicki, Krzysztof A. ; Iwanek, Patryk ; Wrona, Marcin ; Gromadzki, Mariusz ;
"Three microlensing planets with no caustic-crossing features",
Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 650, id.A89, 11 pp., June 2021,
Kim, Yun Hak ; Chung, Sun-Ju ; Udalski, Andrej ; Gould, Andrew ; Albrow, Michael D. ; Jung, Youn Kil ; Hwang, Kyu-Ha ; Han, Cheongho ; Ryu, Yoon-Hyun ; Shin, In-Gu ; Shvartzvald, Yossi ; Yee, Jennifer C. ; Zang, Weicheng ; Cha, Sang-Mok ; Kim, Dong-Jin ; Kim, Hyoun-Woo ; Kim, Seung-Lee ; Lee, Chung-Uk ; Lee, Dong-Joo ; Lee, Yongseok Park, Byeong-Gon ; Pogge, Richard W. ; KMTNet Collaboration ; Mróz, Przemek ; Poleski, Radek ; Wrona, Marcin ; Iwanek, Patryk ; Szymański, Michał K. ; Skowron, Jan ; Soszyński, Igor ; Kozłowski, Szymon ; Pietrukowicz, Paweł ; Ulaczyk, Krzysztof ; Rybicki, Krzysztof ;
"OGLE-2018-BLG-1428Lb: a Jupiter-mass planet beyond the snow line of a dwarf star",
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 503, Issue 2,
pp.2706-2712, May 2021,
Han, Cheongho ; Udalski, Andrzej ; Lee, Chung-Uk ; Albrow, Michael D. ; Chung, Sun-Ju ; Gould, Andrew ; Hwang, Kyu-Ha ; Jung, Youn Kil ; Kim, Doeon ; Kim, Hyoun-Woo ; Ryu, Yoon-Hyun ; Shin, In-Gu ; Shvartzvald, Yossi ; Yee, Jennifer C. ; Zang, Weicheng ; Cha, Sang-Mok ; Kim, Dong-Jin ; Kim, Seung-Lee ; Lee, Dong-Joo ; Lee, Yongseok Park, Byeong-Gon ; Pogge, Richard W. ; Kim, Chun-Hwey ; Kim, Woong-Tae ; Mróz, Przemek ; Szymański, Michał K. ; Skowron, Jan ; Poleski, Radosław ; Soszyński, Igor ; Pietrukowicz, Paweł ; Kozłowski, Szymon ; Ulaczyk, Krzysztof ; Rybicki, Krzysztof A. ; Iwanek, Patryk ; Wrona, Marcin ;
"KMT-2018-BLG-1025Lb: microlensing super-Earth planet orbiting a low-mass star",
Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 649, id.A90, 10 pp., May 2021,
doi: 10.1051/0004-6361/202039817
Czerny, B. ; Martínez-Aldama, M. L. ; Wojtkowska, G. ; Zajaček, M. ; Marziani, P. ; Dultzin, D. ; Naddaf, M. H. ; Panda, S. ; Prince, R. ; Przyluski, R. ; Ralowski, M. ; Śniegowska, M.;
“Dark Energy Constraintsfrom Quasar Observations”, Acta Physica Polonica A,
vol. 139, no. 4, pp. 389–393, April 2021.
Adassuriya, J. ; Ganesh, S. ; Gutiérrez, J. L. ; Handler, G. ; Joshi, Santosh ; Jayaratne, K. P. S. C. ; Baliyan, K. S. ;
"Asteroseismology of SZ Lyn using multiband high time resolution photometry from ground and space",
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 502, Issue 1,
pp.541-555, March 2021,
Ryu, Yoon-Hyun ; Mróz, Przemek ; Gould, Andrew ; Hwang, Kyu-Ha ; Kim, Hyoun-Woo ; Yee, Jennifer C. ; Albrow, Michael D. ; Chung, Sun-Ju ; Jung, Youn Kil ; Shin, In-Gu ; Shvartzvald, Yossi ; Zang, Weicheng ; Cha, Sang-Mok ; Kim, Dong-Jin ; Kim, Seung-Lee ; Lee, Chung-Uk ; Lee, Dong-Joo ; Lee, Yongseok ; Park, Byeong-Gon ; Han, Cheongho Pogge, Richard W. ; KMTNet Collaboration ; Udalski, Andrzej ; Poleski, Radek ; Skowron, Jan ; Szymański, Michał K. ; Soszyński, Igor ; Pietrukowicz, Paweł ; Kozłowski, Szymon ; Ulaczyk, Krzysztof ; Rybicki, Krzysztof A. ; Iwanek, Patryk ; OGLE Collaboration ;
"KMT-2017-BLG-2820 and the Nature of the Free-floating Planet Population"
The Astronomical Journal, Volume 161, Issue 3, id.126, 12 pp., March 2021,
Ratajczak, M. ; Pawłaszek, R. K. ; Hełminiak, K. G. ; Konacki, M. ; Sybilski, P. ; Kozłowski, S. K. ; Litwicki, M. ; Smith, A. M. S. ; Mikołajczyk, P. ; Anderson, D. R. ; Hellier, C. ;
"Orbital and physical parameters of eclipsing binaries from the ASAS catalogue - XI. CHIRON investigation of long-period binaries",
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 500, Issue 4,
pp.4972-4988, January 2021,
Arcodia, R.; Merloni, A.; Nandra, K.; Buchner, J.; Salvato, M.; Pasham, D.; Remillard, R.; Comparat, J.; Lamer, G.; Ponti, G.; Malyali, A.; Wolf, J.; Arzoumanian, Z.; Bogensberger, D.; Buckley, D. A. H.; Gendreau, K.; Gromadzki, M.; Kara, E.; Krumpe, M.; Markwardt, C.; Ramos-Ceja, M. E.; Rau, A.; Schramm, M.; Schwope, A.; "X-ray quasi-periodic eruptions from two previously quiescent galaxies", Nature, Volume 592, Issue 7856, p.704-707, 2021,
Coe, M. J.; Kennea, J. A.; Evans, P. A.; Townsend, L. J.; Udalski, A.; Monageng, I. M.; Buckley, D. A. H.; „The Be/neutron star system Swift J004929.5-733107 in the Small Magellanic Cloud-X-ray characteristics and optical counterpart candidates”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 504, Issue 1, pp.1398-1406”, June 2021,
Treiber, H.; Vasilopoulos, G.; Bailyn, C. D.; Haberl, F.; Gendreau, K. C.; Ray, P. S.; Maitra, C.; Maggi, P.; Jaisawal, G. K.; Udalski, A.; Wilms, J.; Monageng, I. M.; Buckley, D. A. H.; König, O.; Carpano, S.; „RX J0529.8-6556: a BeXRB pulsar with an evolving optical period and out of phase X-ray outbursts”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 503, Issue 4,
pp.6187-6201, March 2021,
Barna, Barnabás; Szalai, Tamás; Jha, Saurabh W.; Camacho-Neves, Yssavo; Kwok, Lindsey; Foley, Ryan J.; Kilpatrick, Charles D.; Coulter, David A.; Dimitriadis, Georgios; Rest, Armin; Rojas-Bravo, César; Siebert, Matthew R.; Brown, Peter J.; Burke, Jamison; Padilla Gonzalez, Estefania; Hiramatsu, Daichi; Howell, D. Andrew; McCully, Curtis; Pellegrino, Craig; Dobson, Matthew Smartt, Stephen J.; Swift, Jonathan J.; Stacey, Holland; Rahman, Mohammed; Sand, David J.; Andrews, Jennifer; Wyatt, Samuel; Hsiao, Eric Y.; Anderson, Joseph P.; Chen, Ting-Wan; Della Valle, Massimo; Galbany, Lluís; Gromadzki, Mariusz; Inserra, Cosimo; Lyman, Joe; Magee, Mark; Maguire, Kate; Müller-Bravo, Tomás E.; Nicholl, Matt; Srivastav, Shubham; Williams, Steven C.; „SN 2019muj - a well-observed Type Iax supernova that bridges the luminosity gap of the class”,
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 501, Issue 1,
pp.1078-1099, February 2021, doi:10.1093/mnras/staa3543
Gazeas, K.; Zola, S.; Liakos, A.; Zakrzewski, B.; Rucinski, S. M.; Kreiner, J. M.; Ogloza, W.; Drozdz, M.; Koziel-Wierzbowska, D.; Stachowski, G.; Siwak, M.; Baran, A.; Kjurkchieva, D.; Marchev, D.; Erdem, A.; Szalankiewicz, S.; „Physical parameters of close binary systems: VIII”,
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 501, Issue 2,
pp.2897-2919, February 2021,
McBrien, O. R.; Smartt, S. J.; Huber, M. E.; Rest, A.; Chambers, K. C.; Barbieri, C.; Bulla, M.; Jha, S.; Gromadzki, M.; Srivastav, S.; Smith, K. W.; Young, D. R.; McLaughlin, S.; Inserra, C.; Nicholl, M.; Fraser, M.; Maguire, K.; Chen, T. -W.; Wevers, T.; Anderson, J. P. Müller-Bravo, T. E.; Olivares E., F.; Kankare, E.; Gal-Yam, A.; Waters, C.; „PS15cey and PS17cke: prospective candidates from the Pan-STARRS Search for kilonovae”, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 500, Issue 3, pp.4213-4228, January 2021, doi:10.1093/mnras/staa3361
Medler, K. ; Mazzali, P. A. ; Teffs, J. ; Prentice, S. J. ; Ashall, C. ; Amenouche, M. ; Anderson, J. P. ; Burke, J. ; Chen, T. W. ; Galbany, L. ; Gromadzki, M. ; Gutiérrez, C. P. ; Hiramatsu, D. ; Howell, D. A. ; Inserra, C. ; Kankare, E. ; McCully, C. ; Müller-Bravo, T. E. ; Nicholl, M. ; Pellegrino, C. Sollerman, J. ;
“SN 2020cpg: an energetic link between Type IIb and Ib supernovae”,
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, vol. 506, no. 2, pp. 1832–1849, September 2021. doi:10.1093/mnras/stab1761
Sowicka, P., Handler, G., Jones, D., and van Wyk, F.,
“The Missing Link? Discovery of Pulsations in the Nitrogen-rich PG 1159 Star PG 1144+005”,
The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 918, Issue 1, id.L1, 5 pp.,
September 2021, doi:10.3847/2041-8213/ac1c08
Bychkov, V. D., Bychkova, L. V., and Madej, J.,
“Catalog of averaged magnetic phase curves of stars. Second edition”,
Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 652, id.A31, 5 pp., August 2021
Gazeas, K. ; Zola, S. ; Liakos, A. ; Zakrzewski, B. ; Rucinski, S. M. ; Kreiner, J. M. ; Ogloza, W. ; Drozdz, M. ; Koziel-Wierzbowska, D. ; Stachowski, G. ; Siwak, M. ; Baran, A. ; Kjurkchieva, D. ; Marchev, D. ; Erdem, A. ; Szalankiewicz, S. ;
“Physical parameters of close binary systems: VIII”,
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, vol. 501, no. 2, pp. 2897–2919, February 2021. doi:10.1093/mnras/staa3753
Bychkov, V. D., Bychkova, L. V., and Madey, J.,
“Magnetic fields of stars”,
Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions, vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 137–142, 2021.
Jerzykiewicz, M. ; Pigulski, A. ; Michalska, G. ; Moździerski, D. ; Ratajczak, M. ; Handler, G. ; Moffat, A. F. J. ; Pablo, H. ; Popowicz, A. ; Wade, G. A. ; Zwintz, K. ;
“BRITE observations of ν Centauri and γ Lupi, the first non-eclipsing members of the new class of nascent binaries”,
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, vol. 503, no. 4, pp. 5554–5568, 2021. doi:10.1093/mnras/stab846
Czerny, B. ; Olejak, A. ; Ralowski, M. ; Kozlowski, S. ; Aldama, M. L. M. ; Zajacek, M. ; Pych, W. ; Hryniewicz, K. ; Pietrzynski, G. ; Figaredo, C. S. ; Haas, M. ; Sredzinska, J. ; Krupa, M. ; Kurcz, A. ; Udalski, A. ; Gorski, M. ; Karas, V. ; Panda, S. ; Sniegowska, M. ; Naddaf, M. -H. Bilicki, M. ; Sarna, M.;
“VizieR Online Data Catalog: Spectroscopy & V-band monitoring of CTS C30.10 (Czerny+, 2019)”, VizieR Online Data Catalog, 2021.
Andreoni, I. ; Goldstein, D. A. ; Kasliwal, M. M. ; Nugent, P. E. ; Zhou, R. ; Newman, J. A. ; Bulla, M. ; Foucart, F. ; Hotokezaka, K. ; Nakar, E. ; Nissanke, S. ; Raaijmakers, G. ; Bloom, J. S. ; de, K. ; Jencson, J. E. ; Ward, C. ; Ahumada, T. ; Anand, S. ; Buckley, D. A. H. ; Caballero-Garcia, M. D. Castro-Tirado, A. J. ; Copperwheat, C. M. ; Coughlin, M. W. ; Cenko, S. B. ; Gromadzki, M. ; Hu, Y. ; Karambelkar, V. R. ; Perley, D. A. ; Sharma, Y. ; Valeev, A. F. ; Cook, D. O. ; Fremling, U. C. ; Kumar, H. ; Taggart, K. ; Bagdasaryan, A. ; Cooke, J. ; Dahiwale, A. ; Dhawan, S. ; Dobie, D. ; Gatkine, P. ; Golkhou, V. Z. ; Goobar, A. ; Chaves, A. G. ; Hankins, M. ; Kaplan, D. L. ; Kong, A. K. H. ; Kool, E. C. ; Mohite, S. ; Sollerman, J. ; Tzanidakis, A. ; Webb, S. ; Zhang, K.;
"VizieR Online Data Catalog: Follow-up of candidate counterparts of S190814bv (Andreoni+, 2020)"
VizieR On-line Data Catalog: J/ApJ/890/131. Originally published in: 2020ApJ...890..131A August 2021
Mikolajewska, J., Aydi, E., Buckley, D., Galan, C., and Orio, M.,
“SALT high resolution spectroscopy of RS Oph: evidence for acceleration of the nova ejecta”, The Astronomer's Telegram, No. 14852, August 2021
Buckley, D. A. H. ; Gromadzki, M. ; Townsend, L. ; Monageng, I. ; Lutovinov, A. ; Doroshenko, V. ; Rau, A.
“SALT spectroscopy of the candidate optical counterpart to SRGA J124404.1-632232/SRGE J124403.8-632231: a likely obscured Be X-ray binary”,
The Astronomer's Telegram, No. 14364, February 2021
Galan, C., Mikolajewska, J., Ilkiewicz, K., Monard, B., Zywica, S. T., and Zamanov, R. K.,
“The symbiotic binary St 2-22: Orbital and stellar parameters and jet evolution following its 2019 outburst”,
eprint arXiv:2110.11677, October 2021
Han, Cheongho ; Udalski, Andrzej ; Lee, Chung-Uk ; Kim, Doeon ; Zhu, Wei ; Albrow, Michael D. ; Chung, Sun-Ju ; Gould, Andrew ; Hwang, Kyu-Ha ; Jung, Youn Kil ; Kim, Hyoun-Woo ; Ryu, Yoon-Hyun ; Shin, In-Gu ; Shvartzvald, Yossi ; Yee, Jennifer C. ; Zang, Weicheng ; Cha, Sang-Mok ; Kim, Dong-Jin ; Kim, Seung-Lee ; Lee, Dong-Joo Lee, Yongseok ; Park, Byeong-Gon ; Pogge, Richard W. ; Kim, Chun-Hwey ; Kim, Woong-Tae ; Mróz, Przemek ; Szymański, Michał K. ; Skowron, Jan ; Poleski, Radosław ; Soszyński, Igor ; Pietrukowicz, Paweł ; Kozłowski, Szymon ; Rybicki, Krzysztof A. ; Iwanek, Patryk ; Ulaczyk, Krzysztof ; Wrona, Marcin ; Gromadzki, Mariusz ; Buckley, David ; Dong, Subo ; Luo, Ali;
“OGLE-2019-BLG-0468Lb,c: two microlensing giant planets around a G-type star”,
eprint arXiv:2111.03755, November 2021
Aydi, E. ; Sokolovsky, K. V. ; Bright, J. S. ; Tremou, E. ; Nyamai, M. M. ; Evans, A. ; Strader, J. ; Chomiuk, L. ; Myers, G. ; Hambsch, F-J. ; Page, K. L. ; Buckley, D. A. H. ; Woodward, C. E. ; Walter, F. M. ; Mróz, P. ; Vallely, P. J. ; Geballe, T. R. ; Banerjee, D. P. K. ; Gehrz, R. D. ; Fender, R. P. Gromadzki, M. ; Kawash, A. ; Knigge, C. ; Mukai, K. ; Munari, U. ; Orio, M. ; Ribeiro, V. A. R. M. ; Sokoloski, J. L. ; Starrfield, S. ; Udalski, A. ; Woudt, P. A. ;
“The 2019 outburst of the 2005 classical nova V1047 Cen: a record breaking dwarf nova outburst or a new phenomenon?”,
eprint arXiv:2108.07868, August 2021
Dobie, D. ; Stewart, A. ; Hotokezaka, K. ; Murphy, Tara ; Kaplan, D. L. ; Buckley, D. A. H. ; Cooke, J. ; Ho, A. Y. Q. ; Lenc, E. ; Leung, J. K. ; Gromadzki, M. ; O'Brien, A. ; Pintaldi, S. ; Pritchard, J. ; Wang, Y. ; Wang, Z.
“A comprehensive search for the radio counterpart of GW190814 with the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder”,
eprint arXiv:2109.08452, September 2021
Schwope, Axel ; Buckley, David A. H. ; Malyali, Adam ; Potter, Stephen ; König, Ole ; Arcodia, Riccardo ; Gromadzki, Mariusz ; Rau, Arne ;
“Discovery of eRASSt J192932.9-560346: a bright, two-pole accreting, eclipsing polar”,
eprint arXiv:2106.14540, June 2021
Doroshenko, V. ; Staubert, R. ; Maitra, C. ; Rau, A. ; Haberl, F. ; Santangelo, A. ; Schwope, A. ; Wilms, J. ; Buckley, D. A. H. ; Semena, A. ; Mereminskiy, I. ; Lutovinov, A. ; Gromadzki, M. ; Townsend, L. J. ; Monageng, I. M. ;
“SRGA J124404.1-632232/SRGU J124403.8-632231: a new X-ray pulsar discovered in the all-sky survey by SRG”,
eprint arXiv:2106.14539, June 2021
Wrona, M., Kołaczek-Szymański, P. A., Ratajczak, M., and Kozłowski, S., “Photometric Analysis of the OGLE Heartbeat Stars”,
eprint arXiv:2109.14614, September 2021
Kennea, J. A.; Coe, M. J.; Evans, P. A.; Monageng, I. M.; Townsend, L. J.; Siegel, M. H.; Udalski, A.; Buckley, D. A. H., "The newly discovered Be/X-ray binary Swift J004516.6-734703 in the SMC: witnessing the emergence of a circumstellar disc", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, Volume 499, Issue 1, pp.L41-L46,
Siwak, Michał; Ogłoza, Waldemar; Krzesiński, Jerzy; „Disc light variability in the FUor star V646 Puppis as observed by TESS and from the ground”, December 2020, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 644, id.A135, 10 pp.
Martínez-Aldama, Mary Loli; Zajaček, Michal; Czerny, Bożena; Panda, Swayamtrupta; “Scatter Analysis along the Multidimensional Radius-Luminosity Relations for Reverberation-mapped Mg II Sources”, November 2020, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 903, Issue 2, id.86, 17 pp.
Hajduk, Marcin; Todt, Helge; Hamann, Wolf-Rainer; Borek, Karolina; van Hoof, Peter A. M.; Zijlstra, Albert A., "The cooling-down central star of the planetary nebula SwSt 1: a late thermal pulse in a massive post-AGB star?", October 2020, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 498, Issue 1, pp.1205-1220
Hajduk, Marcin, "Rapid evolution of [WC] stars in the Magellanic Clouds", October 2020, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 642, id.A71, 10 pp.
Szczerba, R.; Hajduk, M.; Pavlenko, Ya. V.; Hrivnak, B. J.; Kaminsky, B. M.; Volk, K.; Siódmiak, N.; Gezer, I.; Začs, L.; Pych, W.; Sarna, M., "Validating post-AGB candidates in the LMC and SMC using SALT spectra", Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 641, id.A142, 17 pp. September 2020, ADS
Monageng, I. M.; Coe, M. J.; Buckley, D. A. H.; McBride, V. A.; Kennea, J. A.; Udalski, A.; Evans, P. A.; Clark, J. S.; Negueruela, I., "Optical and X-ray study of the peculiar high-mass X-ray binary XMMU J010331.7-730144", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 496, Issue 3, pp.3615-3622, ADS
Belloni, Diogo; Mikołajewska, Joanna; Iłkiewicz, Krystian; Schreiber, Matthias R.; Giersz, Mirek; Rivera Sandoval, Liliana E.; Rodrigues, Claudia V., "On the absence of symbiotic stars in globular clusters", August 2020, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 496, Issue 3, pp.3436-3447, ADS
Holoien, Thomas W. -S.; Auchettl, Katie; Tucker, Michael A.; Shappee, Benjamin J.; Patel, Shannon G.; Miller-Jones, James C. A.; Mockler, Brenna; Groenewald, Danièl N.; Hinkle, Jason T.; Brown, Jonathan S.; Kochanek, Christopher S.; Stanek, K. Z.; Chen, Ping; Dong, Subo; Prieto, Jose L.; Thompson, Todd A.; Beaton, Rachael L.; Connor, Thomas; Cowperthwaite, Philip S.; Dahmen, Linnea French, K. Decker; Morrell, Nidia; Buckley, David A. H.; Gromadzki, Mariusz; Roy, Rupak; Coulter, David A.; Dimitriadis, Georgios; Foley, Ryan J.; Kilpatrick, Charles D.; Piro, Anthony L.; Rojas-Bravo, César; Siebert, Matthew R.; Velzen, Sjoert van, "The Rise and Fall of ASASSN-18pg: Following a TDE from Early to Late Times", August 2020, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 898, Issue 2, id.161
Stoyanov, K. A.; Iłkiewicz, K.; Luna, G. J. M.; Mikołajewska, J.; Mukai, K.; Martí, J.; Latev, G.; Boeva, S.; Zamanov, R. K., "Optical spectroscopy and X-ray observations of the D-type symbiotic star EF Aql", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 495, Issue 1, pp.1461-1467, June 2020
Zajaček, Michal; Czerny, Bożena; Martinez-Aldama, Mary Loli; Rałowski, Mateusz; Olejak, Aleksandra; Panda, Swayamtrupta; Hryniewicz, Krzysztof; Śniegowska, Marzena; Naddaf, Mohammad-Hassan; Pych, Wojtek; Pietrzyński, Grzegorz; Sobrino Figaredo, C.; Haas, Martin; Średzińska, Justyna; Krupa, Magdalena; Kurcz, Agnieszka; Udalski, Andrzej; Gorski, Marek; Sarna, Marek, "Time-delay Measurement of Mg II Broad-line Response for the Highly Accreting Quasar HE 0413-4031: Implications for the Mg II-based Radius-Luminosity Relation", June 2020, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 896, Issue 2, id.146, 28 pp. (2020)
Neustadt, J. M. M.; Holoien, T. W. -S.; Kochanek, C. S.; Auchettl, K.; Brown, J. S.; Shappee, B. J.; Pogge, R. W.; Dong, Subo; Stanek, K. Z.; Tucker, M. A.; Bose, S.; Chen, Ping; Ricci, C.; Vallely, P. J.; Prieto, J. L.; Thompson, T. A.; Coulter, D. A.; Drout, M. R.; Foley, R. J.; Kilpatrick, C. D. Piro, A. L.; Rojas-Bravo, C.;Buckley, D. A. H.; Gromadzki, M.; Dimitriadis, G.; Siebert, M. R.; Do, A.; Huber, M. E.; Payne, A. V., "To TDE or not to TDE: the luminous transient ASASSN-18jd with TDE-like and AGN-like qualities", May 2020, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 494, Issue 2, pp.2538-2560 ADS
Coe, M. J.; Monageng, I. M.; Bartlett, E. S.; Buckley, D. A. H.; Udalski, A., "A major optical and X-ray outburst from the Magellanic Bridge source RX J0209.6-7427",
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 494, Issue 1, pp.1424-1429,
May 2020
Aydi, Elias; Sokolovsky, Kirill V.; Chomiuk, Laura; Steinberg, Elad; Li, Kwan Lok; Vurm, Indrek; Metzger, Brian D.; Strader, Jay; Mukai, Koji; Pejcha, Ondřej; Shen, Ken J.; Wade, Gregg A.; Kuschnig, Rainer; Moffat, Anthony F. J.; Pablo, Herbert; Pigulski, Andrzej; Popowicz, Adam; Weiss, Werner; Zwintz, Konstanze; Izzo, Luca Pollard, Karen R.; Handler, Gerald; Ryder, Stuart D.; Filipović, Miroslav D.; Alsaberi, Rami Z. E.; Manojlović, Perica; Lopes de Oliveira, Raimundo; Walter, Frederick M.; Vallely, Patrick J.; Buckley, David A. H.; Brown, Michael J. I.; Harvey, Eamonn J.; Kawash, Adam; Kniazev, Alexei; Kochanek, Christopher S.; Linford, Justin; Mikolajewska, Joanna; Molaro, Paolo; Orio, Marina; Page, Kim L.; Shappee, Benjamin J.; Sokoloski, Jennifer L., "Direct evidence for shock-powered optical emission in a nova", Nature Astronomy, Volume 4, p. 776-780, April 2020
Handler, G.; Kurtz, D. W.; Rappaport, S. A.; Saio, H.; Fuller, J.; Jones, D.; Guo, Z.; Chowdhury, S.; Sowicka, P.; Kahraman Aliçavuș, F.; Streamer, M.; Murphy, S. J.; Gagliano, R.; Jacobs, T. L.; Vanderburg, A., "Tidally trapped pulsations in a close binary star system discovered by TESS", Nature Astronomy, Volume 4, p. 684-689, March 2020
North, P. L.; Jorissen, A.; Escorza, A.; Miszalski, B.; Mikołajewska, J.; "Spectroscopic orbits of three dwarf barium stars", February 2020, The Observatory, Vol. 140, p. 11-20
Andreoni, Igor; Goldstein, Daniel A.; Kasliwal, Mansi M.; Nugent, Peter E.; Zhou, Rongpu; Newman, Jeffrey A.; Bulla, Mattia; Foucart, Francois; Hotokezaka, Kenta; Nakar, Ehud; Nissanke, Samaya; Raaijmakers, Geert; Bloom, Joshua S.; De, Kishalay; Jencson, Jacob E.; Ward, Charlotte; Ahumada, Tomás; Anand, Shreya; Buckley, David A. H.; Caballero-García, Maria D. Castro-Tirado, Alberto J.; Copperwheat, Christopher M.; Coughlin, Michael W.; Cenko, S. Bradley; Gromadzki, Mariusz; Hu, Youdong; Karambelkar, Viraj R.; Perley, Daniel A.; Sharma, Yashvi; Valeev, Azamat F.; Cook, David O.; Fremling, U. Christoffer; Kumar, Harsh; Taggart, Kirsty; Bagdasaryan, Ashot; Cooke, Jeff; Dahiwale, Aishwarya; Dhawan, Suhail; Dobie, Dougal; Gatkine, Pradip; Golkhou, V. Zach; Goobar, Ariel; Chaves, Andreas Guerra; Hankins, Matthew; Kaplan, David L.; Kong, Albert K. H.; Kool, Erik C.; Mohite, Siddharth; Sollerman, Jesper; Tzanidakis, Anastasios; Webb, Sara; Zhang, Keming, "GROWTH on S190814bv: Deep Synoptic Limits on the Optical/Near-infrared Counterpart to a Neutron Star-Black Hole Merger", February 2020, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 890, Issue 2, id.131, 16 pp. (2020);
Chen, Ping; Dong, Subo; Stritzinger, M. D.; Holmbo, Simon; Strader, Jay; Kochanek, C. S.; Peng, Eric W.; Benetti, S.; Bersier, D.; Brownsberger, Sasha; Buckley, David A. H.; Gromadzki, Mariusz; Moran, Shane; Pastorello, A.; Aydi, Elias; Bose, Subhash; Connor, Thomas; Boutsia, K.; Di Mille, F.; Elias-Rosa, N. French, K. Decker; Holoien, Thomas W. -S.; Mattila, Seppo; Shappee, B. J.; Stark, Antony A.; Swihart, Samuel J., "The Most Rapidly Declining Type I Supernova 2019bkc/ATLAS19dqr", January 2020, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 889, Issue 1, id.L6, 17 pp. (2020),
Müller-Bravo, Tomás E.; Gutiérrez, Claudia P.; Sullivan, Mark; Jerkstrand, Anders; Anderson, Joseph P.; González-Gaitán, Santiago; Sollerman, Jesper; Arcavi, Iair; Burke, Jamison; Galbany, Lluís; Gal-Yam, Avishay; Gromadzki, Mariusz; Hiramatsu, Daichi; Hosseinzadeh, Griffin; Howell, D. Andrew; Inserra, Cosimo; Kankare, Erki; Kozyreva, Alexandra; McCully, Curtis; Nicholl, Matt Smartt, Stephen; Valenti, Stefano; Young, Dave R.; „The low-luminosity Type II SN 2016aqf: a well-monitored spectral evolution of the Ni/Fe abundance ratio”, September 2020, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 497, Issue 1, pp.361-377
Ackley, K.; Amati, L.; Barbieri, C.; Bauer, F. E.; Benetti, S.;Bernardini, M. G.; Bhirombhakdi, K.; Botticella, M. T.; Branchesi, M.;Brocato, E.; Bruun, S. H.; Bulla, M.; Campana, S.; Cappellaro, E.;Castro-Tirado, A. J.; Chambers, K. C.; Chaty, S.; Chen, T. -W.; Ciolfi, R.;Coleiro, A. Copperwheat, C. M.; Covino, S.; Cutter, R.; D'Ammando, F.;D'Avanzo, P.; De Cesare, G.; D'Elia, V.; Della Valle, M.; Denneau, L.;De Pasquale, M.; Dhillon, V. S.; Dyer, M. J.; Elias-Rosa, N.; Evans, P. A.;Eyles-Ferris, R. A. J.; Fiore, A.; Fraser, M.; Fruchter, A. S.;Fynbo, J. P. U.; Galbany, L.; Gall, C.; Galloway, D. K.; Getman, F. I.;Ghirlanda, G.; Gillanders, J. H.; Gomboc, A.; Gompertz, B. P.;González-Fernández, C.; González-Gaitán, S.; Grado, A.; Greco, G.; Gromadzki, M.; Groot, P. J.; Gutiérrez, C. P.; Heikkilä, T.; Heintz, K. E.;Hjorth, J.; Hu, Y. -D.; Huber, M. E.; Inserra, C.; Izzo, L.; Japelj, J.;Jerkstrand, A.; Jin, Z. P.; Jonker, P. G.; Kankare, E.; Kann, D. A.;Kennedy, M.; Kim, S.; Klose, S.; Kool, E. C.; Kotak, R.; Kuncarayakti, H.;Lamb, G. P.; Leloudas, G.; Levan, A. J.; Longo, F.; Lowe, T. B.; Lyman, J. D.;Magnier, E.; Maguire, K.; Maiorano, E.; Mandel, I.; Mapelli, M.; Mattila, S.;McBrien, O. R.; Melandri, A.; Michałowski, M. J.; Milvang-Jensen, B.; Moran, S.;Nicastro, L.; Nicholl, M.; Nicuesa Guelbenzu, A.; Nuttal, L.; Oates, S. R.;O'Brien, P. T.; Onori, F.; Palazzi, E.; Patricelli, B.; Perego, A.;Torres, M. A. P.; Perley, D. A.; Pian, E.; Pignata, G.; Piranomonte, S.;Poshyachinda, S.; Possenti, A.; Pumo, M. L.; Quirola-Vásquez, J.; Ragosta, F.;Ramsay, G.; Rau, A.; Rest, A.; Reynolds, T. M.; Rosetti, S. S.; Rossi, A.;Rosswog, S.; Sabha, N. B.; Sagués Carracedo, A.; Salafia, O. S.; Salmon, L.; Salvaterra, R.; Savaglio, S.; Sbordone, L.; Schady, P.; Schipani, P.;Schultz, A. S. B.; Schweyer, T.; Smartt, S. J.; Smith, K. W.; Smith, M.;Sollerman, J.; Srivastav, S.; Stanway, E. R.; Starling, R. L. C.; Steeghs, D.;Stratta, G.; Stubbs, C. W.; Tanvir, N. R.; Testa, V.; Thrane, E.; Tonry, J. L.;Turatto, M.; Ulaczyk, K.; van der Horst, A. J.; Vergani, S. D.; Walton, N. A.;Watson, D.; Wiersema, K.; Wiik, K.; Wyrzykowski, Ł.; Yang, S.; Yi, S. -X.;Young, D. R.; "Observational constraints on the optical and near-infrared emission from theneutron star-black hole binary merger candidate S190814bv", November 2020, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 643, id.A113, 48 pp.
Gutiérrez, C. P.; Pastorello, A.; Jerkstrand, A.; Galbany, L.; Sullivan, M.; Anderson, J. P.; Taubenberger, S.; Kuncarayakti, H.; González-Gaitán, S.;Wiseman, P.; Inserra, C.; Fraser, M.; Maguire, K.; Smartt, S.;Müller-Bravo, T. E.; Arcavi, I.; Benetti, S.; Bersier, D.; Bose, S.;Bostroem, K. A. Burke, J.; Chen, P.; Chen, T. -W.; Della Valle, M.; Dong, Subo;Gal-Yam, A.; Gromadzki, M.; Hiramatsu, D.; Holoien, T. W. -S.; Hosseinzadeh, G.;Howell, D. A.; Kankare, E.; Kochanek, C. S.; McCully, C.; Nicholl, M.;Pignata, G.; Prieto, J. L.; Shappee, B.; Taggart, K.; Tomasella, L.;Valenti, S.; Young, D. R."SN 2017ivv: two years of evolution of a transitional Type II supernova", November 2020, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 499, Issue 1,pp.974-992
Han, Cheongho; Kim, Doeon; Udalski, Andrzej; Gould, Andrew; Albrow, Michael D.; Chung, Sun-Ju; Hwang, Kyu-Ha; Jung, Youn Kil; Lee, Chung-Uk; Ryu, Yoon-Hyun; Shin, In-Gu; Shvartzvald, Yossi; Yee, Jennifer C.; Zang, Weicheng; Cha, Sang-Mok; Kim, Dong-Jin; Kim, Hyoun-Woo; Kim, Seung-Lee; Lee, Dong-Joo;Lee, Yongseok Park, Byeong-Gon; Pogge, Richard W.; KMTNet Collaboration; Mróz, Przemek; Szymański, Michał K.; Skowron, Jan; Poleski, Radosław; Soszyński, Igor; Pietrukowicz, Paweł; Kozłowski, Szymon; Ulaczyk, Krzysztof; Rybicki, Krzysztof A.; Iwanek, Patryk; Wrona, Marcin; Gromadzki, Mariusz; OGLE Collaboration, "KMT-2019-BLG-1339L: An M Dwarf with a Giant Planet or a Companion nearthe Planet/Brown Dwarf Boundary", August 2020, The Astronomical Journal, Volume 160, Issue 2, id.64
Jacobson-Galán, Wynn V.; Margutti, Raffaella; Kilpatrick, Charles D.;Hiramatsu, Daichi; Perets, Hagai; Khatami, David; Foley, Ryan J.;Raymond, John; Yoon, Sung-Chul; Bobrick, Alexey; Zenati, Yossef;Galbany, Lluís; Andrews, Jennifer; Brown, Peter J.; Cartier, Régis;Coppejans, Deanne L.; Dimitriadis, Georgios; Dobson, Matthew; Hajela, Aprajita; Howell, D. Andrew Kuncarayakti, Hanindyo;Milisavljevic, Danny; Rahman, Mohammed; Rojas-Bravo, César; Sand, David J.;Shepherd, Joel; Smartt, Stephen J.; Stacey, Holland; Stroh, Michael; Swift, Jonathan J.; Terreran, Giacomo; Vinko, Jozsef; Wang, Xiaofeng; Anderson, Joseph P.; Baron, Edward A.; Berger, Edo; Blanchard, Peter K.; Burke, Jamison; Coulter, David A.; DeMarchi, Lindsay; DerKacy, James M.; Fremling, Christoffer; Gomez, Sebastian; Gromadzki, Mariusz; Hosseinzadeh, Griffin; Kasen, Daniel; Kriskovics, Levente; McCully, Curtis; Müller-Bravo, Tomás E.; Nicholl, Matt; Ordasi, András; Pellegrino, Craig;Piro, Anthony L.; Pál, András; Ren, Juanjuan; Rest, Armin; Rich, R. Michael; Sai, Hanna; Sárneczky, Krisztián; Shen, Ken J.; Short, Philip; Siebert, Matthew R.; Stauffer, Candice; Szakáts, Róbert; Zhang, Xinhan; Zhang, Jujia; Zhang, Kaicheng"SN 2019ehk: A Double-peaked Ca-rich Transient with Luminous X-Ray Emissionand Shock-ionized Spectral Features", August 2020, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 898, Issue 2, id. 166
Kool, E. C.; Reynolds, T. M.; Mattila, S.; Kankare, E.; Pérez-Torres, M. A.;Efstathiou, A.; Ryder, S.; Romero-Cañizales, C.; Lu, W.; Heikkilä, T.; Anderson, G. E.; Berton, M.; Bright, J.; Cannizzaro, G.; Eappachen, D.;Fraser, M.; Gromadzki, M.; Jonker, P. G.; Kuncarayakti, H.;Lundqvist, P. Maeda, K.; McDermid, R. M.; Medling, A. M.; Moran, S.;Reguitti, A.; Shahbandeh, M.; Tsygankov, S.; U, V.; Wevers, T.; "AT 2017gbl: a dust obscured TDE candidate in a luminous infrared galaxy", October 2020, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 498, Issue 2,pp.2167-2195
Mróz, Przemek; Poleski, Radosław; Han, Cheongho; Udalski, Andrzej; Gould, Andrew; Szymański, Michał K.; Soszyński, Igor; Pietrukowicz, Paweł; Kozłowski, Szymon; Skowron, Jan; Ulaczyk, Krzysztof; Gromadzki, Mariusz; Rybicki, Krzysztof; Iwanek, Patryk; Wrona, Marcin; OGLE Collaboration; Albrow, Michael D.; Chung, Sun-Ju; Hwang, Kyu-Ha; Ryu, Yoon-Hyun Jung, Youn Kil; Shin, In-Gu; Shvartzvald, Yossi;Yee, Jennifer C.; Zang, Weicheng; Cha, Sang-Mok; Kim, Dong-Jin;Kim, Hyoun-Woo; Kim, Seung-Lee; Lee, Chung-Uk; Lee, Dong-Joo; Lee, Yongseok;Park, Byeong-Gon; Pogge, Richard W.; KMT Collaboration; "A Free-floating or Wide-orbit Planet in the Microlensing Event OGLE-2019-BLG-0551", June 2020, The Astronomical Journal, Volume 159, Issue 6, id.262, 8 pp. (2020)
Prentice, S. J.; Maguire, K.; Flörs, A.; Taubenberger, S.; Inserra, C.;Frohmaier, C.; Chen, T. W.; Anderson, J. P.; Ashall, C.; Clark, P.;Fraser, M.; Galbany, L.; Gal-Yam, A.; Gromadzki, M.; Gutiérrez, C. P.;James, P. A.; Jonker, P. G.; Kankare, E.; Leloudas, G.;Magee, M. R. Mazzali, P. A.; Nicholl, M.; Pursiainen, M.; Skillen, K.;Smartt, S. J.; Smith, K. W.; Vogl, C.; Young, D. R.; "The rise and fall of an extraordinary Ca-rich transient.The discovery of ATLAS19dqr/SN 2019bkc", March 2020, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 635, id.A186, 17 pp.
Czerny, B.; Martínez-Aldama, M. L.; Wojtkowska, G.; Zajaček, M.; Marziani, P.; Dultzin, D.; Naddaf, M. H.; Panda, S.; Prince, R.; Przyluski, R.; Ralowski, M.; Śniegowska, M.; „Dark energy constraints from quasar observations”, November 2020, eprint arXiv:2011.12375
Chen, Ping; Dong, Subo; Kochanek, C. S.; Stanek, K. Z.; Post, R. S.; Stritzinger, M. D.; Prieto, J. L.; Filippenko, Alexei V.; Kollmeier, Juna A.; Katz, Boaz; Tomasella, Lina; Bose, S.; Benetti, S.; Bersier, D.; Brink, Thomas G.; Buckley, David A. H.; Cappellaro, Enrico; Elias-Rosa, N.; Fraser, Morgan; Holoien, Thomas W. -S. Gromadzki, Mariusz; Kankare, Erkki; Lundqvist, P.; Mattila, S.; Morrell, Nidia; Shappee, A. Pastorello B. J.; Thompson, Todd A.; Zheng, WeiKang; „The First Data Release of CNIa0.02 -- A Complete Nearby (Redshift <0.02) Sample of Type Ia Supernova Light Curves”, November 2020, eprint arXiv:2011.02461
Galan, Cezary; Mikolajewska, Joanna; "SALT observations probing the nebular phase of Nova Ret 2020", November 2020, The Astronomer's Telegram, No. 14149
Bankowicz, Małgorzata; Herzig, Aleksander; Pollo, Agnieszka; Małek, Katarzyna; „QSO HE 0435-5304 redshift solved”, October 2020, XXXIX Polish Astronomical Society Meeting, held 9-12 September 2019 in Olsztyn, Poland. Edited by K Małek, M. Polińska, A. Majczyna, G. Stachowski, R. Poleski, Ł. Wyrzykowski, A. Różańska. Proceedings of the Polish Astronomical Society, Vol. 10. ISBN: 978-83-950430-8-6, 2020, pp.267-271
Monier, Richard; Niemczura, Ewa; Kılıçoğlu, T.; „The Yttrium and Mercury Abundances of the Bright HgMn Star β Scl”, April 2020, Research Notes of the AAS, Volume 4, Issue 4, id.48
Aydi, E.; Buckley, D. A. H.; Mikolajewska, J.; Orio, M.; Chomiuk, L.;Kawash, A.; Sokolovsky, K. V.; Strader, J.; "SALT spectroscopy of the Galactic transient TCP J17234205-3103072", September 2020, The Astronomer's Telegram, No. 14015
Blagorodnova, N.; Buckley, D.; Gromadzki, M.; Groot, P.; "SALT Transient Classification Report for 2020-08-18", August 2020, Transient Name Server Classification Report, No. 2020-2537
Buckley, D. A. H.; Gromadzki, M.; Lipunov, V.; Kornilov, V.;Gorbovskoy, E.; Tiurina, N.; Balakin, F.; "MASTER OT J233317.85-674248.4 is a SNIa in low luminosity unknown galaxydiscovered during Fermi BALROG localization inspection", July 2020, The Astronomer's Telegram, No. 13846
Chen, P.; Dong, S.; Bose, S.; Gromadzki, M.; Buckley, D. A. H.; "Transient Classification Report for 2020-12-08", December 2020, Transient Name Server Classification Report, No. 2020-3716
Chen, P.; Dong, S.; Gromadzki, M.; Buckley, D. A. H.; "Spectroscopic classification of ASASSN-19adm/2019xfi with SALT", January 2020, Transient Name Server AstroNote 2020-12
Hajduk, Marcin; "The real time evolution of post-AGB stars", 2020, White Dwarfs as Probes of Fundamental Physics: Tracers of Planetary, Stellarand Galactic Evolution. Edited by Martin A. Barstow et al. edingsof the International Astronomical Union, Volume 357, pp. 154-157
Hiramatsu, Daichi; Howell, D. Andrew; Moriya, Takashi J.; Goldberg, Jared A.; Hosseinzadeh, Griffin; Arcavi, Iair; Anderson, Joseph P.; Gutiérrez, Claudia P.;Burke, Jamison; McCully, Curtis; Valenti, Stefano; Galbany, Lluís;Fang, Qiliang; Maeda, Keiichi; Folatelli, Gastón; Hsiao, Eric Y.;Morrell, Nidia I.; Phillips, Mark M.; Stritzinger, Maximilian D.;Suntzeff, Nicholas B.; Gromadzki, Mariusz; Maguire, Kate; Müller-Bravo, Tomás E.;Young, David R.; "Luminous Type II Short-Plateau Supernovae 2006Y, 2006ai, and 2016egz:A Transitional Class from Stripped Massive Red Supergiants", October 2020, eprint arXiv:2010.15566
Ihanec, N.; Gromadzki, M.; Wyrzykowski, L.; Buckley, D. A. H.; "SALT spectroscopic classification of microlensing event candidate Gaia20bof", June 2020, The Astronomer's Telegram, No. 13797
Siwak, Michał; Ogłoza, Waldemar; Krzesiński, Jerzy; „Disc light variability in the FUor star V646 Puppis as observed by TESS and from the ground”, December 2020, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 644, id.A135, 10 pp.
Mikulášek, Z.; Paunzen, E.; Hümmerich, S.; Niemczura, E.; Walczak, P.; Fraga, L.; Bernhard, K.; Janík, J.; Hubrig, S.; Järvinen, S.; Jagelka, M.; Pintado, O. I.; Krtička, J.; Prišegen, M.; Skarka, M.; Zejda, M.; Ilyin, I.; Pribulla, T.; Kamiński, K.; Kamińska, M. K.; Tokarek, J.; Zieliński, P.; „Rotational modulation and single g-mode pulsation in the B9pSi star HD 174356?”, October 2020, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 498, Issue 1, pp.548-564
Labadie-Bartz, Jonathan; Handler, Gerald; Pepper, Joshua; Balona, Luis; Cat, Peter De; Stevens, Daniel J.; Lund, Michael B.; Stassun, Keivan G.; Rodriguez, Joseph E.; Siverd, Robert J.; James, David J.; Kuhn, Rudolf B.; „New Beta Cephei Stars from the KELT Project”, July 2020, The Astronomical Journal, Volume 160, Issue 1, id.32, 22 pp. (2020)
Blackford, M.; Walker, S.; Budding, E.; Bolt, G.; Blane, D.; Bohlsen, T.; Moffat, A.; Pablo, H.; Pigulski, A.; Popowicz, A.; Wade, G.; Zwintz, K.; „QZ Carinae-Orbit of 1the Two Binary Pairs”, June 2020, The Journal of the American Association of Variable Star Observers, vol. 48, no. 1, p. 3
Coe, M. J.; Monageng, I. M.; Bartlett, E. S.; Buckley, D. A. H.; Udalski, A.; „A major optical and X-ray outburst from the Magellanic Bridge source RX J0209.6-7427”, May 2020, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 494, Issue 1, pp.1424-1429
Kuin, N. P. M.; Page, K. L.; Mróz, P.; Darnley, M. J.; Shore, S. N.; Osborne, J. P.; Walter, F.; Di Mille, F.; Morrell, N.; Munari, U.; Bohlsen, T.; Evans, A.; Gehrz, R. D.; Starrfield, S.; Henze, M.; Williams, S. C.; Schwarz, G. J.; Udalski, A.; Szymański, M. K.; Poleski, R.; Soszyński, I.; Ribeiro, V. A. R. M.; Angeloni, R.; Breeveld, A. A.; Beardmore, A. P.; Skowron, J.; „The 2016 January eruption of recurrent Nova LMC 1968”, January 2020, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 491, Issue 1, p.655-679
Miszalski, B.; Manick, R.; Rauch, T.; Iłkiewicz, K.; Van Winckel, H.; Mikołajewska, J.; "Two's company, three's a crowd: SALT reveals the likely triple nature of the nucleus of the extreme abundance discrepancy factor planetary nebula Sp 3", November 2019, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, Volume 36, id. e042, 2019
McBrien, Owen R.; Smartt, Stephen J.; Chen, Ting-Wan; Inserra, Cosimo; Gillanders, James H.; Sim, Stuart A.; Jerkstrand, Anders; Rest, Armin; Valenti, Stefano; Roy, Rupak; Gromadzki, Mariusz; Taubenberger, Stefan; Flörs, Andreas; Huber, Mark E.; Chambers, Ken C.; Gal-Yam, Avishay; Young, David R.; Nicholl, Matt; Kankare, Erkki; Smith, Ken W. Maguire, Kate; Mandel, Ilya; Prentice, Simon; Rodríguez, Ósmar; Pineda Garcia, Jonathan; Gutiérrez, Claudia P.; Galbany, Lluís; Barbarino, Cristina; Clark, Peter S. J.; Sollerman, Jesper; Kulkarni, Shrinivas R.; De, Kishalay; Buckley, David A. H.; Rau, Arne; „SN2018kzr: A Rapidly Declining Transient from the Destruction of a White Dwarf”, November 2019, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 885, Issue 1, article id. L23, 9 pp. (2019),
Vallely, P. J.; Fausnaugh, M.; Jha, S. W.; Tucker, M. A.; Eweis, Y.; Shappee, B. J.; Kochanek, C. S.; Stanek, K. Z.; Chen, Ping; Dong, Subo; Prieto, J. L.; Sukhbold, T.; Thompson, Todd A.; Brimacombe, J.; Stritzinger, M. D.; Holoien, T. W. -S.; Buckley, D. A. H.; Gromadzki, M.; Bose, Subhash; „ASASSN-18tb: a most unusual Type Ia supernova observed by TESS and SALT”, August 2019, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 487, Issue 2, p.2372-2384,
Miszalski, B.; Manick, R.; Van Winckel, H.; Mikołajewska, J.; „The post-common-envelope binary nucleus of the planetary nebula IC 4776: neither an anomalously long orbital period nor a Wolf-Rayet binary”, July 2019, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 487, Issue 1, p.1040-1046,
Czerny, Bożena; Olejak, Aleksandra; Rałowski, Mateusz; Kozłowski, Szymon; Martinez Aldama, Mary Loli; Zajacek, Michal; Pych, Wojtek; Hryniewicz, Krzysztof; Pietrzyński, Grzegorz; Sobrino Figaredo, Catalina; Haas, Martin; Średzińska, Justyna; Krupa, Magdalena; Kurcz, Agnieszka; Udalski, Andrzej; Gorski, Marek; Karas, Vladimir; Panda, Swayamtrupta; Sniegowska, Marzena; Naddaf, Mohammad-Hassan; Bilicki, Maciej; Sarna, Marek; „Time Delay Measurement of Mg II Line in CTS C30.10 with SALT”, July 2019, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 880, Issue 1, article id. 46, 15 pp. (2019)
Monageng, I. M.; Coe, M. J.; Townsend, L. J.; Buckley, D. A. H.; McBride, V. A.; Roche, P. D.; Kennea, J. A.; Udalski, A.; Evans, P. A., „The SMC X-ray binary SXP4.78: a new Type II outburst and the identification and study of the optical counterpart”, June 2019, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 485, Issue 4, p.4617-4624
Escorza, A.; Karinkuzhi, D.; Jorissen, A.; Siess, L.; Van Winckel, H.; Pourbaix, D.; Johnston, C.; Miszalski, B.; Oomen, G. -M.; Abdul-Masih, M.; Boffin, H. M. J.; North, P.; Manick, R.; Shetye, S.; Mikołajewska, J.; „Barium and related stars, and their white-dwarf companions. II. Main-sequence and subgiant starss”, June 2019, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 626, id.A128, 23 pp.
Iłkiewicz, Krystian; Mikołajewska, Joanna; Miszalski, Brent; Gromadzki, Mariusz; Monard, Berto; Amigo, Pía; „LMC S154: the first Magellanic symbiotic recurrent nova”, April 2019, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 624, id.A133, 9 pp.
Gałan, C.; Mikołajewska, J.; Monard, B.; Iłkiewicz, K.; Pieńkowski, D.; Gromadzki, M.; „Hen 3-160 - the First Symbiotic Binary with Mira Variable S Star”, March 2019, Acta Astronomica, vol 69, no 1, p. 25-44
Gromadzki, M.; Hamanowicz, A.; Wyrzykowski, L.; Sokolovsky, K. V.; Fraser, M.; Kozłowski, Sz.; Guillochon, J.; Arcavi, I.; Trakhtenbrot, B.; Jonker, P. G.; Mattila, S.; Udalski, A.; Szymański, M. K.; Soszyński, I.; Poleski, R.; Pietrukowicz, P.; Skowron, J.; Mróz, P.; Ulaczyk, K.; Pawlak, M.; Rybicki, K. A.; Sollerman, J.; Taddia, F.; Kostrzewa-Rutkowska, Z.; Onori, F.; Young, D. R.; Maguire, K.; Smartt, S. J.; Inserra, C.; Gal-Yam, A.; Rau, A.; Chen, T. -W.; Angus, C. R.; Buckley, D. A. H.; „Discovery and follow-up of the unusual nuclear transient OGLE17aaj”, February 2019, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 622, id.L2, 5 pp.
Coti Zelati, Francesco; Papitto, Alessandro; de Martino, Domitilla; Buckley, David A. H.; Odendaal, Alida; Li, Jian; Russell, Thomas D.; Torres, Diego F.; Mazzola, Simona M.; Bozzo, Enrico; Gromadzki, Mariusz; Campana, Sergio; Rea, Nanda; Ferrigno, Carlo; Migliari, Simone; „Prolonged sub-luminous state of the new transitional pulsar candidate CXOU J110926.4-650224”, February 2019, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 622, id.A211, 21 pp.
Miszalski, B.; Manick, R.; Mikołajewska, J.; Iłkiewicz, K.; Kamath, D.; van Winckel, Hans, "Searching for Long-Period Binary Central Stars of Planetary Nebulae with SALT HRS", , August 2019, Southern Horizons in Time-Domain Astronomy, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposiu-m, Volume 339, pp. 330-330
Maccarone, Thomas J.; Nelson, Thomas J.; Brown, Peter J.; Mukai, Koji; Charles, Philip A.; Rajoelimanana, Andry; Buckley, David A. H.; Strader, Jay; Chomiuk, Laura; Britt, Christopher T.; Jha, Saurabh W.; Mróz, Przemek; Udalski, Andrzej; Szymański, Michal K.; Soszyński, Igor; Poleski, Radosław; Kozłowski, Szymon; Pietrukowicz, Paweł; Skowron, Jan; Ulaczyk, Krzysztof; "Unconventional origin of supersoft X-ray emission from a white dwarf binary.", December 2019, Nature Astronomy, Volume 3, p. 173-177
Panda, Swayamtrupta; Martínez-Aldama, Mary Loli; Zajaček, Michal; "Current and future applications of Reverberation-mapped quasars in Cosmology", December 2019, Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, Volume 6, id.75 (2019)
Monageng, I. M.; Coe, M. J.; Kennea, J. A.; Townsend, L. J.;Buckley, D. A. H.; McBride, V. A.; Udalski, A.; Evans, P. A.; Roche, P. D., "An X-ray and optical study of the outbursting behaviour of the SMC Be X-ray binary SXP 91.1", October 2019, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 489, Issue 1,p.993-999,
Zajaček, Michal; Czerny, B.; Martínez-Aldama, Mary Loli; Karas, Vladimir, "Reverberation mapping of distant quasars: Time lag determination using different methods", August 2019, Astronomische Nachrichten, Volume 340, Issue 7, pp. 577-585,
Ratajczak, M.; Pigulski, A.; Pavlovski, K.; “Tracking massive pairs”, May 2019, Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnaté Pleso, vol. 49, no. 2, p. 252-257.
Joseph, T. D.; Filipović; , M. D.; Crawford, E. J.; Bojičić; , I.; Alexander, E. L.; Wong, G. F.; Andernach, H.; Leverenz, H.; Norris, R. P.; Alsaberi, R. Z. E.; Anderson, C.; Barnes, L. A.; Bozzetto, L. M.; Bufano, F.; Bunton, J. D.; Cavallaro, F.; Collier, J. D.; Dénes, H. Fukui, Y.; Galvin, T.; Haberl, F.; Ingallinera, A.; Kapinska, A. D.; Koribalski, B. S.; Kothes, R.; Li, D.; Maggi, P.; Maitra, C.; Manojlović; , P.; Marvil, J.; Maxted, N. I.; O'Brien, A. N.; Oliveira, J. M.; Pennock, C. M.; Riggi, S.; Rowell, G.; Rudnick, L.; Sano, H.; Sasaki, M.; Seymour, N.; Soria, R.; Stupar, M.; Tothill, N. F. H.; Trigilio, C.; Tsuge, K.; Umana, G.; Urošević; , D.; van Loon, J. Th; Vardoulaki, E.; Velović; , V.; Yew, M.; Leahy, D.; Chu, Y. -H.; Michałowski, M. J.; Kavanagh, P. J.; Grieve, K. R., "The ASKAP EMU Early Science Project: radio continuum survey of the Small Magellanic Cloud", November 2019, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 490, Issue 1, p.1202-1219
Aydi, E.; Buckley, H. D. A.; Mroz, P.; Orio, M.; Woudt, P.;Banerjee, K. D. P.; Evans, N.; Starrfield, S.; Sokolovsky, K.; Gromadzki, M.; "SALT spectroscopic follow up of V1047 Cen.", The Astronomer's Telegram, No. 12885, #1 (2019), 2019
Aydi, E.; Strader, J.; Chomiuk, L.; Kawash, A.; Sokolovsky, K. V.;Buckley, L. Shishkovsky D. A. H.; Mroz, M.; Orio P.; Woudt, P.;Banerjee, D. P. K.; Evans, A.; Geballe, T. R.; Hambsch, F. -J.; Kafka, S.; Munari, U.; Myers, G.; Page, K. L.; Starrfield, S.; Walter, F.;Gehrz, R. D.; Woodward, C. E. Wagner, R. M.; "SOAR and SALT spectroscopic follow up of V1047 Cen (Nova Cen 2005)", The Astronomer's Telegram, No. 12975, August 2019
Buckley, D. A. H.; Gromadzki, M.; Lipunov, V.; Potter, S. B.; Monageng, I.; "SALT spectroscopy of MASTER OT J120315.71-525727.2 (AT 2019gtv):a SN type Ia supernova", The Astronomer's Telegram, No. 12862, June 2019
Buckley, David; Ciroi, Stefano; Orio, Marina; Jah, Saurabh; Mikolajewska, Joanna; "SALT optical spectrum of transient MASTER OT J162250.41-482250.3", The Astronomer's Telegram, No. 13158, October 2019
Gromadzki, M.; "Transient Classification Report for 2019-10-26", Transient Name Server Classification Report, No. 2019-2193, October 2019
Gromadzki, M.; Ihanec, N.; Kozlowski, S.; Wyrzykowski, L.; Arcavi, I.;Trakhtenbrot, B.; Buckley, D.; Ricci, C.; Kara, E.; "Swift observations and spectroscopic classification of OGLE19qemas a Type IIn supernova", Transient Name Server AstroNote 2019-106, October 2019
Chen, P.; Dong, S.; Gromadzki, M.; Buckley, D. A. H.; "Spectroscopic classification of two ASAS-SN supernovae with SALT", Transient Name Server AstroNote 2019-49, July 2019
Quinn, Samuel N.; Becker, Juliette C.; Rodriguez, Joseph E.; Hadden, Sam; Huang, Chelsea X.; Morton, Timothy D.; Adams, Fred C.; Armstrong, David; Eastman, Jason D.; Horner, Jonathan; Kane, Stephen R.; Lissauer, Jack J.; Twicken, Joseph D.; Vanderburg, Andrew; Wittenmyer, Rob; Ricker, George R.; Vanderspek, Roland K.; Latham, David W.; Seager, Sara; Winn, Joshua N. Jenkins, Jon M.; Agol, Eric; Barkaoui, Khalid; Beichman, Charles A.; Bouchy, François; Bouma, L. G.; Burdanov, Artem; Campbell, Jennifer; Carlino, Roberto; Cartwright, Scott M.; Charbonneau, David; Christiansen, Jessie L.; Ciardi, David; Collins, Karen A.; Collins, Kevin I.; Conti, Dennis M.; Crossfield, Ian J. M.; Daylan, Tansu; Dittmann, Jason; Doty, John; Dragomir, Diana; Ducrot, Elsa; Gillon, Michael; Glidden, Ana; Goeke, Robert F.; Gonzales, Erica J.; Hełminiak, Krzysztof G.; Horch, Elliott P.; Howell, Steve B.; Jehin, Emmanuel; Jensen, Eric L. N.; Kielkopf, John F.; Kristiansen, Martti H.; Law, Nicholas; Mann, Andrew W.; Marmier, Maxime; Matson, Rachel A.; Matthews, Elisabeth; Mazeh, Tsevi; Mori, Mayuko; Murgas, Felipe; Murray, Catriona; Narita, Norio; Nielsen, Louise D.; Ottoni, Gaël; Palle, Enric; Pawłaszek, Rafał; Pepe, Francesco; Pitogo de Leon, Jerome; Pozuelos, Francisco J.; Relles, Howard M.; Schlieder, Joshua E.; Sebastian, Daniel; Ségransan, Damien; Shporer, Avi; Stassun, Keivan G.; Tamura, Motohide; Udry, Stéphane; Waite, Ian; Winters, Jennifer G.; Ziegler, Carl; „Near-resonance in a System of Sub-Neptunes from TESS”, November 2019, The Astronomical Journal, Volume 158, Issue 5, article id. 177, 16 pp. (2019).
Zwintz, K.; Reese, D. R.; Neiner, C.; Pigulski, A.; Kuschnig, R.; Müllner, M.; Zieba, S.; Abe, L.; Guillot, T.; Handler, G.; Kenworthy, M.; Stuik, R.; Moffat, A. F. J.; Popowicz, A.; Rucinski, S. M.; Wade, G. A.; Weiss, W. W.; Bailey, J. I.; Crawford, S.; Ireland, M. Lomberg, B.; Mamajek, E. E.; Mellon, S. N.; Talens, G. J.; „Revisiting the pulsational characteristics of the exoplanet host star β Pictoris”, July 2019, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 627, id.A28, 25 pp.
Osborn, H. P.; Kenworthy, M.; Rodriguez, J. E.; de Mooij, E. J. W.; Kennedy, G. M.; Relles, H.; Gomez, E.; Hippke, M.; Banfi, M.; Barbieri, L.; Becker, I. S.; Benni, P.; Berlind, P.; Bieryla, A.; Bonnoli, G.; Boussier, H.; Brincat, S. M.; Briol, J.; Burleigh, M. R.; Butterley, T. Calkins, M. L.; Chote, P.; Ciceri, S.; Deldem, M.; Dhillon, V. S.; Dose, E.; Dubois, F.; Dvorak, S.; Esquerdo, G. A.; Evans, D. F.; Ferratfiat, S.; Fossey, S. J.; Günther, M. N.; Hall, J.; Hambsch, F. -J.; Herrero, E.; Hills, K.; James, R.; Jayawardhana, R.; Kafka, S.; Killestein, T. L.; Kotnik, C.; Latham, D. W.; Lemay, D.; Lewin, P.; Littlefair, S.; Lopresti, C.; Mallonn, M.; Mancini, L.; Marchini, A.; McCormac, J. J.; Murawski, G.; Myers, G.; Papini, R.; Popov, V.; Quadri, U.; Quinn, S. N.; Raynard, L.; Rizzuti, L.; Robertson, J.; Salvaggio, F.; Scholz, A.; Sfair, R.; Smith, A. M. S.; Southworth, J.; Tan, T. G.; Vanaverbeke, S.; Waagen, E. O.; Watson, C. A.; West, R. G.; Winter, O. C.; Wheatley, P. J.; Wilson, R. W.; Zhou, G.; „The PDS 110 observing campaign - photometric and spectroscopic observations reveal eclipses are aperiodic”, May 2019, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 485, Issue 2, p.1614-1625
Crause, Lisa A.; Gilbank, David; Gend, Carel van; Worters, Hannah L.; Sass, Craig; Kotze, Enrico J.; Potter, Stephen; Sickafoose, Amanda; Sefako, Ramotholo; Southworth, John; Macri, Lucas; Thorstensen, John; Galan, Cezary; Skelton, Patricia; Engelbrecht, Chris; Braker, Ian; Winkler, Hartmut; Pieńkowski, Daniel; Sürgit, Derya; Erdem, Ahmet Burleigh, Matt; „SpUpNIC (Spectrograph Upgrade: Newly Improved Cassegrain): a versatile and efficient low- to medium-resolution, long-slit spectrograph on the South African Astronomical Observatory's 1.9-m telescope”, April 2019, Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems, Volume 5, id. 024007 (2019).
Pietrzyński, G.; Graczyk, D.; Gallenne, A.; Gieren, W.; Thompson, I. B.; Pilecki, B.; Karczmarek, P.; Górski, M.; Suchomska, K.; Taormina, M.; Zgirski, B.; Wielgórski, P.; Kołaczkowski, Z.; Konorski, P.; Villanova, S.; Nardetto, N.; Kervella, P.; Bresolin, F.; Kudritzki, R. P.; Storm, J. Smolec, R.; Narloch, W.; „A distance to the Large Magellanic Cloud that is precise to one per cent”, March 2019, Nature, Volume 567, Issue 7747, p.200-203
Gomel, Roy; Shahaf, Sahar; Mazeh, Tsevi; Faigler, Simchon; Crause, Lisa A.; Sefako, Ramotholo; Segransan, Damien; Maxted, Pierre F. L.; Soszyński, Igor; „SB 796: a high-velocity RRc star”, February 2019, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 482, Issue 4, p.5327-5335
Siwak, Michał; Winiarski, Maciej; Ogłoza, Waldemar; Dróżdż, Marek; Zoła, Stanisław; Moffat, Anthony F. J.; Stachowski, Grzegorz; Rucinski, Slavek M.; Cameron, Chris; Matthews, Jaymie M.; Weiss, Werner W.; Kuschnig, Rainer; Rowe, Jason F.; Guenther, David B.; Sasselov, Dimitar; „Insights into the inner regions of the FU Orionis disc”, October 2018, Astronomy & Astrophysics,
Volume 618, id.A79,
Siwak, Michal; Ogloza, Waldemar; Moffat, Anthony F. J.; Matthews, Jaymie M.; Rucinski, Slavek M.; Kallinger, Thomas; Kuschnig, Rainer; Cameron, Chris; Weiss, Werner W.; Rowe, Jason F.; Guenther, David B.; Sasselov, Dimitar; „Photometric variability of TW Hya from seconds to years as seen from space and the ground during 2013-2017”, July 2018, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 478, Issue 1, p.758-783,
Miszalski, Brent; Manick, Rajeev; Mikołajewska, Joanna; Van Winckel, Hans; Iłkiewicz, Krystian; „SALT HRS Discovery of the Binary Nucleus of the Etched Hourglass Nebula MyCn 18”, June 2018, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, Volume 35, id.e027 11 pp., ADS
Iłkiewicz, Krystian; Mikołajewska, Joanna; Miszalski, Brent; Kozłowski, Szymon; Udalski, Andrzej; „A D'-type symbiotic binary in the planetary nebula SMP LMC 88”, May 2018, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 476, Issue 2, p.2605-2612,
Buckley, David A. H.; Andreoni, Igor; Barway, Sudhanshu; Cooke, Jeff; Crawford, Steven M.; Gorbovskoy, Evgeny; Gromadzki, Mariusz; Lipunov, Vladimir; Mao, Jirong; Potter, Stephen B.; Pretorius, Magaretha L.; Pritchard, Tyler A.; Romero-Colmenero, Encarni; Shara, Michael M.; Väisänen, Petri; Williams, Ted B.; „A comparison between SALT/SAAO observations and kilonova models for AT 2017gfo: the first electromagnetic counterpart of a gravitational wave transient – GW170817”, February 2018, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, Volume 474, Issue 1, p.L71-L75
Miszalski, B.; Manick, R.; Mikołajewska, J.; Iłkiewicz, K.; Kamath, D.; Van Winckel, H.; „SALT HRS discovery of a long-period double-degenerate binary in the planetary nebula NGC 1360”, January 2018, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 473, Issue 2, p.2275-2287
Shen, Ken J.; Boubert, Douglas; Gänsicke, Boris T.; Jha, Saurabh W.; Andrews, Jennifer E.; Chomiuk, Laura; Foley, Ryan J.; Fraser, Morgan; Gromadzki, Mariusz; Guillochon, James; Kotze, Marissa M.; Maguire, Kate; Siebert, Matthew R.; Smith, Nathan; Strader, Jay; Badenes, Carles; Kerzendorf, Wolfgang E.; Koester, Detlev; Kromer, Markus; Miles, Broxton Pakmor, Rüdiger; Schwab, Josiah; Toloza, Odette; Toonen, Silvia; Townsley, Dean M.; Williams, Brian J.; “Three Hypervelocity White Dwarfs in Gaia DR2: Evidence for Dynamically Driven Double-degenerate Double-detonation Type Ia Supernovae”, September 2018, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 865, Issue 1, article id. 15, 14 pp. (2018).
Dye, S.; Furlanetto, C.; Dunne, L.; Eales, S. A.; Negrello, M.; Nayyeri, H.; van der Werf, P. P.; Serjeant, S.; Farrah, D.; Michałowski, M. J.; Baes, M.; Marchetti, L.; Cooray, A.; Riechers, D. A.; Amvrosiadis, A., “Modelling high-resolution ALMA observations of strongly lensed highly star-forming galaxies detected by Herschel”, June 2018, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 476, Issue 4, p.4383-4394
Amvrosiadis, A.; Eales, S. A.; Negrello, M.; Marchetti, L.; Smith, M. W. L.; Bourne, N.; Clements, D. L.; De Zotti, G.; Dunne, L.; Dye, S.; Furlanetto, C.; Ivison, R. J.; Maddox, S. J.; Valiante, E.; Baes, M.; Baker, A. J.; Cooray, A.; Crawford, S. M.; Frayer, D.; Harris, A.; Michałowski, M. J.; Nayyeri, H.; Oliver, S.; Riechers, D. A.; Serjeant, S.; Vaccari, M. ”ALMA observations of lensed Herschel sources: testing the dark matter halo paradigm”, April 2018, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 475, Issue 4, p.4939-4952
van Jaarsveld, N.; Buckley, D. A. H.; McBride, V. A.; Haberl, F.; Vasilopoulos, G.; Maitra, C.; Udalski, A.; Miszalski, B. ”Identification of high-mass X-ray binaries selected from XMM-Newton observations of the LMC*”, April 2018, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 475, Issue 3, p.3253-3261
Aydi, E.; Page, K. L.; Kuin, N. P. M.; Darnley, M. J.; Walter, F. M.; Mróz, P.; Buckley, D. A. H.; Mohamed, S.; Whitelock, P.; Woudt, P.; Williams, S. C.; Orio, M.; Williams, R. E.; Beardmore, A. P.; Osborne, J. P.;Kniazev, A.; Ribeiro, V. A. R. M.; Udalski, A.; Strader, J.; Chomiuk, L. ”Multiwavelength observations of nova SMCN 2016-10a - one of the brightest novae ever observed”, February 2018, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 474, Issue 2, p.2679-2705 (02/2018)
Ilkiewicz, Krystian; Mikolajewska, Joanna; Shara, Michael M.; Udalski, Andrzej; Drozd, Katarzyna; Faherty, Jacqueline K.; „A deep survey for symbiotic stars in the Magellanic Clouds - 1. Methodology and first discoveries in the SMC”, November 2018, eprint arXiv:1811.06696
Czerny, Bożena; Sredzinska, Justyna; Kotlarz, Jan; Udalski, Andrzej; Panda, Swayamtrupta; Wildy, Conor; „The first measurement of the Mg II line delay in a quasar at redshift ∼ 1”, August 2018, XXXVIII Polish Astronomical Society Meeting, Proceedings of the meeting held 11-14 September, 2017 in Zielona Góra, Poland. Proceedings of the Polish Astronomical Society, Vol. 7, Edited by Agata Różańska. ISBN: 978-83-950430-0-0, 2018, pp.267-269
Gromadzki, Mariusz; Wyrzykowski, Łukasz; Hamanowicz, Aleksandra; Rybicki, Krzysztof; Sokolovsky, Kirill V.; „Flares from centres of galaxies - OGLE-Gaia hunt for tidal disruption event”, XXXVIII Polish Astronomical Society Meeting, Proceedings of the meeting held 11-14 September, 2017 in Zielona Góra, Poland. Proceedings of the Polish Astronomical Society, Vol. 7, Edited by Agata Różańska. ISBN: 978-83-950430-0-0, 2018, pp.193-196, August 2018
Wyrzykowski, L.; Gromadzki, Sz.; Kozlowski, M.; Buckley, D. A. H.; Ihanec, N.; „SALT spectroscopic classification of Gaia18blo as AGN at z=2.09”, The Astronomer's Telegram, No. 11716, June 2018
Sokolovsky, K.; Gromadzki, M.; Wyrzykowski, L.; Zielinski, P.; Rybicki, K. A.; Udalski, A.; Mroz, P.; Ihanec, N.; Buckley, D.; Beamin, J. C.; "VLT, SALT and Swift observations confirm the blazar nature of OGLE18wc = AT2018wc", The Astronomer's Telegram, No. 11434, March 2018
Coe, M. J.; Kennea, J. A.; Buckley, D.; McBride, V.; Udalski, A.; Evans, P.; Roche, P.; Townsend, L.; "The X-ray transient system in the Small Magellanic Cloud, Swift J005139.2-721704 - binary period and optical spectral class", The Astronomer's Telegram, No. 12229, November 2018
Bose, Subhash; Dong, Subo; Gromadzki, M.; Buckley, D. A. H.; "SALT Spectroscopic classification of ASASSN-18vo as a SN Ia", The Astronomer's Telegram, No. 12137, October 2018
Molenda-Żakowicz, Joanna; Gray, Richard O.; Corbally, Christopher J.;Murphy, Simon J.; Chojnowski, Drew; Hasselquist, Sten; Niemczura, Ewa; Paunzen, Ernst; Koen, Chris; "Spectroscopic investigation of selected λ Boo - type stars", XXXVIII Polish Astronomical Society Meeting, Proceedings of the meeting held 11-14 September, 2017 in Zielona Góra, Poland. Proceedings of the Polish Astronomical Society, Vol. 7, Edited by Agata Różańska. ISBN: 978-83-950430-0-0, 2018, pp.201-203, August 2018
Ratajczak, Milena; Pigulski, Andrzej; "Massive Eclipsing Binaries Observed by BRITE", 3rd BRITE Science Conference, Proceedings of the conference held 7-10 August, 2017 in Auberge du Lac Taureau, QC, Canada. Polish Astronomical Society, Vol. 8. Edited by Gregg A. Wade, Dietrich Baade, Joyce A. Guzik, and Radosław Smolec. ISBN: 978-83-950430-1-7, 2018, pp.118-122, August 2018
Buckley, D. A. H.; Gromadzki, M.; Dong, Subo; Bose, Subhash; "SALT spectroscopic classification of ASASSN-18sy as a dwarf nova", The Astronomer's Telegram, No. 11993, August 2018
Buckley, D. A. H.; Potter, S. B.; Lipunov, V.; Gromadzki, M.; Razzaque, S.; Dong, S.; Ramphul, R.; "SALT spectroscopy of the optical counterpart to GRB180728A", The Astronomer's Telegram, No. 11897, July 2018
Buckley, D. A. H.; Gromadzki, M.; Dong, Subo; Stanek, K. Z.; "SALT Spectroscopic classification of ASASSN-18lw as a dwarf nova", The Astronomer's Telegram, No. 11712, June 2018
Buckley, D. A. H.; Gromadzki, M.; Dong, Subo; Stanek, K. Z.; "SALT Spectroscopic classification of ASASSN-18lp as a dwarf nova", The Astronomer's Telegram, No. 11695, June 2018
Sokolovsky, K.; Gromadzki, M.; Wyrzykowski, L.; Ihanec, N.; "Swift X-ray detection of the nuclear transient Gaia17dbg", The Astronomer's Telegram, No. 11709, June 2018
Arcavi, Iair; Gromadzki, Mariusz; Wyrzykowski, Lukasz; Buckley, David; "SALT Classification of ASASSN-18dk/AT 2018xy as a post-peak Type Ia Supernova", The Astronomer's Telegram, No. 11363, February 2018
Dong, Subo; Prieto, J. L.; Buckley, D. A. H.; Gromadzki, M.; "Spectroscopic classification of ASASSN-18da as a type Ia supernova", The Astronomer's Telegram, No. 11346, February 2018
Ihanec, N.; Gromadzki, M.; Wyrzykowski, L.; Buckley, D. A. H.; "Classification of nuclear transient Gaia18aeo/AT2018ig as SN Ia with SALTspectroscopy", The Astronomer's Telegram, No. 11291, February 2018
Gromadzki, M.; Wyrzykowski, L.; Buckley, D. A. H.; "SALT spectroscopic classification of nuclear transient Gaia18abb/AT2018Jas SN Ia/Ic", The Astronomer's Telegram, No. 11128, January 2018
Buckley, D. A. H.; Gromadzki, M.; Dong, S.; Bose, S; "ASAS-SN Transient Classification Report for 2018-08-28", Transient Name Server Classification Report, No. 2018-1253, August 2018
Dong, S.; Gromadzki, M.; Buckley, D. A. H.; Stanek, K. Z.; Prieto, J. L.; "ASAS-SN Transient Classification Report for 2018-06-13", Transient Name Server Classification Report, No. 2018-813, June 2018
Bose, S.; Dong, S.; Buckley, D.; Gromadzki, M.; Prieto, J. L.; "ASAS-SN Transient Classification Report for 2018-05-17", Transient Name Server Classification Report, No. 2018-660, May 2018
Bose, S.; Dong, S.; Gromadzki, M.; Buckley, D. A. H.; "ASAS-SN Transient Classification Report for 2018-10-22", Transient Name Server Classification Report, No. 2018-1620, October 2018
Górski, Marek; Pietrzyński, Grzegorz; Gieren, Wolfgang; Graczyk, Dariusz; Suchomska, Ksenia; Karczmarek, Paulina; Cohen, Roger E.; Zgirski, Bartłomiej; Wielgórski, Piotr; Pilecki, Bogumił; Taormina, Mónica; Kołaczkowski, Zbigniew; Narloch, Weronika; „The Araucaria Project: Multi-band Calibrations of the TRGB Absolute Magnitude”, December 2018, The Astronomical Journal, Volume 156, Issue 6, article id. 278, 9 pp. (2018).
Pigulski, Andrzej; Cugier, Henryk; Handler, Gerald; Kgoadi, Refilwe; „BRITE View of σ Scorpii, a β Cephei-Type Star Studied for over a Century”, August 2018, 3rd BRITE Science Conference, Proceedings of the conference held 7-10 August, 2017 in Auberge du Lac Taureau, QC, Canada. Polish Astronomical Society, Vol. 8. Edited by Gregg A. Wade, Dietrich Baade, Joyce A. Guzik, and Radosław Smolec. ISBN: 978-83-950430-1-7, 2018, pp.77-79
Bankowicz, Małgorzata; Herzig, Aleksander; Pollo, Agnieszka; Małek, Katarzyna; „Properties and environments of [Ultra] Luminous Infrared Galaxy candidates around the south ecliptic pole”, August 2018, XXXVIII Polish Astronomical Society Meeting, Proceedings of the meeting held 11-14 September, 2017 in Zielona Góra, Poland. Proceedings of the Polish Astronomical Society, Vol. 7, Edited by Agata Różańska. ISBN: 978-83-950430-0-0, 2018, pp.233-238
Leśniewska, Aleksandra; Otulakowska-Hypka, Magdalena; Mikołajewska, Joanna; Whitelock, Patricia A.; „SY Mus - search for physical parameters”, August 2018, XXXVIII Polish Astronomical Society Meeting, Proceedings of the meeting held 11-14 September, 2017 in Zielona Góra, Poland. Proceedings of the Polish Astronomical Society, Vol. 7, Edited by Agata Różańska. ISBN: 978-83-950430-0-0, 2018, pp.207-209
Kim, C. -H.; Kreiner, J. M.; Zakrzewski, B.; Ogłoza, W.; Kim, H. -W.; Jeong, M. -J.; „A Comprehensive Catalog of Galactic Eclipsing Binary Stars with Eccentric Orbits Based on Eclipse Timing Diagrams”, April 2018, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, Volume 235, Issue 2, article id. 41, 27 pp. (2018).
Bankowicz, Malgorzata; Pollo, Agnieszka; Malek, Katarzyna; Takeuchi, Tsutomu; Burgarella, Denis; Buat, Veronique; Malkan, Matt; Herzig, Aleksander; „What makes Ultra Luminous Infrared Galaxies shine? Properties and environments of ULIRGs from the AKARI Deep Field-South”, March 2018, The Cosmic Wheel and the Legacy of the AKARI archive: from galaxies and stars to planets and life. Edited by Takafumi Ootsubo, Issei Yamamura, Kazumi Murata and Takashi Onaka. Online at, pp.347-350
Bennett, D. P.; Udalski, A.; Han, C.; Bond, I. A.; Beaulieu, J. -P.; Skowron, J.; Gaudi, B. S.; Koshimoto, N.; Abe, F.; Asakura, Y.; Barry, R. K.; Bhattacharya, A.; Donachie, M.; Evans, P.; Fukui, A.; Hirao, Y.; Itow, Y.; Li, M. C. A.; Ling, C. H.; Masuda, K. Matsubara, Y.; Muraki, Y.; Nagakane, M.; Ohnishi, K.; Oyokawa, H.; Ranc, C.; Rattenbury, N. J.; Rosenthal, M. M.; Saito, To.; Sharan, A.; Sullivan, D. J.; Sumi, T.; Suzuki, D.; Tristram, P. J.; Yonehara, A.; MOA Collaboration; Szymański, M. K.; Poleski, R.; Soszyński, I.; Ulaczyk, K.; Wyrzykowski, Ł.; OGLE Collaboration; DePoy, D.; Gould, A.; Pogge, R. W.; Yee, J. C.; μFUN Collaboration; Albrow, M. D.; Bachelet, E.; Batista, V.; Bowens-Rubin, R.; Brillant, S.; Caldwell, J. A. R.; Cole, A.; Coutures, C.; Dieters, S.; Dominis Prester, D.; Donatowicz, J.; Fouqué, P.; Horne, K.; Hundertmark, M.; Kains, N.; Kane, S. R.; Marquette, J. -B.; Menzies, J.; Pollard, K. R.; Ranc, C.; Sahu, K. C.; Wambsganss, J.; Williams, A.; Zub, M.; PLANET Collaboration; „The First Planetary Microlensing Event with Two Microlensed Source Stars”, March 2018, The Astronomical Journal, Volume 155, Issue 3, article id. 141, 15 pp. (2018).
Ramiaramanantsoa, Tahina; Moffat, Anthony F. J.; Harmon, Robert; Ignace, Richard; St-Louis, Nicole; Vanbeveren, Dany; Shenar, Tomer; Pablo, Herbert; Richardson, Noel D.; Howarth, Ian D.; Stevens, Ian R.; Piaulet, Caroline; St-Jean, Lucas; Eversberg, Thomas; Pigulski, Andrzej; Popowicz, Adam; Kuschnig, Rainer; Zocłońska, Elżbieta; Buysschaert, Bram; Handler, Gerald; Weiss, Werner W.; Wade, Gregg A.; Rucinski, Slavek M.; Zwintz, Konstanze; Luckas, Paul; Heathcote, Bernard; Cacella, Paulo; Powles, Jonathan; Locke, Malcolm; Bohlsen, Terry; Chené, André-Nicolas; Miszalski, Brent; Waldron, Wayne L.; Kotze, Marissa M.; Kotze, Enrico J.; Böhm, Torsten; „BRITE-Constellation high-precision time-dependent photometry of the early O-type supergiant ζ Puppis unveils the photospheric drivers of its small- and large-scale wind structures”, February 2018, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 473, Issue 4, p.5532-5569
Shara, M. M.; Iłkiewicz, K.; Mikołajewska, J.; Pagnotta, A.; Bode, M. F.; Crause, L. A.; Drozd, K.; Faherty, J.; Fuentes-Morales, I.; Grindlay, J. E.; Moffat, A. F. J.; Pretorius, M. L.; Schmidtobreick, L.; Stephenson, F. R.; Tappert, C.; Zurek, D.; "Proper-motion age dating of the progeny of Nova Scorpii AD 1437", Nature, Volume 548, Issue 7669, pp. 558-560, 08/2017
Townsend, L. J.; Kennea, J. A.; Coe, M. J.; McBride, V. A.; Buckley, D. A. H.; Evans, P. A.; Udalski, A.; "The 2016 super-Eddington outburst of SMC X-3: X-ray and optical properties and system parameters", November 2017, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 471, Issue 4, p.3878-3887
McCully, Curtis; Hiramatsu, Daichi; Howell, D. Andrew; Hosseinzadeh, Griffin; Arcavi, Iair; Kasen, Daniel; Barnes, Jennifer; Shara, Michael M.; Williams, Ted B.; Väisänen, Petri; Potter, Stephen B.; Romero-Colmenero, Encarni; Crawford, Steven M.; Buckley, David A. H.; Cooke, Jeffery; Andreoni, Igor; Pritchard, Tyler A.; Mao, Jirong; Gromadzki, Mariusz; Burke, Jamison; "The Rapid Reddening and Featureless Optical Spectra of the Optical Counterpart of GW170817, AT 2017gfo, during the First Four Days", 10/2017, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 848, Issue 2, article id. L32, 8 pp.
Czerny, B.; Li, Yan-Rong; Hryniewicz, K.; Panda, S.; Wildy, C.; Sniegowska, M.; Wang, J.-M.; Sredzinska, J.; Karas, V.; "Failed Radiatively Accelerated Dusty Outflow Model of the Broad Line Region in Active Galactic Nuclei. I. Analytical Solution", September 2017, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 846, Issue 2, article id. 154, 13 pp.
Średzińska, J.; Czerny, B.; Hryniewicz, K.; Krupa, M.; Kurcz, A.; Marziani, P.; Adhikari, T. P.; Basak, R.; You, B.; Wang, J.-M.; Hu, C.; Pych, W.; Bilicki, M.; "SALT long-slit spectroscopy of quasar HE 0435-4312: fast displacement of the Mg II emission line", 05/2017, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 601, id.A32, 15 pp.
Bartlett, E. S.; Coe, M. J.; Israel, G. L.; Clark, J. S.; Esposito, P.; D'Elia, V.; Udalski, A.; "SXP 7.92: a recently rediscovered Be/X-ray binary in the Small Magellanic Cloud, viewed edge on", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 466, Issue 4, p.4659-4671, April 2017
Kraan-Korteweg, Renée C.; Cluver, Michelle E.; Bilicki, Maciej; Jarrett, Thomas H.; Colless, Matthew; Elagali, Ahmed; Böhringer, Hans; Chon, Gayoung; "Discovery of a supercluster in the Zone of Avoidance in Vela", 03/2017, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, Volume 466, Issue 1, p.L29-L33
Rajoelimanana, A. F.; Charles, P. A.; Meintjes, P. J.; Townsend, L. J.; Schurch, M. P. E.; Udalski, A.; "Orbital and superorbital monitoring of the Be/X-ray binary A0538-66: constraints on the system parameters", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 464, Issue 4, p.4133-4144, February 2017
Abbott, B. P.; ...; Bejger, M.; ...; Bulik, T.; ...; Jaranowski, P.; ...; Królak, A.; ...; Kutynia, A.; ...; Rosińska, D.; ...; Sieniawska, M.; ...; Zadrożny, A.; ...; "Multi-messenger Observations of a Binary Neutron Star Merger", The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 848, Issue 2, article id. L12, 59 pp. (2017), October 2017 ADS
Kuźmicz, A.; Jamrozy, M.; Kozieł-Wierzbowska, D.; Weżgowiec, M.; "Optical and radio properties of extragalactic radio sources with recurrent jet activity", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 471, Issue 4, p.3806-3826, November 2017
Richardson, Noel D.; Russell, Christopher M. P.; St-Jean, Lucas; Moffat, Anthony F. J.; St-Louis, Nicole; Shenar, Tomer; Pablo, Herbert; Hill, Grant M.; Ramiaramanantsoa, Tahina; Corcoran, Michael; Hamuguchi, Kenji; Eversberg, Thomas; Miszalski, Brent; Chené, André-Nicolas; Waldron, Wayne; Kotze, Enrico J.; Kotze, Marissa M.; Luckas, Paul; Cacella, Paulo; Heathcote, Bernard Powles, Jonathan; Bohlsen, Terry; Locke, Malcolm; Handler, Gerald; Kuschnig, Rainer; Pigulski, Andrzej; Popowicz, Adam; Wade, Gregg A.; Weiss, Werner W.; "The variability of the BRITE-est Wolf-Rayet binary, γ2 Velorum-I. Photometric and spectroscopic evidence for colliding winds", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 471, Issue 3, p.2715-2729, November 2017
Bartczak, P.; Kryszczyńska, A.; Dudziński, G.; Polińska, M.; Colas, F.; Vachier, F.; Marciniak, A.; Pollock, J.; Apostolovska, G.; Santana-Ros, T.; Hirsch, R.; Dimitrow, W.; Murawiecka, M.; Wietrzycka, P.; Nadolny, J.; "A new non-convex model of the binary asteroid (809) Lundia obtained with the SAGE modelling technique", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 471, Issue 1, p.941-947, October 2017
Wielgórski, Piotr; Pietrzyński, Grzegorz; Gieren, Wolfgang; Górski, Marek; Kudritzki, Rolf-Peter; Zgirski, Bartłomiej; Bresolin, Fabio; Storm, Jesper; Matsunaga, Noriyuki; Graczyk, Dariusz; Soszyński, Igor; "A Precision Determination of the Effect of Metallicity on Cepheid Absolute Magnitudes in VIJHK Bands from Magellanic Cloud Cepheids", The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 842, Issue 2, article id. 116, 8 pp. (2017)., June 2017
Gałan, Cezary; Mikołajewska, Joanna; Hinkle, Kenneth H.; Joyce, Richard R.; "Chemical abundance analysis of 13 southern symbiotic giants from high-resolution spectra at ˜1.56 μm", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 466, Issue 2, p.2194-2201, April 2017
Boon, C. M.; Bird, A. J.; Coe, M. J.; Corbet, R. H. D.; Evans, P. A.; Kennea, J. A.; Krimm, H. A.; Laycock, S. G. T.; Udalski, A.; "Multiwavelength observations of the Be/X-ray binary IGR J01217-7257 (=SXP 2.16) during outburst", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 466, Issue 1, p.1149-1159, April 2017
Handler, G.; Rybicka, M.; Popowicz, A.; Pigulski, A.; Kuschnig, R.; Zocłońska, E.; Moffat, A. F. J.; Weiss, W. W.; Grant, C. C.; Pablo, H.; Whittaker, G. N.; Ruciński, S. M.; Ramiaramanantsoa, T.; Zwintz, K.; Wade, G. A.; "Combining BRITE and ground-based photometry for the β Cephei star ν Eridani: impact on photometric pulsation mode identification and detection of several g modes", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 464, Issue 2, p.2249-2258, January 2017
Dong, Subo; Shappee, B. J.; Prieto, J. L.; Jha, S. W.; Stanek, K. Z.;
Holoien, T. W.-S.; Kochanek, C. S.; Thompson, T. A.; Morrell, N.;
Thompson, I. B.; Basu, U.; Beacom, J. F.; Bersier, D.; Brimacombe, J.;
Brown, J. S.; Bufano, F.; Chen, Ping; Conseil, E.; Danilet, A. B.;
Falco, E.; Grupe, D.; Kiyota, S.; Masi, G.; Nicholls, B.; Olivares E., F.;
Pignata, G.; Pojmanski, G.; Simonian, G. V.; Szczygiel, D. M.;
Woźniak, P. R.;
"ASASSN-15lh: A highly super-luminous supernova", 01/2016,
Science, Volume 351, Issue 6270, pp. 257-260 (2016) ADS
Aydi, E.; Mróz, P.; Whitelock, P. A.; Mohamed, S.; Wyrzykowski, Ł.; Udalski, A.; Vaisanen, P.; Nagayama, T.; Dominik, M.; Scholz, A.; Onozato, H.; Williams, R. E.; Hodgkin, S. T.; Nishiyama, S.; Yamagishi, M.; Smith, A. M. S.; Ryu, T.; Iwamatsu, A.; Kawamata, I.;
"V5852 Sgr: an unusual nova possibly associated with the Sagittarius stream",
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 461, Issue 2,
p.1529-1538 ADS
Modzelewska, J.; Czerny, B.; Bilicki, M.; Hryniewicz, K.; Krupa, M.; Petrogalli, F.; Pych, W.; Kurcz, A.; Udalski, A.;
"Quasars as tracers of cosmic flows", 10/2016.
The Zeldovich Universe: Genesis and Growth of the Cosmic Web, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium, Volume 308, pp. 344-345
Sredzinska, J.; Czerny, B.; Hryniewicz, K.; Krupa, M.; Marziani, P.;
Adhikari, T. P.; Basak, R.; You, B.; Bilicki, M.;
"SALT long-slit spectroscopy of HE 0435-4312: fast displacement in the Mg II emission line", 02/2016, eprint arXiv:1602.01975 link
Corbet, R. H. D.; Chomiuk, L.; Coe, M. J.; Coley, J. B.; Dubus, G.; Edwards, P. G.; Martin, P.; McBride, V. A.; Stevens, J.; Strader, J.; Townsend, L. J.; Udalski, A.; "A Luminous Gamma-ray Binary in the Large Magellanic Cloud", The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 829, Issue 2, article id. 105, 10 pp. (2016), October 2016
Crawford, S. M.; Crause, Lisa; Depagne, Éric; Ilkiewicz, Krystian; Schroeder, Anja; Kuhn, Rudolph; Hettlage, Christian; Romero Colmenaro, Encarni; Kniazev, Alexei; Väisänen, Petri; "Data reductions and data quality for the high resolution spectrograph on the Southern African Large Telescope", Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9908, id. 99082L 7 pp. (2016)., August 2016
Górski, Marek; Pietrzyński, Grzegorz; Gieren, Wolfgang; Catelan, Márcio; Pilecki, Bogumił; Karczmarek, Paulina; Suchomska, Ksenia; Graczyk, Dariusz; Konorski, Piotr; Zgirski, Bartłomiej; Wielgórski, Piotr; "The Araucaria Project: On the Tip of the Red Giant Branch Distance Determination to the Magellanic Clouds.", The Astronomical Journal, Volume 151, Issue 6, article id. 167, 9 pp. (2016)., June 2016
Siwak, Michal; Ogloza, Waldemar; Rucinski, Slavek M.; Moffat, Anthony F. J.; Matthews, Jaymie M.; Cameron, Chris; Guenther, David B.; Kuschnig, Rainer; Rowe, Jason F.; Sasselov, Dimitar; Weiss, Werner W.; "Stable and unstable accretion in the classical T Tauri stars IM Lup and RU Lup as observed by MOST", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 456, Issue 4, p.3972-3984, March 2016
Henderson, Calen B.; Poleski, Radosław; Penny, Matthew; Street, Rachel A.; Bennett, David P.; Hogg, David W.; Gaudi, B. Scott; K2 Campaign 9 Microlensing Science Team; Zhu, W.; Barclay, T.; Barentsen, G.; Howell, S. B.; Mullally, F.; Udalski, A.; Szymański, M. K.; Skowron, J.; Mróz, P.; Kozłowski, S.; Wyrzykowski, Ł.; Pietrukowicz, P. Soszyński, I.; Ulaczyk, K.; Pawlak, M.; OGLE Project, The; Sumi, T.; Abe, F.; Asakura, Y.; Barry, R. K.; Bhattacharya, A.; Bond, I. A.; Donachie, M.; Freeman, M.; Fukui, A.; Hirao, Y.; Itow, Y.; Koshimoto, N.; Li, M. C. A.; Ling, C. H.; Masuda, K.; Matsubara, Y.; Muraki, Y.; Nagakane, M.; Ohnishi, K.; Oyokawa, H.; Rattenbury, N.; Saito, To.; Sharan, A.; Sullivan, D. J.; Tristram, P. J.; Yonehara, A.; MOA Collaboration; Bachelet, E.; Bramich, D. M.; Cassan, A.; Dominik, M.; Figuera Jaimes, R.; Horne, K.; Hundertmark, M.; Mao, S.; Ranc, C.; Schmidt, R.; Snodgrass, C.; Steele, I. A.; Tsapras, Y.; Wambsganss, J.; RoboNet Project, Bozza, V.; Burgdorf, M. J.; Jørgensen, U. G.; Calchi Novati, S.; Ciceri, S.; D'Ago, G.; Evans, D. F.; Hessman, F. V.; Hinse, T. C.; Husser, T. -O.; Mancini, L.; Popovas, A.; Rabus, M.; Rahvar, S.; Scarpetta, G.; Skottfelt, J.; Southworth, J.; Unda-Sanzana, E.; MiNDSTEp Team; Bryson, S. T.; Caldwell, D. A.; Haas, M. R.; Larson, K.; McCalmont, K.; Packard, M.; Peterson, C.; Putnam, D.; Reedy, L.; Ross, S.; Van Cleve, J. E.; K2C9 Engineering Team; Akeson, R.; Batista, V.; Beaulieu, J. -P.; Beichman, C. A.; Bryden, G.; Ciardi, D.; Cole, A.; Coutures, C.; Foreman-Mackey, D.; Fouqué, P.; Friedmann, M.; Gelino, C.; Kaspi, S.; Kerins, E.; Korhonen, H.; Lang, D.; Lee, C. -H.; Lineweaver, C. H.; Maoz, D.; Marquette, J. -B.; Mogavero, F.; Morales, J. C.; Nataf, D.; Pogge, R. W.; Santerne, A.; Shvartzvald, Y.; Suzuki, D.; Tamura, M.; Tisserand, P.; Wang, D.; "Campaign 9 of the K2 Mission: Observational Parameters, Scientific Drivers, and Community Involvement for a Simultaneous Space- and Ground-based Microlensing Survey", Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Volume 128, Issue 970, pp. 124401 (2016)., December 2016
Kopacki, G.;
"Wide-Field Variability Survey of the Globular Cluster M 79
and a New Period-Luminosity Relation for SX Phe Stars",
2015, Acta Astronomica 65, 81-106
Iłkiewicz, Krystian; Mikołajewska, Joanna; Miszalski, Brent;
Gromadzki, Mariusz; Whitelock, Patricia A.;
"LMC S63: a historical reappraisal of the outburst behaviour
of a deeply eclipsing Magellanic symbiotic star",
2015, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,
Volume 451, Issue 4, p.3909-3919
Tomov, T.; Swierczynski, E.; Mikolajewski, M.; Ilkiewicz, K.;
"SALT observations of southern post-novae"
2015, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 576A, 119
Hajduk, M.; Gromadzki, M.; Mikołajewska, J.; Miszalski, B.; Soszyński, I.;
"An X-Shooter View of the Symbiotic Star [JD2002] 11"
2015, Acta Astronomica, Volume 65, 139
Czerny, Bożena; Modzelewska, Justyna; Petrogalli, Francesco; Pych, Wojtek;
Adhikari, Tek P.; Życki, Piotr T.; Hryniewicz, Krzysztof; Krupa, Magdalena;
Świętoń, Agnieszka; Nikołajuk, Marek;
"The dust origin of the Broad Line Region and the model consequences
for AGN unification scheme",
2015, Advances in Space Research, Volume 55, Issue 7, p. 1806-1815
Hajduk, M.; van Hoof, P. A. M.; Zijlstra, A. A.;
"Evolution of the central stars of young planetary nebulae",
2015, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 573, id.A65, 7 pp.
Iłkiewicz, Krystian;
"Obserwacje spektroskopowe wybranych gwiazd symbiotycznych w Obłokach Magellana", 2015,
Praca magisterska, Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Fizyki
(promotorzy: J. Mikołajewska, K. Belczyński)
Pagnotta, Ashley; Schaefer, Bradley E.; Clem, James L.; Landolt, Arlo U.; Handler, Gerald; Page, Kim L.; Osborne, Julian P.; Schlegel, Eric M.; Hoffman, Douglas I.; Kiyota, Seiichiro; Maehara, Hiroyuki; "The 2010 Eruption of the Recurrent Nova U Scorpii: The Multi-wavelength Light Curve", The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 811, Issue 1, article id. 32, 42 pp. (2015)., September 2015
Jeong, J.; Park, H.; Han, C.; Gould, A.; Udalski, A.; Szymański, M. K.; Pietrzyński, G.; Soszyński, I.; Poleski, R.; Ulaczyk, K.; Wyrzykowski, Ł.; OGLE Collaboration; Abe, F.; Bennett, D. P.; Bond, I. A.; Botzler, C. S.; Freeman, M.; Fukui, A.; Fukunaga, D.; Itow, Y. Koshimoto, N.; Masuda, K.; Matsubara, Y.; Muraki, Y.; Namba, S.; Ohnishi, K.; Rattenbury, N. J.; Saito, To.; Sullivan, D. J.; Sweatman, W. L.; Sumi, T.; Suzuki, D.; Tristram, P. J.; Tsurumi, N.; Wada, K.; Yamai, N.; Yock, P. C. M.; Yonehara, A.; MOA Collaboration; Albrow, M. D.; Batista, V.; Beaulieu, J. -P.; Caldwell, J. A. R.; Cassan, A.; Cole, A.; Coutures, C.; Dieters, S.; Dominik, M.; Dominis Prester, D.; Donatowicz, J.; Fouqué, P.; Greenhill, J.; Hoffman, M.; Huber, M.; Jørgensen, U. G.; Kane, S. R.; Kubas, D.; Martin, R.; Marquette, J. -B.; Menzies, J.; Pitrou, C.; Pollard, K.; Sahu, K. C.; Vinter, C.; Wambsganss, J.; Williams, A.; PLANET Collaboration; Allen, W.; Bolt, G.; Choi, J. -Y.; Christie, G. W.; DePoy, D. L.; Drummond, J.; Gaudi, B. S.; Hwang, K. -H.; Jung, Y. K.; Lee, C. -U.; Mallia, F.; Maoz, D.; Maury, A.; McCormick, J.; Monard, L. A. G.; Moorhouse, D.; Natusch, T.; Ofek, E. O.; Park, B. -G.; Pogge, R. W.; Santallo, R.; Shin, I. -G.; Thornley, G.; Yee, J. C.; μFUN Collaboration; Bramich, D. M.; Burgdorf, M.; Horne, K.; Hundertmark, M.; Kains, N.; Snodgrass, C.; Steele, I.; Street, R.; Tsapras, Y.; RoboNet Collaboration; "Reanalyses of Anomalous Gravitational Microlensing Events in the OGLE-III Early Warning System Database with Combined Data", The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 804, Issue 1, article id. 38, 11 pp. (2015)., May 2015
Skowron, J.; Shin, I. -G.; Udalski, A.; Han, C.; Sumi, T.; Shvartzvald, Y.; Gould, A.; Dominis Prester, D.; Street, R. A.; Jørgensen, U. G.; Bennett, D. P.; Bozza, V.; Szymański, M. K.; Kubiak, M.; Pietrzyński, G.; Soszyński, I.; Poleski, R.; Kozłowski, S.; Pietrukowicz, P.; Ulaczyk, K. Wyrzykowski, Ł.; OGLE Collaboration; Abe, F.; Bhattacharya, A.; Bond, I. A.; Botzler, C. S.; Freeman, M.; Fukui, A.; Fukunaga, D.; Itow, Y.; Ling, C. H.; Koshimoto, N.; Masuda, K.; Matsubara, Y.; Muraki, Y.; Namba, S.; Ohnishi, K.; Philpott, L. C.; Rattenbury, N.; Saito, T.; Sullivan, D. J.; Suzuki, D.; Tristram, P. J.; Yock, P. C. M.; MOA Collaboration; Maoz, D.; Kaspi, S.; Friedmann, M.; Wise Group; Almeida, L. A.; Batista, V.; Christie, G.; Choi, J. -Y.; DePoy, D. L.; Gaudi, B. S.; Henderson, C.; Hwang, K. -H.; Jablonski, F.; Jung, Y. K.; Lee, C. -U.; McCormick, J.; Natusch, T.; Ngan, H.; Park, H.; Pogge, R. W.; Yee, J. C.; μFUN Collaboration; Albrow, M. D.; Bachelet, E.; Beaulieu, J. -P.; Brillant, S.; Caldwell, J. A. R.; Cassan, A.; Cole, A.; Corrales, E.; Coutures, Ch.; Dieters, S.; Donatowicz, J.; Fouqué, P.; Greenhill, J.; Kains, N.; Kane, S. R.; Kubas, D.; Marquette, J. -B.; Martin, R.; Menzies, J.; Pollard, K. R.; Ranc, C.; Sahu, K. C.; Wambsganss, J.; Williams, A.; Wouters, D.; PLANET Collaboration; Tsapras, Y.; Bramich, D. M.; Horne, K.; Hundertmark, M.; Snodgrass, C.; Steele, I. A.; RoboNet Collaboration; Alsubai, K. A.; Browne, P.; Burgdorf, M. J.; Calchi Novati, S.; Dodds, P.; Dominik, M.; Dreizler, S.; Fang, X. -S.; Gu, C. -H.; Hardis; Harpsøe, K.; Hessman, F. V.; Hinse, T. C.; Hornstrup, A.; Jessen-Hansen, J.; Kerins, E.; Liebig, C.; Lund, M.; Lundkvist, M.; Mancini, L.; Mathiasen, M.; Penny, M. T.; Rahvar, S.; Ricci, D.; Scarpetta, G.; Skottfelt, J.; Southworth, J.; Surdej, J.; Tregloan-Reed, J.; Wertz, O.; MiNDSTEp Consortium; "OGLE-2011-BLG-0265Lb: A Jovian Microlensing Planet Orbiting an M Dwarf", The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 804, Issue 1, article id. 33, 12 pp. (2015)., May 2015
Calchi Novati, S.; Gould, A.; Udalski, A.; Menzies, J. W.; Bond, I. A.; Shvartzvald, Y.; Street, R. A.; Hundertmark, M.; Beichman, C. A.; Yee, J. C.; Carey, S.; Poleski, R.; Skowron, J.; Kozłowski, S.; Mróz, P.; Pietrukowicz, P.; Pietrzyński, G.; Szymański, M. K.; Soszyński, I.; Ulaczyk, K. Wyrzykowski, Ł.; OGLE Collaboration; Albrow, M.; Beaulieu, J. P.; Caldwell, J. A. R.; Cassan, A.; Coutures, C.; Danielski, C.; Dominis Prester, D.; Donatowicz, J.; Lončarić, K.; McDougall, A.; Morales, J. C.; Ranc, C.; Zhu, W.; PLANET Collaboration; Abe, F.; Barry, R. K.; Bennett, D. P.; Bhattacharya, A.; Fukunaga, D.; Inayama, K.; Koshimoto, N.; Namba, S.; Sumi, T.; Suzuki, D.; Tristram, P. J.; Wakiyama, Y.; Yonehara, A.; MOA Collaboration; Maoz, D.; Kaspi, S.; Friedmann, M.; Wise Group; Bachelet, E.; Figuera Jaimes, R.; Bramich, D. M.; Tsapras, Y.; Horne, K.; Snodgrass, C.; Wambsganss, J.; Steele, I. A.; Kains, N.; RoboNet Collaboration; Bozza, V.; Dominik, M.; Jørgensen, U. G.; Alsubai, K. A.; Ciceri, S.; D'Ago, G.; Haugbølle, T.; Hessman, F. V.; Hinse, T. C.; Juncher, D.; Korhonen, H.; Mancini, L.; Popovas, A.; Rabus, M.; Rahvar, S.; Scarpetta, G.; Schmidt, R. W.; Skottfelt, J.; Southworth, J.; Starkey, D.; Surdej, J.; Wertz, O.; Zarucki, M.; MiNDSTEp Consortium; Gaudi, B. S.; Pogge, R. W.; DePoy, D. L.; μFUN Collaboration; "Pathway to the Galactic Distribution of Planets: Combined Spitzer and Ground-Based Microlens Parallax Measurements of 21 Single-Lens Events", The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 804, Issue 1, article id. 20, 25 pp. (2015)., May 2015
Coe, M. J.; Finger, M.; Bartlett, E. S.; Udalski, A.; "Swift J0513.4-6547 = LXP 27.2: a new Be/X-ray binary system in the Large Magellanic Cloud", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 447, Issue 2, p.1630-1637, February 2015
Miszalski, B.; Mikolajewska, J.; Udalski, A.;
"A Remarkable Sample of New Symbiotic Stars Towards the Galactic Bulge", 12/2014,
Stella Novae: Past and Future Decades. ASP Conference Series, Vol. 490,
Proceedings of a conference held 4-8 February, 2013 at the Pavilion Clock Tower,
Cape Town, South Africa. Edited by P. A. Woudt and V. A. R. M. Ribeiro,
2014, p.355 ADS
Modzelewska, J.; Czerny, B.; Hryniewicz, K.; Bilicki, M.; Krupa, M.;
Świȩtoń, A.; Pych, W.; Udalski, A.; Adhikari, T. P.; Petrogalli, F.;
"SALT long-slit spectroscopy of CTS C30.10: two-component Mg II line",
2014, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 570, id.A53, 13 pp.
Modzelewska, J.; Czerny, B.; Bilicki, M.; Hryniewicz, K.; Krupa, M.;
Petrogalli, F.; Pych, W.; Kurcz, A.; Udalski, A.;
"Quasars as tracers of cosmic flows",
2014, eprint arXiv:1410.0127 link
Czerny, Bozena;
"The dust origin of the Broad Line Region and the model
consequences for AGN unification scheme",
2014, 40th COSPAR Scientific Assembly.
Held 2-10 August 2014, in Moscow, Russia, Abstract E1.19-10-14.;
Oszkiewicz, D. A.; Kwiatkowski, T.; Tomov, T.; Birlan, M.; Geier, S.;
Penttilä, A.; Polińska, M.
"Selecting asteroids for a targeted spectroscopic survey",
2014, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 572, id.A29, 12 pp.
Miszalski, Brent; Mikołajewska, Joanna; Udalski, Andrzej;
"OGLE-SMC-LPV-00861 (LIN 9): the first proven Z And outburst
in a Magellanic symbiotic star"
2014, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters,
Volume 444, Issue 1, p.L11-L15 link
Miszalski, Brent; Mikołajewska, Joanna;
"Identification of new Galactic symbiotic stars with SALT - I. Initial discoveries and other emission line objects"
2014, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 440, Issue 2, p.1410-1419
W. Narloch; J. Kaluzny; W. Krzeminski; W. Pych; M. Rozyczka; S. Shectman;
I. B. Thompson; and T. Tomov;
"New observations of the old magnetic nova GQ Muscae"
2014, Baltic Astronomy, vol. 23, 1-7
Hajduk, M.; van Hoof, P. A. M.; Gesicki, K.; Zijlstra, A. A.; Górny, S. K.; Gładkowski, M.;
"The evolving spectrum of the planetary nebula Hen 2-260"
2014, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 567, id.A15, 8 pp.
Hajduk, M.; Gładkowski, M.; Soszyński, I.;
"Search for binary central stars of the SMC PNe"
2014, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 561, id.A8, 7 pp.
Hryniewicz, K.; Czerny, B.; Pych, W.; Udalski, A.; Krupa, M.; Świȩtoń, A.; Kaluzny, J.;
"SALT long-slit spectroscopy of LBQS 2113-4538: variability of the Mg II and Fe II component"
2014, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 562, id.A34
Zhekov, S. A.; Tomov, Toma; Gawronski, Marcin P.; Georgiev, Leonid N.; Borissova, Jura; Kurtev, Radostin;
Gagne, Marc; Hajduk, Marcin;
“A multiwavelength view on the dusty Wolf-Rayet star WR 48a*”
2014, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 445, Issue 2, p.1663-1678.
Sturm, R.; Haberl, F.; Vasilopoulos, G.; Bartlett, E. S.; Maggi, P.; Rau, A.; Greiner, J.; Udalski, A.; "Discovery of SXP 265, a Be/X-ray binary pulsar in the Wing of the Small Magellanic Cloud", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 444, Issue 4, p.3571-3580, November 2014
Górny, S. K.; "Spectroscopy of southern Galactic disk planetary nebulae. Notes on chemical composition and emission-line stars", Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 570, id.A26, 25 pp., October 2014
Michalowski, T.; Bartczak, P.; Descamps, P.; Santana-Ros, T.; Marciniak, A.; Fauvaud, S.; "(3169) Ostro: A single body or a contact binary asteroid?", Asteroids, Comets, Meteors 2014. Proceedings of the conference held 30 June - 4 July, 2014 in Helsinki, Finland. Edited by K. Muinonen et al., July 2014
Angeloni, R.; Contreras Ramos, R.; Catelan, M.; Dékány, I.; Gran, F.; Alonso-García, J.; Hempel, M.; Navarrete, C.; Andrews, H.; Aparicio, A.; Beamín, J. C.; Berger, C.; Borissova, J.; Contreras Peña, C.; Cunial, A.; de Grijs, R.; Espinoza, N.; Eyheramendy, S.; Ferreira Lopes, C. E.; Fiaschi, M. Hajdu, G.; Han, J.; Hełminiak, K. G.; Hempel, A.; Hidalgo, S. L.; Ita, Y.; Jeon, Y. -B.; Jordán, A.; Kwon, J.; Lee, J. T.; Martín, E. L.; Masetti, N.; Matsunaga, N.; Milone, A. P.; Minniti, D.; Morelli, L.; Murgas, F.; Nagayama, T.; Navarro, C.; Ochner, P.; Pérez, P.; Pichara, K.; Rojas-Arriagada, A.; Roquette, J.; Saito, R. K.; Siviero, A.; Sohn, J.; Sung, H. -I.; Tamura, M.; Tata, R.; Tomasella, L.; Townsend, B.; Whitelock, P.; "The VVV Templates Project Towards an automated classification of VVV light-curves. I. Building a database of stellar variability in the near-infrared", Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 567, id.A100, 11 pp., July 2014
Holdsworth, Daniel L.; Smalley, B.; Gillon, M.; Clubb, K. I.; Southworth, J.; Maxted, P. F. L.; Anderson, D. R.; Barros, S. C. C.; Collier Cameron, A.; Delrez, L.; Faedi, F.; Haswell, C. A.; Hellier, C.; Horne, K.; Jehin, E.; Norton, A. J.; Pollacco, D.; Skillen, I.; Smith, A. M. S.; West, R. G. Wheatley, P. J.; "High-frequency A-type pulsators discovered using SuperWASP", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 439, Issue 2, p.2078-2095, April 2014
Matsuura, Mikako; Bernard-Salas, Jeronimo; Lloyd Evans, T.; Volk, Kevin M.; Hrivnak, Bruce J.; Sloan, G. C.; Chu, You-Hua; Gruendl, Robert; Kraemer, Kathleen E.; Peeters, Els; Szczerba, R.; Wood, P. R.; Zijlstra, Albert A.; Hony, S.; Ita, Yoshifusa; Kamath, Devika; Lagadec, Eric; Parker, Quentin A.; Reid, Warren A.; Shimonishi, Takashi Van Winckel, H.; Woods, Paul M.; Kemper, F.; Meixner, Margaret; Otsuka, M.; Sahai, R.; Sargent, B. A.; Hora, J. L.; McDonald, Iain; "Spitzer Space Telescope spectra of post-AGB stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud - polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons at low metallicities", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 439, Issue 2, p.1472-1493, April 2014
Bennett, D. P.; Batista, V.; Bond, I. A.; Bennett, C. S.; Suzuki, D.; Beaulieu, J. -P.; Udalski, A.; Donatowicz, J.; Bozza, V.; Abe, F.; Botzler, C. S.; Freeman, M.; Fukunaga, D.; Fukui, A.; Itow, Y.; Koshimoto, N.; Ling, C. H.; Masuda, K.; Matsubara, Y.; Muraki, Y. Namba, S.; Ohnishi, K.; Rattenbury, N. J.; Saito, To.; Sullivan, D. J.; Sumi, T.; Sweatman, W. L.; Tristram, P. J.; Tsurumi, N.; Wada, K.; Yock, P. C. M.; MOA Collaboration; Albrow, M. D.; Bachelet, E.; Brillant, S.; Caldwell, J. A. R.; Cassan, A.; Cole, A. A.; Corrales, E.; Coutures, C.; Dieters, S.; Dominis Prester, D.; Fouqué, P.; Greenhill, J.; Horne, K.; Koo, J. -R.; Kubas, D.; Marquette, J. -B.; Martin, R.; Menzies, J. W.; Sahu, K. C.; Wambsganss, J.; Williams, A.; Zub, M.; PLANET Collaboration; Choi, J. Y.; DePoy, D. L.; Dong, Subo; Gaudi, B. S.; Gould, A.; Han, C.; Henderson, C. B.; McGregor, D.; Lee, C. -U.; Pogge, R. W.; Shin, I. -G.; Yee, J. C.; μFUN Collaboration; Szymański, M. K.; Skowron, J.; Poleski, R.; Kozłowski, S.; Wyrzykowski, Ł.; Kubiak, M.; Pietrukowicz, P.; Pietrzyński, G.; Soszyński, I.; Ulaczyk, K.; OGLE Collaboration; Tsapras, Y.; Street, R. A.; Dominik, M.; Bramich, D. M.; Browne, P.; Hundertmark, M.; Kains, N.; Snodgrass, C.; Steele, I. A.; RoboNet Collaboration; Dekany, I.; Gonzalez, O. A.; Heyrovský, D.; Kandori, R.; Kerins, E.; Lucas, P. W.; Minniti, D.; Nagayama, T.; Rejkuba, M.; Robin, A. C.; Saito, R.; "MOA-2011-BLG-262Lb: A Sub-Earth-Mass Moon Orbiting a Gas Giant Primary or a High Velocity Planetary System in the Galactic Bulge", The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 785, Issue 2, article id. 155, 13 pp. (2014)., April 2014
Drobek, Dominik; Pigulski, Andrzej; "Spectroscopic and photometric study of two B-type pulsators in eclipsing systems", Precision Asteroseismology, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium, Volume 301, pp. 403-404, February 2014
Tsapras, Y.; Choi, J. -Y.; Street, R. A.; Han, C.; Bozza, V.; Gould, A.; Dominik, M.; Beaulieu, J. -P.; Udalski, A.; Jørgensen, U. G.; Sumi, T.; Bramich, D. M.; Browne, P.; Horne, K.; Hundertmark, M.; Ipatov, S.; Kains, N.; Snodgrass, C.; Steele, I. A.; RoboNet Collaboration Alsubai, K. A.; Andersen, J. M.; Calchi Novati, S.; Damerdji, Y.; Diehl, C.; Elyiv, A.; Giannini, E.; Hardis, S.; Harpsøe, K.; Hinse, T. C.; Juncher, D.; Kerins, E.; Korhonen, H.; Liebig, C.; Mancini, L.; Mathiasen, M.; Penny, M. T.; Rabus, M.; Rahvar, S.; Scarpetta, G.; Skottfelt, J.; Southworth, J.; Surdej, J.; Tregloan-Reed, J.; Vilela, C.; Wambsganss, J.; MiNDSTEp Collaboration; Skowron, J.; Poleski, R.; Kozłowski, S.; Wyrzykowski, Ł.; Szymański, M. K.; Kubiak, M.; Pietrukowicz, P.; Pietrzyński, G.; Soszyński, I.; Ulaczyk, K.; OGLE Collaboration; Albrow, M. D.; Bachelet, E.; Barry, R.; Batista, V.; Bhattacharya, A.; Brillant, S.; Caldwell, J. A. R.; Cassan, A.; Cole, A.; Corrales, E.; Coutures, Ch.; Dieters, S.; Dominis Prester, D.; Donatowicz, J.; Fouqué, P.; Greenhill, J.; Kane, S. R.; Kubas, D.; Marquette, J. -B.; Menzies, J.; Père, C.; Pollard, K. R.; Zub, M.; PLANET Collaboration; Christie, G.; DePoy, D. L.; Dong, S.; Drummond, J.; Gaudi, B. S.; Henderson, C. B.; Hwang, K. H.; Jung, Y. K.; Kavka, A.; Koo, J. -R.; Lee, C. -U.; Maoz, D.; Monard, L. A. G.; Natusch, T.; Ngan, H.; Park, H.; Pogge, R. W.; Porritt, I.; Shin, I. -G.; Shvartzvald, Y.; Tan, T. G.; Yee, J. C.; μFUN Collaboration; Abe, F.; Bennett, D. P.; Bond, I. A.; Botzler, C. S.; Freeman, M.; Fukui, A.; Fukunaga, D.; Itow, Y.; Koshimoto, N.; Ling, C. H.; Masuda, K.; Matsubara, Y.; Muraki, Y.; Namba, S.; Ohnishi, K.; Rattenbury, N. J.; Saito, To.; Sullivan, D. J.; Sweatman, W. L.; Suzuki, D.; Tristram, P. J.; Tsurumi, N.; Wada, K.; Yamai, N.; Yock, P. C. M.; Yonehara, A.; MOA Collaboration; "A Super-Jupiter Orbiting a Late-type Star: A Refined Analysis of Microlensing Event OGLE-2012-BLG-0406", The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 782, Issue 1, article id. 48, 9 pp. (2014)., February 2014
Morel, T.; Briquet, M.; Auvergne, M.; Alecian, G.; Ghazaryan, S.; Niemczura, E.; Fossati, L.; Lehmann, H.; Hubrig, S.; Ulusoy, C.; Damerdji, Y.; Rainer, M.; Poretti, E.; Borsa, F.; Scardia, M.; Schmid, V. S.; Van Winckel, H.; De Smedt, K.; Pápics, P. I.; Gameiro, J. F. Waelkens, C.; Fagas, M.; Kamiński, K.; Dimitrov, W.; Baglin, A.; Michel, E.; Dumortier, L.; Frémat, Y.; Hensberge, H.; Jorissen, A.; Van Eck, S.; "A search for pulsations in the HgMn star HD 45975 with CoRoT photometry and ground-based spectroscopy", Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 561, id.A35, 14 pp., January 2014
Miszalski, Brent; Mikołajewska, Joanna; Udalski, Andrzej;
"Symbiotic stars and other Hα emission-line stars towards the Galactic bulge"
2013, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 432, Issue 4, p.3186-3217
Gałan, C.; Tomov, T.; Kato, T.; Pojmański, G.; Szczygieł, D. M.; Pilecki, B.; Graczyk, D.;
Gromadzki, M.; Mikołajewski, M.; Gieren, W.; Strobel, A.; Roukema, B. F.
"A new look at the long-period eclipsing binary V383 Scorpi"
,2013, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 550, id.A93, 13 pp.
Malgorzata Bankowicz,
"Poszukiwanie najodleglejszych gigantycznych radiozrodel z
uzyciem teleskopu SALT",
2013, praca magisterska, opiekun: dr Dorota Kozieł-Wierzbowska
Zola, S.; Zejda, M.; Siwak, M.; de Villiers, S. N.,
"Rediscussion of the Early Type Eclipsing Binary SV Cen",
2013, Central European Astrophysical Bulletin, p. 79-84
Ulusoy, C.; Niemczura, E.; Ulaş, B.; Gülmez, T.,
"New β Cephei variable in the Southern open cluster NGC 6200: ALS 3728",
2013, New Astronomy, Volume 23, p. 55-58.
Ulusoy, C.; Niemczura, E.; Ulaş, B.; Gülmez, T.,
"An asteroseismic study of the Southern β Cephei star ALS 3721",
2013, New Astronomy, Volume 22, p. 51-56.
Czerny, Bozena; Hryniewicz, Krzysztof; Kaluzny, Janusz; Maity, Ishita,
"Dusty origin of the Broad Line Region in active galaxies",
2013, Feeding Compact Objects: Accretion on All Scales,
Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union,
IAU Symposium, Volume 290, pp. 21-24
Furusawa, K.; Udalski, A.; Sumi, T.; Bennett, D. P.; Bond, I. A.; Gould, A.; Jørgensen, U. G.; Snodgrass, C.; Dominis Prester, D.; Albrow, M. D.; Abe, F.; Botzler, C. S.; Chote, P.; Freeman, M.; Fukui, A.; Harris, P.; Itow, Y.; Ling, C. H.; Masuda, K.; Matsubara, Y. Miyake, N.; Muraki, Y.; Ohnishi, K.; Rattenbury, N. J.; Saito, To.; Sullivan, D. J.; Suzuki, D.; Sweatman, W. L.; Tristram, P. J.; Wada, K.; Yock, P. C. M.; MOA Collaboration; Szymański, M. K.; Soszyński, I.; Kubiak, M.; Poleski, R.; Ulaczyk, K.; Pietrzyński, G.; Wyrzykowski, Ł.; OGLE Collaboration; Choi, J. -Y.; Christie, G. W.; DePoy, D. L.; Dong, Subo; Drummond, J.; Gaudi, B. S.; Han, C.; Hung, L. -W.; Hwang, K. -H.; Lee, C. -U.; McCormick, J.; Moorhouse, D.; Natusch, T.; Nola, M.; Ofek, E.; Pogge, R. W.; Shin, I. -G.; Skowron, J.; Thornley, G.; Yee, J. C.; μFUN Collaboration; Alsubai, K. A.; Bozza, V.; Browne, P.; Burgdorf, M. J.; Calchi Novati, S.; Dodds, P.; Dominik, M.; Finet, F.; Gerner, T.; Hardis, S.; Harpsøe, K.; Hinse, T. C.; Hundertmark, M.; Kains, N.; Kerins, E.; Liebig, C.; Mancini, L.; Mathiasen, M.; Penny, M. T.; Proft, S.; Rahvar, S.; Ricci, D.; Scarpetta, G.; Schäfer, S.; Schönebeck, F.; Southworth, J.; Surdej, J.; Wambsganss, J.; MiNDSTEp Consortium, The; Street, R. A.; Bramich, D. M.; Steele, I. A.; Tsapras, Y.; RoboNet Collaboration; Horne, K.; Donatowicz, J.; Sahu, K. C.; Bachelet, E.; Batista, V.; Beatty, T. G.; Beaulieu, J. -P.; Bennett, C. S.; Black, C.; Bowens-Rubin, R.; Brillant, S.; Caldwell, J. A. R.; Cassan, A.; Cole, A. A.; Corrales, E.; Coutures, C.; Dieters, S.; Fouqué, P.; Greenhill, J.; Henderson, C. B.; Kubas, D.; Marquette, J. -B.; Martin, R.; Menzies, J. W.; Shappee, B.; Williams, A.; Wouters, D.; van Saders, J.; Zellem, R.; Zub, M.; PLANET Collaboration; "MOA-2010-BLG-328Lb: A Sub-Neptune Orbiting very Late M Dwarf?", The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 779, Issue 2, article id. 91, 12 pp. (2013)., December 2013
Handler, G.; Schwarzenberg-Czerny, A.; "Time-resolved multicolour photometry of bright B-type variable stars in Scorpius", Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 557, id.A1, 7 pp., September 2013
Ratajczak, M.; Hełminiak, K. G.; Konacki, M.; Jordán, A.; "Orbital and physical parameters of eclipsing binaries from the ASAS catalogue - V. Investigation of subgiants and giants: the case of ASAS J010538-8003.7, ASAS J182510-2435.5 and V1980 Sgr", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 433, Issue 3, p.2357-2367, August 2013
Yee, J. C.; Hung, L. -W.; Bond, I. A.; Allen, W.; Monard, L. A. G.; Albrow, M. D.; Fouqué, P.; Dominik, M.; Tsapras, Y.; Udalski, A.; Gould, A.; Zellem, R.; Bos, M.; Christie, G. W.; DePoy, D. L.; Dong, Subo; Drummond, J.; Gaudi, B. S.; Gorbikov, E.; Han, C. Kaspi, S.; Klein, N.; Lee, C. -U.; Maoz, D.; McCormick, J.; Moorhouse, D.; Natusch, T.; Nola, M.; Park, B. -G.; Pogge, R. W.; Polishook, D.; Shporer, A.; Shvartzvald, Y.; Skowron, J.; Thornley, G.; μFUN Collaboration; Abe, F.; Bennett, D. P.; Botzler, C. S.; Chote, P.; Freeman, M.; Fukui, A.; Furusawa, K.; Harris, P.; Itow, Y.; Ling, C. H.; Masuda, K.; Matsubara, Y.; Miyake, N.; Ohnishi, K.; Rattenbury, N. J.; Saito, To.; Sullivan, D. J.; Sumi, T.; Suzuki, D.; Sweatman, W. L.; Tristram, P. J.; Wada, K.; Yock, P. C. M.; MOA Collaboration; Szymański, M. K.; Soszyński, I.; Kubiak, M.; Poleski, R.; Ulaczyk, K.; Pietrzyński, G.; Wyrzykowski, Ł.; OGLE Collaboration; Bachelet, E.; Batista, V.; Beatty, T. G.; Beaulieu, J. -P.; Bennett, C. S.; Bowens-Rubin, R.; Brillant, S.; Caldwell, J. A. R.; Cassan, A.; Cole, A. A.; Corrales, E.; Coutures, C.; Dieters, S.; Dominis Prester, D.; Donatowicz, J.; Greenhill, J.; Henderson, C. B.; Kubas, D.; Marquette, J. -B.; Martin, R.; Menzies, J. W.; Shappee, B.; Williams, A.; Wouters, D.; van Saders, J.; Zub, M.; PLANET Collaboration; Street, R. A.; Horne, K.; Bramich, D. M.; Steele, I. A.; RoboNet Collaboration; Alsubai, K. A.; Bozza, V.; Browne, P.; Burgdorf, M. J.; Calchi Novati, S.; Dodds, P.; Finet, F.; Gerner, T.; Hardis, S.; Harpsøe, K.; Hessman, F. V.; Hinse, T. C.; Hundertmark, M.; Jørgensen, U. G.; Kains, N.; Kerins, E.; Liebig, C.; Mancini, L.; Mathiasen, M.; Penny, M. T.; Proft, S.; Rahvar, S.; Ricci, D.; Sahu, K. C.; Scarpetta, G.; Schäfer, S.; Schönebeck, F.; Snodgrass, C.; Southworth, J.; Surdej, J.; Wambsganss, J.; MiNDSTEp Consortium, The", The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 769, Issue 1, article id. 77, 13 pp. (2013)., May 2013
Tisserand, P.; Clayton, G. C.; Welch, D. L.; Pilecki, B.; Wyrzykowski, L.; Kilkenny, D.; "The ongoing pursuit of R Coronae Borealis stars: the ASAS-3 survey strikes again", Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 551, id.A77, 22 pp., March 2013
Michalska, G.; Niemczura, E.; Pigulski, A.; Steślicki, M.; Williams, A.; "The massive eclipsing system ALS 1135 and variable stars in the field of the distant OB association Bochum 7", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 429, Issue 2, p.1354-1366, February 2013
Klus, H.; Bartlett, E. S.; Bird, A. J.; Coe, M.; Corbet, R. H. D.; Udalski, A.; "Swift J045106.8-694803: a highly magnetized neutron star in the Large Magellanic Cloud", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 428, Issue 4, p.3607-3617, February 2013
Street, R. A.; Choi, J. -Y.; Tsapras, Y.; Han, C.; Furusawa, K.; Hundertmark, M.; Gould, A.; Sumi, T.; Bond, I. A.; Wouters, D.; Zellem, R.; Udalski, A.; RoboNet Collaboration; Snodgrass, C.; Horne, K.; Dominik, M.; Browne, P.; Kains, N.; Bramich, D. M.; Bajek, D. Steele, I. A.; Ipatov, S.; MOA Collaboration; Abe, F.; Bennett, D. P.; Botzler, C. S.; Chote, P.; Freeman, M.; Fukui, A.; Harris, P.; Itow, Y.; Ling, C. H.; Masuda, K.; Matsubara, Y.; Miyake, N.; Muraki, Y.; Nagayama, T.; Nishimaya, S.; Ohnishi, K.; Rattenbury, N.; Saito, To.; Sullivan, D. J.; Suzuki, D.; Sweatman, W. L.; Tristram, P. J.; Wada, K.; Yock, P. C. M.; OGLE Collaboration; Szymański, M. K.; Kubiak, M.; Pietrzyński, G.; Soszyński, I.; Poleski, R.; Ulaczyk, K.; Wyrzykowski, Ł.; μFUN Collaboration; Yee, J.; Dong, S.; Shin, I. -G.; Lee, C. -U.; Skowron, J.; De Almeida, L. Andrade; DePoy, D. L.; Gaudi, B. S.; Hung, L. -W.; Jablonski, F.; Kaspi, S.; Klein, N.; Hwang, K. -H.; Koo, J. -R.; Maoz, D.; Muñoz, J. A.; Pogge, R. W.; Polishhook, D.; Shporer, A.; McCormick, J.; Christie, G.; Natusch, T.; Allen, B.; Drummond, J.; Moorhouse, D.; Thornley, G.; Knowler, M.; Bos, M.; Bolt, G.; PLANET Collaboration; Beaulieu, J. -P.; Albrow, M. D.; Batista, V.; Brillant, S.; Caldwell, J. A. R.; Cassan, A.; Cole, A.; Corrales, E.; Coutures, Ch.; Dieters, S.; Dominis Prester, D.; Donatowicz, J.; Fouqué, P.; Bachelet, E.; Greenhill, J.; Kane, S. R.; Kubas, D.; Marquette, J. -B.; Martin, R.; Menzies, J.; Pollard, K. R.; Sahu, K. C.; Wambsganss, J.; Williams, A.; Zub, M.; MiNDSTEp; Alsubai, K. A.; Bozza, V.; Burgdorf, M. J.; Calchi Novati, S.; Dodds, P.; Dreizler, S.; Finet, F.; Gerner, T.; Hardis, S.; Harpsøe, K.; Hessman, F.; Hinse, T. C.; Jørgensen, U. G.; Kerins, E.; Liebig, C.; Mancini, L.; Mathiasen, M.; Penny, M. T.; Proft, S.; Rahvar, S.; Ricci, D.; Scarpetta, G.; Schäfer, S.; Schönebeck, F.; Southworth, J.; Surdej, J.; "MOA-2010-BLG-073L: An M-dwarf with a Substellar Companion at the Planet/Brown Dwarf Boundary", The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 763, Issue 1, article id. 67, 13 pp. (2013)., January 2013
Bozza, V.; Dominik, M.; Rattenbury, N. J.; Jørgensen, U. G.; Tsapras, Y.;
Bramich, D. M.; Udalski, A.; Bond, I. A.; Liebig, C.; Cassan, A.; Fouqué, P.;
Fukui, A.; Hundertmark, M.; Shin, I.-G.; Lee, S. H.; Choi, J.-Y.; Park, S.-Y.;
Gould, A.; Allan, A.; Mao, S.; Wyrzykowski, Ł.; Street, R. A.; Buckley, D.;
Nagayama, T.; Mathiasen, M.; Hinse, T. C.; Novati, S. Calchi; Harpsøe, K.;
Mancini, L.; Scarpetta, G.; Anguita, T.; Burgdorf, M. J.; Horne, K.;
Hornstrup, A.; Kains, N.; Kerins, E.; Kjærgaard, P.; Masi, G.; Rahvar, S.;
Ricci, D.; Snodgrass, C.; Southworth, J.; Steele, I. A.; Surdej, J.;
Thöne, C. C.; Wambsganss, J.; Zub, M.; Albrow, M. D.; Batista, V.;
Beaulieu, J.-P.; Bennett, D. P.; Caldwell, J. A. R.; Cole, A. A.; Cook, K. H.;
Coutures, C.; Dieters, S.; Prester, D. Dominis; Donatowicz, J.; Greenhill, J.;
Kane, S. R.; Kubas, D.; Marquette, J.-B.; Martin, R.; Menzies, J.;
Pollard, K. R.; Sahu, K. C.; Williams, A.; Szymański, M. K.; Kubiak, M.;
Pietrzyński, G.; Soszyński, I.; Poleski, R.; Ulaczyk, K.; DePoy, D. L.;
Dong, Subo; Han, C.; Janczak, J.; Lee, C.-U.; Pogge, R. W.; Abe, F.;
Furusawa, K.; Hearnshaw, J. B.; Itow, Y.; Kilmartin, P. M.; Korpela, A. V.;
Lin, W.; Ling, C. H.; Masuda, K.; Matsubara, Y.; Miyake, N.; Muraki, Y.;
Ohnishi, K.; Perrott, Y. C.; Saito, To.; Skuljan, L.; Sullivan, D. J.;
Sumi, T.; Suzuki, D.; Sweatman, W. L.; Tristram, P. J.; Wada, K.;
Yock, P. C. M.; Gulbis, A.; Hashimoto, Y.; Kniazev, A.; Vaisanen, P.,
"OGLE-2008-BLG-510: first automated real-time detection of a weak microlensing
anomaly - brown dwarf or stellar binary?"
2012, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 424,
Issue 2, pp. 902-918.
Christou, A. A.; Kwiatkowski, T.; Butkiewicz, M.; Gulbis, A.;
Hergenrother, C. W.; Duddy, S.; Fitzsimmons, A.,
"Physical and dynamical characterisation of low ΔV NEA (190491) 2000 FJ10"
2012, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 548, id.A63, 9 pp
Provencal, J. L.; Montgomery, M. H.; Kanaan, A.; Thompson, S. E.;
Dalessio, J.; Shipman, H. L.; Childers, D.; Clemens, J. C.; Rosen, R.;
Henrique, P.; Bischoff-Kim, A.; Strickland, W.; Chandler, D.; Walter, B.;
Watson, T. K.; Castanheira, B.; Wang, S.; Handler, G.; Wood, M.; Vennes, S.;
Nemeth, P.; Kepler, S. O.; Reed, M.; Nitta, A.; Kleinman, S. J.; Brown, T.;
Kim, S.-L.; Sullivan, D.; Chen, W. P.; Yang, M.; Shih, C. Y.; Jiang, X. J.;
Sergeev, A. V.; Maksim, A.; Janulis, R.; Baliyan, K. S.; Vats, H. O.; Zola, S.;
Baran, A.; Winiarski, M.; Ogloza, W.; Paparo, M.; Bognar, Z.; Papics, P.;
Kilkenny, D.; Sefako, R.; Buckley, D.; Loaring, N.; Kniazev, A.; Silvotti, R.;
Galleti, S.; Nagel, T.; Vauclair, G.; Dolez, N.; Fremy, J. R.; Perez, J.;
Almenara, J. M.; Fraga, L.,
"Empirical Determination of Convection Parameters in White Dwarfs.
I. Whole Earth Telescope Observations of EC14012-1446"
2012, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 751, Issue 2, article id. 91, 19 pp.
Hełminiak, K. G.; Konacki, M.; Różyczka, M.; Kałużny, J.; Ratajczak, M.;
Borkowski, J.; Sybilski, P.; Muterspaugh, M. W.; Reichart, D. E.;
Ivarsen, K. M.; Haislip, J. B.; Crain, J. A.; Foster, A. C.; Nysewander, M. C.;
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"Orbital and physical parameters of eclipsing binaries from the All-Sky
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Kryszczyńska, A.; Colas, F.; Polińska, M.; Hirsch, R.; Ivanova, V.;
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P.; Vachier, F.; Umlenski, V.; Michałowski, T.; Marciniak, A.; Maury, A.;
Kamiński, K.; Fagas, M.; Dimitrov, W.; Borczyk, W.; Sobkowiak, K.; Lecacheux,
J.; Behrend, R.; Klotz, A.; Bernasconi, L.; Crippa, R.; Manzini, F.; Poncy,
R.; Antonini, P.; Oszkiewicz, D.; Santana-Ros, T.,
"Do Slivan states exist in the Flora family?. I. Photometric survey of the
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Gałan, C.; Tomov, T.; Kato, T.; Pojmański, G.; Szczygieł, D.
M.; Pilecki, B.; Graczyk, D.; Gromadzki, M.; Mikołajewski, M.;
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"V383 Sco -- a post-AGB star periodically eclipsed by pulsating M type
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Krzesinski, J.; Baran, A. S.; Winiarski, M.; Fox-Machado, L.;
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"Mt. Suhora Survey - Searching for Pulsating M Dwarfs. II",
2012, Acta Astronomica, vol 62, no 2, p. 201-212
Reed, M. D.; Kilkenny, D.; O'Toole, S.; Østensen, R. H.; Honer, C.;
Gilker, J. T.; Quint, A. C.; Doennig, A. M.; Hicks, L. H.; Thompson, M. A.;
McCart, P. A.; Zietsman, E.; Chen, W.-P.; Chen, C.-W.; Lin, C.-C.; Beck, P.;
Degroote, P.; Barlow, B. N.; Reichart, D. E.; Nysewander, M. C.;
Lacluyze, A. P.; Ivarsen, K. M.; Haislip, J. B.; Baran, A.; Winiarski, M.;
Drozdz, M.,
"Multiyear and multisite photometric campaigns on the bright high-amplitude
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Marciniak, A.; Bartczak, P.; Santana-Ros, T.; Michałowski, T.;
Antonini, P.; Behrend, R.; Bembrick, C.; Bernasconi, L.; Borczyk, W.;
Colas, F.; Coloma, J.; Crippa, R.; Esseiva, N.; Fagas, M.; Fauvaud, M.;
Fauvaud, S.; Ferreira, D. D. M.; Hein Bertelsen, R. P.; Higgins, D.;
Hirsch, R.; Kajava, J. J. E.; Kamiński, K.; Kryszczyńska, A.; Kwiatkowski, T.;
Manzini, F.; Michałowski, J.; Michałowski, M. J.; Paschke, A.; Polińska, M.;
Poncy, R.; Roy, R.; Santacana, G.; Sobkowiak, K.; Stasik, M.; Starczewski, S.;
Velichko, F.; Wucher, H.; Zafar, T.,
"Photometry and models of selected main belt asteroids. IX.
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2012, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 545, id.A131, 31 pp.
Li, K. L.; Kong, Albert K. H.; Charles, P. A.; Lu, Ting-Ni; Bartlett, E. S.; Coe, M. J.; McBride, V.; Rajoelimanana, A.; Udalski, A.; Masetti, N.; Franzen, Thomas; "A Luminous Be+White Dwarf Supersoft Source in the Wing of the SMC: MAXI J0158-744", The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 761, Issue 2, article id. 99, 13 pp. (2012)., December 2012
Shin, I. -G.; Han, C.; Gould, A.; Udalski, A.; Sumi, T.; Dominik, M.; Beaulieu, J. -P.; Tsapras, Y.; Bozza, V.; Szymański, M. K.; Kubiak, M.; Soszyński, I.; Pietrzyński, G.; Poleski, R.; Ulaczyk, K.; Pietrukowicz, P.; Kozłowski, S.; Skowron, J.; Wyrzykowski, Ł.; OGLE Collaboration Abe, F.; Bennett, D. P.; Bond, I. A.; Botzler, C. S.; Freeman, M.; Fukui, A.; Furusawa, K.; Hayashi, F.; Hearnshaw, J. B.; Hosaka, S.; Itow, Y.; Kamiya, K.; Kilmartin, P. M.; Kobara, S.; Korpela, A.; Lin, W.; Ling, C. H.; Makita, S.; Masuda, K.; Matsubara, Y.; Miyake, N.; Muraki, Y.; Nagaya, M.; Nishimoto, K.; Ohnishi, K.; Okumura, T.; Omori, K.; Perrott, Y. C.; Rattenbury, N.; Saito, To.; Skuljan, L.; Sullivan, D. J.; Suzuki, D.; Sweatman, W. L.; Tristram, P. J.; Wada, K.; Yock, P. C. M.; MOA Collaboration; Christie, G. W.; Depoy, D. L.; Dong, S.; Gal-Yam, A.; Gaudi, B. S.; Hung, L. -W.; Janczak, J.; Kaspi, S.; Maoz, D.; McCormick, J.; McGregor, D.; Moorhouse, D.; Muñoz, J. A.; Natusch, T.; Nelson, C.; Pogge, R. W.; Tan, T. -G.; Polishook, D.; Shvartzvald, Y.; Shporer, A.; Thornley, G.; Malamud, U.; Yee, J. C.; Choi, J. -Y.; Jung, Y. -K.; Park, H.; Lee, C. -U.; Park, B. -G.; Koo, J. -R.; μFUN Collaboration; Bajek, D.; Bramich, D. M.; Browne, P.; Horne, K.; Ipatov, S.; Snodgrass, C.; Steele, I.; Street, R.; Alsubai, K. A.; Burgdorf, M. J.; Calchi Novati, S.; Dodds, P.; Dreizler, S.; Fang, X. -S.; Grundahl, F.; Gu, C. -H.; Hardis, S.; Harpsøe, K.; Hinse, T. C.; Hundertmark, M.; Jessen-Hansen, J.; Jørgensen, U. G.; Kains, N.; Kerins, E.; Liebig, C.; Lund, M.; Lundkvist, M.; Mancini, L.; Mathiasen, M.; Hornstrup, A.; Penny, M. T.; Proft, S.; Rahvar, S.; Ricci, D.; Scarpetta, G.; Skottfelt, J.; Southworth, J.; Surdej, J.; Tregloan-Reed, J.; Wertz, O.; Zimmer, F.; Albrow, M. D.; Batista, V.; Brillant, S.; Caldwell, J. A. R.; Calitz, J. J.; Cassan, A.; Cole, A.; Cook, K. H.; Corrales, E.; Coutures, Ch.; Dieters, S.; Dominis Prester, D.; Donatowicz, J.; Fouqué, P.; Greenhill, J.; Hill, K.; Hoffman, M.; Kane, S. R.; Kubas, D.; Marquette, J. -B.; Martin, R.; Meintjes, P.; Menzies, J.; Pollard, K. R.; Sahu, K. C.; Wambsganss, J.; Williams, A.; Vinter, C.; Zub, M.; "Microlensing Binaries with Candidate Brown Dwarf Companions", The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 760, Issue 2, article id. 116, 10 pp. (2012)., December 2012
Bachelet, E.; Fouqué, P.; Han, C.; Gould, A.; Albrow, M. D.; Beaulieu, J. -P.; Bertin, E.; Bond, I. A.; Christie, G. W.; Heyrovský, D.; Horne, K.; Jørgensen, U. G.; Maoz, D.; Mathiasen, M.; Matsunaga, N.; McCormick, J.; Menzies, J.; Nataf, D.; Natusch, T.; Oi, N. Renon, N.; Tsapras, Y.; Udalski, A.; Yee, J. C.; Batista, V.; Bennett, D. P.; Brillant, S.; Caldwell, J. A. R.; Cassan, A.; Cole, A.; Cook, K. H.; Coutures, C.; Dieters, S.; Dominik, M.; Dominis Prester, D.; Donatowicz, J.; Greenhill, J.; Kains, N.; Kane, S. R.; Marquette, J. -B.; Martin, R.; Pollard, K. R.; Sahu, K. C.; Street, R. A.; Wambsganss, J.; Williams, A.; Zub, M.; PLANET Collaboration; Bos, M.; Dong, Subo; Drummond, J.; Gaudi, B. S.; Graff, D.; Janczak, J.; Kaspi, S.; Kozłowski, S.; Lee, C. -U.; Monard, L. A. G.; Muñoz, J. A.; Park, B. -G.; Pogge, R. W.; Polishook, D.; Shporer, A.; Fun Collaboration; Abe, F.; Botzler, C. S.; Fukui, A.; Furusawa, K.; Hearnshaw, J. B.; Itow, Y.; Korpela, A. V.; Ling, C. H.; Masuda, K.; Matsubara, Y.; Miyake, N.; Muraki, Y.; Ohnishi, K.; Rattenbury, N. J.; Saito, To.; Sullivan, D.; Sumi, T.; Suzuki, D.; Sweatman, W. L.; Tristram, P. J.; Wada, K.; Moa Collaboration; Allan, A.; Bode, M. F.; Bramich, D. M.; Clay, N.; Fraser, S. N.; Hawkins, E.; Kerins, E.; Lister, T. A.; Mottram, C. J.; Saunders, E. S.; Snodgrass, C.; Steele, I. A.; Wheatley, P. J.; Robonet-Ii Collaboration; Bozza, V.; Browne, P.; Burgdorf, M. J.; Calchi Novati, S.; Dreizler, S.; Finet, F.; Glitrup, M.; Grundahl, F.; HarpsøE, K.; Hessman, F. V.; Hinse, T. C.; Hundertmark, M.; Liebig, C.; Maier, G.; Mancini, L.; Rahvar, S.; Ricci, D.; Scarpetta, G.; Skottfelt, J.; Southworth, J.; Surdej, J.; Zimmer, F.; Mindstep Consortium; "A brown dwarf orbiting an M-dwarf: MOA 2009-BLG-411L", Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 547, id.A55, 12 pp., November 2012
Hajduk, Marcin; van Hoof, Peter A. M.; Zijlstra, Albert A.; "GLMP 160 - the first [WR] star in a binary", Planetary Nebulae: An Eye to the Future, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium, Volume 283, p. 382-383, August 2012
Górny, Slawomir K.; "Spectroscopic observations of southern Galactic planetary nebulae", Planetary Nebulae: An Eye to the Future, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium, Volume 283, p. 372-373, August 2012
Coe, M. J.; Haberl, F.; Sturm, R.; Bartlett, E. S.; Hatzidimitriou, D.; Townsend, L. J.; Udalski, A.; Mereghetti, S.; Filipović, M.; "The XMM-Newton survey of the Small Magellanic Cloud: XMMU J010633.1-731543 and XMMU J010743.1-715953, two new Be/X-ray binary systems★", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 424, Issue 1, pp. 282-292., July 2012
Bachelet, E.; Shin, I. -G.; Han, C.; Fouqué, P.; Gould, A.; Menzies, J. W.; Beaulieu, J. -P.; Bennett, D. P.; Bond, I. A.; Dong, Subo; Heyrovský, D.; Marquette, J. -B.; Marshall, J.; Skowron, J.; Street, R. A.; Sumi, T.; Udalski, A.; Abe, L.; Agabi, K.; Albrow, M. D. Allen, W.; Bertin, E.; Bos, M.; Bramich, D. M.; Chavez, J.; Christie, G. W.; Cole, A. A.; Crouzet, N.; Dieters, S.; Dominik, M.; Drummond, J.; Greenhill, J.; Guillot, T.; Henderson, C. B.; Hessman, F. V.; Horne, K.; Hundertmark, M.; Johnson, J. A.; Jørgensen, U. G.; Kandori, R.; Liebig, C.; Mékarnia, D.; McCormick, J.; Moorhouse, D.; Nagayama, T.; Nataf, D.; Natusch, T.; Nishiyama, S.; Rivet, J. -P.; Sahu, K. C.; Shvartzvald, Y.; Thornley, G.; Tomczak, A. R.; Tsapras, Y.; Yee, J. C.; Batista, V.; Bennett, C. S.; Brillant, S.; Caldwell, J. A. R.; Cassan, A.; Corrales, E.; Coutures, C.; Dominis Prester, D.; Donatowicz, J.; Kubas, D.; Martin, R.; Williams, A.; Zub, M.; PLANET Collaboration; de Almeida, L. Andrade; DePoy, D. L.; Gaudi, B. S.; Hung, L. -W.; Jablonski, F.; Kaspi, S.; Klein, N.; Lee, C. -U.; Lee, Y.; Koo, J. -R.; Maoz, D.; Muñoz, J. A.; Pogge, R. W.; Polishook, D.; Shporer, A.; μFUN Collaboration; Abe, F.; Botzler, C. S.; Chote, P.; Freeman, M.; Fukui, A.; Furusawa, K.; Harris, P.; Itow, Y.; Kobara, S.; Ling, C. H.; Masuda, K.; Matsubara, Y.; Miyake, N.; Ohmori, K.; Ohnishi, K.; Rattenbury, N. J.; Saito, To.; Sullivan, D. J.; Suzuki, D.; Sweatman, W. L.; Tristram, P. J.; Wada, K.; Yock, P. C. M.; MOA Collaboration; Szymański, M. K.; Soszyński, I.; Kubiak, M.; Poleski, R.; Ulaczyk, K.; Pietrzyński, G.; Wyrzykowski, Ł.; OGLE Collaboration; Kains, N.; Snodgrass, C.; Steele, I. A.; RoboNet Collaboration; Alsubai, K. A.; Bozza, V.; Browne, P.; Burgdorf, M. J.; Calchi Novati, S.; Dodds, P.; Dreizler, S.; Finet, F.; Gerner, T.; Hardis, S.; Harpsøe, K.; Hinse, T. C.; Kerins, E.; Mancini, L.; Mathiasen, M.; Penny, M. T.; Proft, S.; Rahvar, S.; Ricci, D.; Scarpetta, G.; Schäfer, S.; Schönebeck, F.; Southworth, J.; Surdej, J.; Wambsganss, J.; MiNDSTEp Consortium; "MOA 2010-BLG-477Lb: Constraining the Mass of a Microlensing Planet from Microlensing Parallax, Orbital Motion, and Detection of Blended Light", The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 754, Issue 1, article id. 73, 17 pp. (2012)., July 2012
Miyake, N.; Udalski, A.; Sumi, T.; Bennett, D. P.; Dong, S.; Street, R. A.; Greenhill, J.; Bond, I. A.; Gould, A.; Kubiak, M.; Szymański, M. K.; Pietrzyński, G.; Soszyński, I.; Ulaczyk, K.; Wyrzykowski, L.; OGLE Collaboration; Abe, F.; Fukui, A.; Furusawa, K.; Holderness, S. Itow, Y.; Korpela, A.; Ling, C. H.; Masuda, K.; Matsubara, Y.; Muraki, Y.; Nagayama, T.; Ohnishi, K.; Rattenbury, N.; Saito, To.; Sako, T.; Sullivan, D. J.; Sweatman, W. L.; Tristram, P. J.; Yock, P. C. M.; MOA Collaboration; Allen, W.; Christie, G. W.; DePoy, D. L.; Gaudi, B. S.; Han, C.; Lee, C. -U.; McCormick, J.; Monard, B.; Natusch, T.; Park, B. -G.; Pogge, R. W.; μFUN Collaboration; Allan, A.; Bode, M.; Bramich, D. M.; Clay, N.; Dominik, M.; Horne, K. D.; Kains, N.; Mottram, C.; Snodgrass, C.; Steele, I.; Tsapras, Y.; RoboNet Collaboration; Albrow, M. D.; Batista, V.; Beaulieu, J. P.; Brillant, S.; Burgdorf, M.; Caldwell, J. A. R.; Cassan, A.; Cole, A.; Cook, K. H.; Coutures, Ch.; Dieters, S.; Dominis Prester, D.; Donatowicz, J.; Fouqué, P.; Jorgensen, U. G.; Kane, S.; Kubas, D.; Marquette, J. B.; Martin, R.; Menzies, J.; Pollard, K. R.; Sahu, K. C.; Wambsganss, J.; Williams, A.; Zub, M.; PLANET Collaboration; "A Possible Binary System of a Stellar Remnant in the High-magnification Gravitational Microlensing Event OGLE-2007-BLG-514", The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 752, Issue 2, article id. 82, 12 pp. (2012)., June 2012
Choi, J. -Y.; Shin, I. -G.; Park, S. -Y.; Han, C.; Gould, A.; Sumi, T.; Udalski, A.; Beaulieu, J. -P.; Street, R.; Dominik, M.; Allen, W.; Almeida, L. A.; Bos, M.; Christie, G. W.; Depoy, D. L.; Dong, S.; Drummond, J.; Gal-Yam, A.; Gaudi, B. S.; Henderson, C. B. Hung, L. -W.; Jablonski, F.; Janczak, J.; Lee, C. -U.; Mallia, F.; Maury, A.; McCormick, J.; McGregor, D.; Monard, L. A. G.; Moorhouse, D.; Muñoz, J. A.; Natusch, T.; Nelson, C.; Park, B. -G.; Pogge, R. W.; "TG" Tan, T. -G.; Thornley, G.; Yee, J. C.; μFUN Collaboration; Abe, F.; Barnard, E.; Baudry, J.; Bennett, D. P.; Bond, I. A.; Botzler, C. S.; Freeman, M.; Fukui, A.; Furusawa, K.; Hayashi, F.; Hearnshaw, J. B.; Hosaka, S.; Itow, Y.; Kamiya, K.; Kilmartin, P. M.; Kobara, S.; Korpela, A.; Lin, W.; Ling, C. H.; Makita, S.; Masuda, K.; Matsubara, Y.; Miyake, N.; Muraki, Y.; Nagaya, M.; Nishimoto, K.; Ohnishi, K.; Okumura, T.; Omori, K.; Perrott, Y. C.; Rattenbury, N.; Saito, To.; Skuljan, L.; Sullivan, D. J.; Suzuki, D.; Suzuki, K.; Sweatman, W. L.; Takino, S.; Tristram, P. J.; Wada, K.; Yock, P. C. M.; MOA Collaboration; Szymański, M. K.; Kubiak, M.; Pietrzyński, G.; Soszyński, I.; Poleski, R.; Ulaczyk, K.; Wyrzykowski, Ł.; Kozłowski, S.; Pietrukowicz, P.; OGLE Collaboration; Albrow, M. D.; Bachelet, E.; Batista, V.; Bennett, C. S.; Bowens-Rubin, R.; Brillant, S.; Cassan, A.; Cole, A.; Corrales, E.; Coutures, Ch.; Dieters, S.; Dominis Prester, D.; Donatowicz, J.; Fouqué, P.; Greenhill, J.; Kane, S. R.; Menzies, J.; Sahu, K. C.; Wambsganss, J.; Williams, A.; Zub, M.; PLANET Collaboration; Allan, A.; Bramich, D. M.; Browne, P.; Clay, N.; Fraser, S.; Horne, K.; Kains, N.; Mottram, C.; Snodgrass, C.; Steele, I.; Tsapras, Y.; RoboNet Collaboration; Alsubai, K. A.; Bozza, V.; Burgdorf, M. J.; Calchi Novati, S.; Dodds, P.; Dreizler, S.; Finet, F.; Gerner, T.; Glitrup, M.; Grundahl, F.; Hardis, S.; Harpsøe, K.; Hinse, T. C.; Hundertmark, M.; Jørgensen, U. G.; Kerins, E.; Liebig, C.; Maier, G.; Mancini, L.; Mathiasen, M.; Penny, M. T.; Proft, S.; Rahvar, S.; Ricci, D.; Scarpetta, G.; Schäfer, S.; Schönebeck, F.; Skottfelt, J.; Surdej, J.; Southworth, J.; Zimmer, F.; MiNDSTEp Consortium; "Characterizing Lenses and Lensed Stars of High-magnification Single-lens Gravitational Microlensing Events with Lenses Passing over Source Stars", The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 751, Issue 1, article id. 41, 14 pp. (2012)., May 2012
Kubas, D.; Beaulieu, J. P.; Bennett, D. P.; Cassan, A.; Cole, A.; Lunine, J.; Marquette, J. B.; Dong, S.; Gould, A.; Sumi, T.; Batista, V.; Fouqué, P.; Brillant, S.; Dieters, S.; Coutures, C.; Greenhill, J.; Bond, I.; Nagayama, T.; Udalski, A.; Pompei, E. Nürnberger, D. E. A.; Le Bouquin, J. B.; "A frozen super-Earth orbiting a star at the bottom of the main sequence", Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 540, id.A78, 10 pp., April 2012
Shin, I. -G.; Choi, J. -Y.; Park, S. -Y.; Han, C.; Gould, A.; Sumi, T.; Udalski, A.; Beaulieu, J. -P.; Dominik, M.; Allen, W.; Bos, M.; Christie, G. W.; Depoy, D. L.; Dong, S.; Drummond, J.; Gal-Yam, A.; Gaudi, B. S.; Hung, L. -W.; Janczak, J.; Kaspi, S. Lee, C. -U.; Mallia, F.; Maoz, D.; Maury, A.; McCormick, J.; Monard, L. A. G.; Moorhouse, D.; Muñoz, J. A.; Natusch, T.; Nelson, C.; Park, B. -G.; Pogge, R. W.; Polishook, D.; Shvartzvald, Y.; Shporer, A.; Thornley, G.; Yee, J. C.; μFUN Collaboration; Abe, F.; Bennett, D. P.; Bond, I. A.; Botzler, C. S.; Fukui, A.; Furusawa, K.; Hayashi, F.; Hearnshaw, J. B.; Hosaka, S.; Itow, Y.; Kamiya, K.; Kilmartin, P. M.; Kobara, S.; Korpela, A.; Lin, W.; Ling, C. H.; Makita, S.; Masuda, K.; Matsubara, Y.; Miyake, N.; Muraki, Y.; Nagaya, M.; Nishimoto, K.; Ohnishi, K.; Okumura, T.; Omori, K.; Perrott, Y. C.; Rattenbury, N.; Saito, To.; Skuljan, L.; Sullivan, D. J.; Suzuki, D.; Sweatman, W. L.; Tristram, P. J.; Wada, K.; Yock, P. C. M.; MOA Collaboration; Szymański, M. K.; Kubiak, M.; Pietrzyński, G.; Soszyński, I.; Poleski, R.; Ulaczyk, K.; Wyrzykowski, Ł.; Kozłowski, S.; Pietrukowicz, P.; OGLE Collaboration; Albrow, M. D.; Batista, V.; Bramich, D. M.; Brillant, S.; Caldwell, J. A. R.; Calitz, J. J.; Cassan, A.; Cole, A.; Cook, K. H.; Corrales, E.; Coutures, Ch.; Dieters, S.; Dominis Prester, D.; Donatowicz, J.; Fouqué, P.; Greenhill, J.; Hoffman, M.; Jørgensen, U. G.; Kane, S. R.; Kubas, D.; Marquette, J. -B.; Martin, R.; Meintjes, P.; Menzies, J.; Pollard, K. R.; Sahu, K. C.; Wambsganss, J.; Williams, A.; Vinter, C.; Zub, M.; PLANET Collaboration; Allan, A.; Browne, P.; Horne, K.; Snodgrass, C.; Steele, I.; Street, R.; Tsapras, Y.; RoboNet Collaboration; Alsubai, K. A.; Bozza, V.; Browne, P.; Burgdorf, M. J.; Calchi Novati, S.; Dodds, P.; Dreizler, S.; Finet, F.; Gerner, T.; Glitrup, M.; Grundahl, F.; Hardis, S.; Harpsøe, K.; Hessman, F. V.; Hinse, T. C.; Hundertmark, M.; Kains, N.; Kerins, E.; Liebig, C.; Maier, G.; Mancini, L.; Mathiasen, M.; Penny, M. T.; Proft, S.; Rahvar, S.; Ricci, D.; Scarpetta, G.; Schäfer, S.; Schönebeck, F.; Skottfelt, J.; Surdej, J.; Southworth, J.; Zimmer, F.; MiNDSTEp Consortium; "Microlensing Binaries Discovered through High-magnification Channel", The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 746, Issue 2, article id. 127, 13 pp. (2012)., February 2012
Laney, C. D.; Joner, M. D.; Pietrzyński, G.; "A new Large Magellanic Cloud K-band distance from precision measurements of nearby red clump stars", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 419, Issue 2, pp. 1637-1641., January 2012
Buckley, D.; Kwiatkowski, T.; Gulbis, A.; Colmenero, E. R.; O'Donoghue, D.; Kankiewicz, P.;
"Minor Planet Observations [B31 Southern African Large Telescope, Sutherland]",
Minor Planet Circular 75208, 9 (2011) link
Schaefer, Bradley E.; Pagnotta, Ashley; LaCluyze, Aaron P.; Reichart, Daniel E.; Ivarsen, Kevin M.; Haislip, Joshua B.; Nysewander, Melissa C.; Moore, Justin P.; Oksanen, Arto; Worters, Hannah L.; Sefako, Ramotholo R.; Mentz, Jaco; Dvorak, Shawn; Gomez, Tomas; Harris, Barbara G.; Henden, Arne A.; Guan Tan, Thiam; Templeton, Matthew; Allen, W. H.; Monard, Berto Rea, Robert D.; Roberts, George; Stein, William; Maehara, Hiroyuki; Richards, Thomas; Stockdale, Chris; Krajci, Tom; Sjoberg, George; McCormick, Jennie; Revnivtsev, Mikhail; Molkov, Sergei; Suleimanov, Valery; Darnley, Matthew J.; Bode, Michael F.; Handler, Gerald; Lepine, Sebastien; Shara, Michael M.; "Eclipses during the 2010 Eruption of the Recurrent Nova U Scorpii", The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 742, Issue 2, article id. 113, 20 pp. (2011)., December 2011
Rutkowski, A.; Pietrukowicz, P.; Olech, A.; Ak, T.; Złoczewski, K.; Poleski, R.; Tappert, C.; Eker, Z.; "Dwarf Nova V1040 Centauri and Variable Stars in its Vicinity", Acta Astronomica, vol 61, no 4, p. 345-357, December 2011,
Muraki, Y.; Han, C.; Bennett, D. P.; Suzuki, D.; Monard, L. A. G.; Street, R.; Jorgensen, U. G.; Kundurthy, P.; Skowron, J.; Becker, A. C.; Albrow, M. D.; Fouqué, P.; Heyrovský, D.; Barry, R. K.; Beaulieu, J. -P.; Wellnitz, D. D.; Bond, I. A.; Sumi, T.; Dong, S.; Gaudi, B. S. Bramich, D. M.; Dominik, M.; Abe, F.; Botzler, C. S.; Freeman, M.; Fukui, A.; Furusawa, K.; Hayashi, F.; Hearnshaw, J. B.; Hosaka, S.; Itow, Y.; Kamiya, K.; Korpela, A. V.; Kilmartin, P. M.; Lin, W.; Ling, C. H.; Makita, S.; Masuda, K.; Matsubara, Y.; Miyake, N.; Nishimoto, K.; Ohnishi, K.; Perrott, Y. C.; Rattenbury, N. J.; Saito, To.; Skuljan, L.; Sullivan, D. J.; Sweatman, W. L.; Tristram, P. J.; Wada, K.; Yock, P. C. M.; MOA Collaboration; Christie, G. W.; DePoy, D. L.; Gorbikov, E.; Gould, A.; Kaspi, S.; Lee, C. -U.; Mallia, F.; Maoz, D.; McCormick, J.; Moorhouse, D.; Natusch, T.; Park, B. -G.; Pogge, R. W.; Polishook, D.; Shporer, A.; Thornley, G.; Yee, J. C.; μFUN Collaboration; Allan, A.; Browne, P.; Horne, K.; Kains, N.; Snodgrass, C.; Steele, I.; Tsapras, Y.; RoboNet Collaboration; Batista, V.; Bennett, C. S.; Brillant, S.; Caldwell, J. A. R.; Cassan, A.; Cole, A.; Corrales, R.; Coutures, Ch.; Dieters, S.; Dominis Prester, D.; Donatowicz, J.; Greenhill, J.; Kubas, D.; Marquette, J. -B.; Martin, R.; Menzies, J.; Sahu, K. C.; Waldman, I.; Williams, A.; Zub, M.; PLANET Collaboration; Bourhrous, H.; Matsuoka, Y.; Nagayama, T.; Oi, N.; Randriamanakoto, Z.; IRSF Observers; Bozza, V.; Burgdorf, M. J.; Calchi Novati, S.; Dreizler, S.; Finet, F.; Glitrup, M.; Harpsøe, K.; Hinse, T. C.; Hundertmark, M.; Liebig, C.; Maier, G.; Mancini, L.; Mathiasen, M.; Rahvar, S.; Ricci, D.; Scarpetta, G.; Skottfelt, J.; Surdej, J.; Southworth, J.; Wambsganss, J.; Zimmer, F.; MiNDSTEp Consortium; Udalski, A.; Poleski, R.; Wyrzykowski, Ł.; Ulaczyk, K.; Szymański, M. K.; Kubiak, M.; Pietrzyński, G.; Soszyński, I.; OGLE Collaboration; "Discovery and Mass Measurements of a Cold, 10 Earth Mass Planet and Its Host Star", The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 741, Issue 1, article id. 22, 15 pp. (2011)., November 2011
Zwintz, K.; Lenz, P.; Breger, M.; Pamyatnykh, A. A.; Zdravkov, T.; Kuschnig, R.; Matthews, J. M.; Guenther, D. B.; Moffat, A. F. J.; Rowe, J. F.; Rucinski, S. M.; Sasselov, D.; Weiss, W. W.; "Regular frequency patterns in the classical δ Scuti star HD 144277 observed by the MOST satellite", Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 533, id.A133, 8 pp., September 2011
Novara, G.; La Palombara, N.; Mereghetti, S.; Haberl, F.; Coe, M.; Filipovic, M.; Udalski, A.; Paizis, A.; Pietsch, W.; Sturm, R.; Gilfanov, M.; Tiengo, A.; Payne, J.; Smits, D.; de Horta, A.; "Highly absorbed X-ray binaries in the Small Magellanic Cloud", Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 532, id.A153, 8 pp., August 2011
Tylenda, R.; Kamiński, T.; Schmidt, M.; Kurtev, R.; Tomov, T.; "High-resolution optical spectroscopy of V838 Monocerotis in 2009", Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 532, id.A138, August 2011
Coe, M. J.; Haberl, F.; Sturm, R.; Pietsch, W.; Townsend, L. J.; Bartlett, E. S.; Filipovic, M.; Udalski, A.; Corbet, R. H. D.; Tiengo, A.; Ehle, M.; Payne, J. L.; Burton, D.; "The XMM-Newton survey of the Small Magellanic Cloud: XMMU J005011.2-730026 = SXP 214, a Be/X-ray binary pulsar", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 414, Issue 4, pp. 3281-3287., July 2011
Rozyczka, M.; Kaluzny, J.; Pych, W.; Konacki, M.; Małek, K.; Mankiewicz, L.; Sokołowski, M.; Żarnecki, A. F.; " Absolute properties of BG Ind - a bright F3 system just leaving the main sequence"; Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 414, Issue 3, pp. 2479-2485., July 2011
Matsunaga, Noriyuki; Feast, Michael W.; Soszyński, Igor; "Period-luminosity relations of type II Cepheids in the Magellanic Clouds", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 413, Issue 1, pp. 223-234., May 2011
Marciniak, A.; Michałowski, T.; Polińska, M.; Bartczak, P.; Hirsch, R.; Sobkowiak, K.; Kamiński, K.; Fagas, M.; Behrend, R.; Bernasconi, L.; Bosch, J. -G.; Brunetto, L.; Choisay, F.; Coloma, J.; Conjat, M.; Farroni, G.; Manzini, F.; Pallares, H.; Roy, R.; Kwiatkowski, T. Kryszczyńska, A.; Rudawska, R.; Starczewski, S.; Michałowski, J.; Ludick, P.; "Photometry and models of selected main belt asteroids. VIII. Low-pole asteroids", Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 529, id.A107, 14 pp., May 2011
Tylenda, R.; Hajduk, M.; Kamiński, T.; Udalski, A.; Soszyński, I.; Szymański, M. K.; Kubiak, M.; Pietrzyński, G.; Poleski, R.; Wyrzykowski, Ł.; Ulaczyk, K.; "V1309 Scorpii: merger of a contact binary", Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 528, id.A114, 10 pp., April 2011
Schurch, M. P. E.; Coe, M. J.; McBride, V. A.; Townsend, L. J.; Udalski, A.; Haberl, F.; Corbet, R. H. D.; "Orbital period determinations for four SMC Be/X-ray binaries", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 412, Issue 1, pp. 391-400., March 2011
Reed, M. D.; Harms, S. L.; Poindexter, S.; Zhou, A. -Y.; Eggen, J. R.; Morris, M. A.; Quint, A. C.; McDaniel, S.; Baran, A.; Dolez, N.; Kawaler, S. D.; Kurtz, D. W.; Moskalik, P.; Riddle, R.; Zola, S.; Østensen, R. H.; Solheim, J. -E.; Kepler, S. O.; Costa, A. F. M.; Provencal, J. L. Mullally, F.; Winget, D. W.; Vuckovic, M.; Crowe, R.; Terry, D.; Avila, R.; Berkey, B.; Stewart, S.; Bodnarik, J.; Bolton, D.; Binder, P. -M.; Sekiguchi, K.; Sullivan, D. J.; Kim, S. -L.; Chen, W. -P.; Chen, C. -W.; Lin, H. -C.; Jian, X. -J.; Wu, H.; Gou, J. -P.; Liu, Z.; Leibowitz, E.; Lipkin, Y.; Akan, C.; Cakirli, O.; Janulis, R.; Pretorius, R.; Ogloza, W.; Stachowski, G.; Paparo, M.; Szabo, R.; Csubry, Z.; Zsuffa, D.; Silvotti, R.; Marinoni, S.; Bruni, I.; Vauclair, G.; Chevreton, M.; Matthews, J. M.; Cameron, C.; Pablo, H.; "Whole Earth Telescope observations of the subdwarf B star KPD 1930+2752: a rich, short-period pulsator in a close binary", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 412, Issue 1, pp. 371-390., March 2011
Sturm, R.; Haberl, F.; Coe, M. J.; Bartlett, E. S.; Buckley, D. A. H.; Corbet, R. H. D.; Ehle, M.; Filipović, M. D.; Hatzidimitriou, D.; Mereghetti, S.; La Palombara, N.; Pietsch, W.; Tiengo, A.; Townsend, L. J.; Udalski, A.; "The XMM-Newton survey of the Small Magellanic Cloud: discovery of the 11.866 s Be/X-ray binary pulsar XMMU J004814.0-732204(SXP11.87)", Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 527, id.A131, 7 pp., March 2011
Kamiński, T.; Tylenda, R.; "Strong linear polarization of V4332 Sagittarii: a dusty disc geometry", Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 527, id.A75, 3 pp., March 2011
Hełminiak, K. G.; Konacki, M.; Złoczewski, K.; Ratajczak, M.; Reichart, D. E.; Ivarsen, K. M.; Haislip, J. B.; Crain, J. A.; Foster, A. C.; Nysewander, M. C.; Lacluyze, A. P.; "Orbital and physical parameters of eclipsing binaries from the All-Sky Automated Survey catalogue. III. Two new low-mass systems with rapidly evolving spots", Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 527, id.A14, 15 pp., March 2011
Hełminiak, K. G.; Konacki, M.; "Orbital and physical parameters of eclipsing binaries from the All-Sky Automated Survey catalogue. II. Two spotted M < 1 M_⊙ systems at different evolutionary stages", Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 526, id.A29, 15 pp., February 2011
Gromadzki, M.; Mikolajewska, J.; Pilecki, B.; Whitelock, P.; Feast, M.; "Nature of light variations in the symbiotic binary V417 Cen",
Asymmetric Planetary Nebulae 5 conference, Poster Session, held in Bowness-on-Windermere, U.K., 20 - 25 June 2010, A. A. Zijlstra, F. Lykou, I. McDonald, and E. Lagadec, eds. (2011) Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics, 2011
Townsend, L. J.; Coe, M. J.; Corbet, R. H. D.; McBride, V. A.; Hill, A. B.; Bird, A. J.; Schurch, M. P. E.; Haberl, F.; Sturm, R.; Pathak, D.; van Soelen, B.; Bartlett, E. S.; Drave, S. P.; Udalski, A.; "The orbital solution and spectral classification of the high-mass X-ray binary IGR J01054-7253 in the Small Magellanic Cloud", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 410, Issue 3, pp. 1813-1824., January 2011
Kwiatkowski, T.; Polinska, M.; Loaring, N.; Buckley, D. A. H.;
O'Donoghue, D.; Kniazev, A.; Romero Colmenero, E.;
"Photometric survey of the very small near-Earth asteroids with the SALT
telescope. III. Lightcurves and periods for 12 objects and negative
Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 511, id.A49, 02/2010
Kwiatkowski, T.;
"Photometric survey of the very small near-Earth asteroids with the SALT telescope. II. Discussion of YORP",
Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 509, id.A95, 01/2010
Kwiatkowski, T.; Buckley, D. A. H.; O'Donoghue, D.; Crause, L.; Crawford, S.; Hashimoto, Y.; Kniazev, A.; Loaring, N.; Romero Colmenero, E.; Sefako, R.; Still, M.; Vaisanen, P.;
"Photometric survey of the very small near-Earth asteroids with the SALT telescope . I. Lightcurves and periods for 14 objects",
Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 509, id.A94, 01/2010
Siwak, M.; Zola, S.; Koziel-Wierzbowska, D.; "A Study of Contact Binaries with Large Temperature Differences between Components", Acta Astronomica, vol 60, no 4, p. 305-336, December 2010
Ryu, Y. -H.; Han, C.; Hwang, K. -H.; Street, R.; Udalski, A.; Sumi, T.; Fukui, A.; Beaulieu, J. -P.; Gould, A.; Dominik, M.; Abe, F.; Bennett, D. P.; Bond, I. A.; Botzler, C. S.; Furusawa, K.; Hayashi, F.; Hearnshaw, J. B.; Hosaka, S.; Itow, Y.; Kamiya, K. Kilmartin, P. M.; Korpela, A.; Lin, W.; Ling, C. H.; Makita, S.; Masuda, K.; Matsubara, Y.; Miyake, N.; Muraki, Y.; Nishimoto, K.; Ohnishi, K.; Perrott, Y. C.; Rattenbury, N.; Saito, To.; Skuljan, L.; Sullivan, D. J.; Suzuki, D.; Sweatman, W. L.; Tristram, P. J.; Wada, K.; Yock, P. C. M.; MOA Collaboration; Szymański, M. K.; Kubiak, M.; Pietrzyński, G.; Poleski, R.; Soszyński, I.; Szewczyk, O.; Wyrzykowski, Ł.; Ulaczyk, K.; OGLE Collaboration; Bos, M.; Christie, G. W.; Depoy, D. L.; Gal-Yam, A.; Gaudi, B. S.; Kaspi, S.; Lee, C. -U.; Maoz, D.; McCormick, J.; Monard, B.; Moorhouse, D.; Pogge, R. W.; Polishook, D.; Shvartzvald, Y.; Shporer, A.; Thornley, G.; Yee, J. C.; μFUN Collaboration; Albrow, M. D.; Batista, V.; Brillant, S.; Cassan, A.; Cole, A.; Corrales, E.; Coutures, Ch.; Dieters, S.; Fouqué, P.; Greenhill, J.; Menzies, J.; PLANET Collaboration; Allan, A.; Bramich, D. M.; Browne, P.; Horne, K.; Kains, N.; Snodgrass, C.; Steele, I.; Tsapras, Y.; RoboNet Collaboration; Bozza, V.; Burgdorf, M. J.; Calchi Novati, S.; Dreizler, S.; Finet, F.; Glitrup, M.; Grundahl, F.; Harpsøe, K.; Hessman, F. V.; Hinse, T. C.; Hundertmark, M.; Jørgensen, U. G.; Liebig, C.; Maier, G.; Mancini, L.; Mathiasen, M.; Rahvar, S.; Ricci, D.; Scarpetta, G.; Skottfelt, J.; Surdej, J.; Southworth, J.; Wambsganss, J.; Zimmer, F.; MiNDSTEp Collaboration; "OGLE-2009-BLG-092/MOA-2009-BLG-137: A Dramatic Repeating Event with the Second Perturbation Predicted by Real-time Analysis", The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 723, Issue 1, pp. 81-88 (2010)., November 2010
Pietrzyński, Grzegorz; Górski, Marek; Gieren, Wolfgang; Laney, David; Udalski, Andrzej; Ciechanowska, Anna; "The Araucaria Project. Population Effects on the V- and I-band Magnitudes of Red Clump Stars", The Astronomical Journal, Volume 140, Issue 4, pp. 1038-1042 (2010)., October 2010
Hajduk, M.; Zijlstra, A. A.; Gesicki, K.; "Binary [WR] and wels central stars of planetary nebulae", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 406, Issue 1, pp. 626-633., July 2010
Fouqué, P.; Heyrovský, D.; Dong, S.; Gould, A.; Udalski, A.; Albrow, M. D.; Batista, V.; Beaulieu, J. -P.; Bennett, D. P.; Bond, I. A.; Bramich, D. M.; Calchi Novati, S.; Cassan, A.; Coutures, C.; Dieters, S.; Dominik, M.; Dominis Prester, D.; Greenhill, J.; Horne, K.; Jørgensen, U. G. Kozłowski, S.; Kubas, D.; Lee, C. -H.; Marquette, J. -B.; Mathiasen, M.; Menzies, J.; Monard, L. A. G.; Nishiyama, S.; Papadakis, I.; Street, R.; Sumi, T.; Williams, A.; Yee, J. C.; Brillant, S.; Caldwell, J. A. R.; Cole, A.; Cook, K. H.; Donatowicz, J.; Kains, N.; Kane, S. R.; Martin, R.; Pollard, K. R.; Sahu, K. C.; Tsapras, Y.; Wambsganss, J.; Depoy, D. L.; Gaudi, B. S.; Han, C.; Lee, C. -U.; Park, B. -G.; Kubiak, M.; Szymański, M. K.; Pietrzyński, G.; Soszyński, I.; Szewczyk, O.; Ulaczyk, K.; Abe, F.; Fukui, A.; Furusawa, K.; Gilmore, A. C.; Hearnshaw, J. B.; Itow, Y.; Kamiya, K.; Kilmartin, P. M.; Korpela, A. V.; Lin, W.; Ling, C. H.; Masuda, K.; Matsubara, Y.; Miyake, N.; Muraki, Y.; Nagaya, M.; Ohnishi, K.; Okumura, T.; Perrott, Y.; Rattenbury, N. J.; Saito, To.; Sako, T.; Sato, S.; Skuljan, L.; Sullivan, D.; Sweatman, W.; Tristram, P. J.; Allan, A.; Bode, M. F.; Burgdorf, M. J.; Clay, N.; Fraser, S. N.; Hawkins, E.; Kerins, E.; Lister, T. A.; Mottram, C. J.; Saunders, E. S.; Snodgrass, C.; Steele, I. A.; Anguita, T.; Bozza, V.; Harpsøe, K.; Hinse, T. C.; Hundertmark, M.; Kjærgaard, P.; Liebig, C.; Mancini, L.; Masi, G.; Rahvar, S.; Ricci, D.; Scarpetta, G.; Southworth, J.; Surdej, J.; Thöne, C. C.; Riffeser, A.; Seitz, S.; "OGLE 2008-BLG-290: an accurate measurement of the limb darkening of a galactic bulge K Giant spatially resolved by microlensing", Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 518, id.A51, 12 pp., July 2010
Helminiak, Krzysztof; Konacki, M.; Kaluzny, J.; Rozyczka, M.; Zloczewski, K.; Ratajczak, M.; Muterspaugh, M. W.; Reichart, D. E.; Ivarsen, K. M.; Haislip, J. B.; Crain, A.; Foster, A. C.; Nysewander, M. C.; LaCluyze, A. P.; "Spectroscopic Survey of Detached Eclipsing Binaries from the ASAS Catalog", American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #216, id.423.03; Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Vol. 41, p.835, May 2010
Townsend, L. J.; Coe, M. J.; McBride, V. A.; Bird, A. J.; Schurch, M. P. E.; Corbet, R. H. D.; Haberl, F.; Galache, J. L.; Udalski, A.; "Be/X-ray binary SXP6.85 undergoes large Type II outburst in the Small Magellanic Cloud", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 403, Issue 3, pp. 1239-1245., April 2010
Ratajczak, M.; Kwiatkowski, T.; Schwarzenberg-Czerny, A.; Dimitrov, W.; Konacki, M.; Hełminiak, K. G.; Bartczak, P.; Fagas, M.; Kamiński, K.; Kankiewicz, P.; Borczyk, W.; Rożek, A.; "Absolute properties of the main-sequence eclipsing binary FM Leo", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 402, Issue 4, pp. 2424-2428., March 2010
Sumi, T.; Bennett, D. P.; Bond, I. A.; Udalski, A.; Batista, V.; Dominik, M.; Fouqué, P.; Kubas, D.; Gould, A.; Macintosh, B.; Cook, K.; Dong, S.; Skuljan, L.; Cassan, A.; Abe, F.; Botzler, C. S.; Fukui, A.; Furusawa, K.; Hearnshaw, J. B.; Itow, Y. Kamiya, K.; Kilmartin, P. M.; Korpela, A.; Lin, W.; Ling, C. H.; Masuda, K.; Matsubara, Y.; Miyake, N.; Muraki, Y.; Nagaya, M.; Nagayama, T.; Ohnishi, K.; Okumura, T.; Perrott, Y. C.; Rattenbury, N.; Saito, To.; Sako, T.; Sullivan, D. J.; Sweatman, W. L.; Tristram, P. J.; Yock, P. C. M.; MOA Collaboration; Beaulieu, J. P.; Cole, A.; Coutures, Ch.; Duran, M. F.; Greenhill, J.; Jablonski, F.; Marboeuf, U.; Martioli, E.; Pedretti, E.; Pejcha, O.; Rojo, P.; Albrow, M. D.; Brillant, S.; Bode, M.; Bramich, D. M.; Burgdorf, M. J.; Caldwell, J. A. R.; Calitz, H.; Corrales, E.; Dieters, S.; Dominis Prester, D.; Donatowicz, J.; Hill, K.; Hoffman, M.; Horne, K.; Jørgensen, U. G.; Kains, N.; Kane, S.; Marquette, J. B.; Martin, R.; Meintjes, P.; Menzies, J.; Pollard, K. R.; Sahu, K. C.; Snodgrass, C.; Steele, I.; Street, R.; Tsapras, Y.; Wambsganss, J.; Williams, A.; Zub, M.; PLANET Collaboration; Szymański, M. K.; Kubiak, M.; Pietrzyński, G.; Soszyński, I.; Szewczyk, O.; Wyrzykowski, Ł.; Ulaczyk, K.; OGLE Collaboration; Allen, W.; Christie, G. W.; DePoy, D. L.; Gaudi, B. S.; Han, C.; Janczak, J.; Lee, C. -U.; McCormick, J.; Mallia, F.; Monard, B.; Natusch, T.; Park, B. -G.; Pogge, R. W.; Santallo, R.; μFUN Collaboration; "A Cold Neptune-Mass Planet OGLE-2007-BLG-368Lb: Cold Neptunes Are Common", The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 710, Issue 2, pp. 1641-1653 (2010)., February 2010
Thompson, I. B.; Kaluzny, J.; Rucinski, S. M.; Krzeminski, W.; Pych, W.; Dotter, A.; Burley, G. S.; "The Cluster AgeS Experiment (CASE). IV. Analysis of the Eclipsing Binary V69 in the Globular Cluster 47 Tuc", The Astronomical Journal, Volume 139, Issue 2, pp. 329-341 (2010)., February 2010
Christou, A. A.; Lewis, F.; Roche, P.; Hashimoto, Y.; O'Donoghue, D.; Worters, H.; Buckley, D. A. H.; Michalowski, T.; Asher, D. J.; Bitsaki, A.; Psalidas, A.; Tsamis, V.; Gourgouliatos, K. N.; Liakos, A.; Hidas, M. G.; Brown, T. M.;
"Observational detection of eight mutual eclipses and occultations between the satellites of Uranus",
Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 497, Issue 2, 2009, pp.589-594, 04/2009
Kwiatkowski, T.; Kryszczyńska, A.; Polińska, M.; Buckley, D. A. H.; O'Donoghue, D.; Charles, P. A.; Crause, L.; Crawford, S.; Hashimoto, Y.; Kniazev, A.; Loaring, N.; Romero Colmenero, E.; Sefako, R.; Still, M.; Vaisanen, P.;
"Photometry of 2006 RH{120}: an asteroid temporary captured into a geocentric orbit",
Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 495, Issue 3, 2009, pp.967-974, 03/2009
Hełminiak, K. G.; Konacki, M.; Ratajczak, M.; Muterspaugh, M. W.; "Orbital and physical parameters of eclipsing binaries from the All-Sky Automated Survey catalogue - I. A sample of systems with components' masses between 1 and 2 Msolar", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 400, Issue 2, pp. 969-983., December 2009
Rozyczka, M.; Kaluzny, J.; Pietrukowicz, P.; Pych, W.; Mazur, B.; Catelan, M.; Thompson, I. B.; "A New Lower Main Sequence Eclipsing Binary with Detached Components", Acta Astronomica, vol 59, no 4, p. 385-401, December 2009,
Marciniak, A.; Michałowski, T.; Hirsch, R.; Behrend, R.; Bernasconi, L.; Descamps, P.; Colas, F.; Sobkowiak, K.; Kamiński, K.; Kryszczyńska, A.; Kwiatkowski, T.; Polińska, M.; Rudawska, R.; Fauvaud, S.; Santacana, G.; Bruno, A.; Fauvaud, M.; Teng-Chuen-Yu, J. -P.; Peyrot, A.; "Photometry and models of selected main belt asteroids. VII. 350 Ornamenta, 771 Libera, and 984 Gretia", Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 508, Issue 3, 2009, pp.1503-1507, December 2009,
Batista, V.; Dong, S.; Gould, A.; Beaulieu, J. P.; Cassan, A.; Christie, G. W.; Han, C.; Udalski, A.; Allen, W.; Depoy, D. L.; Gal-Yam, A.; Gaudi, B. S.; Johnson, B.; Kaspi, S.; Lee, C. U.; Maoz, D.; McCormick, J.; McGreer, I.; Monard, B.; Natusch, T. Ofek, E.; Park, B. -G.; Pogge, R. W.; Polishook, D.; Shporer, A.; μFUN Collaboration; Albrow, M. D.; Bennett, D. P.; Brillant, S.; Bode, M.; Bramich, D. M.; Burgdorf, M.; Caldwell, J. A. R.; Calitz, H.; Cole, A.; Cook, K. H.; Coutures, Ch.; Dieters, S.; Dominik, M.; Dominis Prester, D.; Donatowicz, J.; Fouqué, P.; Greenhill, J.; Hoffman, M.; Horne, K.; Jørgensen, U. G.; Kains, N.; Kane, S.; Kubas, D.; Marquette, J. B.; Martin, R.; Meintjes, P.; Menzies, J.; Pollard, K. R.; Sahu, K. C.; Snodgrass, C.; Steele, I.; Tsapras, Y.; Wambsganss, J.; Williams, A.; Zub, M.; PLANET/RoboNet Collaboration; Wyrzykowski, Ł.; Kubiak, M.; Szymański, M. K.; Pietrzyński, G.; Soszyński, I.; Szewczyk, O.; Ulaczyk, K.; Ogle Collaboration; Abe, F.; Bond, I. A.; Fukui, A.; Furusawa, K.; Hearnshaw, J. B.; Holderness, S.; Itow, Y.; Kamiya, K.; Kilmartin, P. M.; Korpela, A.; Lin, W.; Ling, C. H.; Masuda, K.; Matsubara, Y.; Miyake, N.; Muraki, Y.; Nagaya, M.; Ohnishi, K.; Okumura, T.; Perrott, Y. C.; Rattenbury, N.; Saito, T.; Sako, T.; Skuljan, L.; Sullivan, D.; Sumi, T.; Sweatman, W. L.; Tristram, P. J.; Yock, P. C. M.; MOA Collaboration; "Mass measurement of a single unseen star and planetary detection efficiency for OGLE 2007-BLG-050", Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 508, Issue 1, 2009, pp.467-478, December 2009
Han, C.; Hwang, K. -H.; Kim, D.; Udalski, A.; Abe, F.; Monard, L. A. B.; McCormick, J.; Szymański, M. K.; Kubiak, M.; Pietrzyński, G.; Soszyński, I.; Szewczyk, O.; Wyrzykowski, Ł.; Ulaczyk, K.; OGLE Collaboration; Bond, I. A.; Botzler, C. S.; Fukui, A.; Furusawa, K.; Hearnshaw, J. B. Itow, Y.; Kamiya, K.; Kilmartin, P. M.; Korpela, A.; Lin, W.; Ling, C. H.; Masuda, K.; Matsubara, Y.; Miyake, N.; Muraki, Y.; Nagaya, M.; Ohnishi, K.; Tokumura, T.; Perrott, Y. C.; Rattenbury, N.; Saito, To.; Sako, T.; Skuljan, L.; Sullivan, D. S.; Sumi, T.; Sweatman, W. L.; Tristram, P. J.; Yock, P. C. M.; MOA Collaboration; Allen, W.; Christie, G. W.; De Poy, D. L.; Dong, S.; Gaudi, B. S.; Gould, A.; Lee, C. -U.; Natusch, T.; Park, B. -G.; Pogge, R. W.; μFUN Collaboration; Albrow, M. D.; Allan, A.; Batista, V.; Beaulieu, J. P.; Bennett, D. P.; Brillant, S.; Bode, M.; Bramich, D. M.; Burgdorf, M.; Caldwell, J. A. R.; Calitz, H.; Cassan, A.; Corrales, E.; Dieters, S.; Dominis Prester, D.; Dominik, M.; Donatowicz, J.; Fouque, P.; Greenhill, J.; Hill, K.; Hoffman, M.; Horne, K.; Jørgensen, U. G.; Kains, N.; Kubas, D.; Marquette, J. B.; Martin, R.; Meintjes, P.; Menzies, J.; Pollard, K. R.; Sahu, K. C.; Snodgrass, C.; Steele, I.; Street, R.; Tsapras, Y.; Wambsganss, J.; Williams, A.; Zub, M.; PLANET/RoboNet Collaboration; "Interpretation of Strong Short-Term Central Perturbations in the Light Curves of Moderate-Magnification Microlensing Events", The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 705, Issue 2, pp. 1116-1121 (2009)., November 2009
Vokrouhlický, D.; Durech, J.; Michałowski, T.; Krugly, Yu. N.; Gaftonyuk, N. M.; Kryszczyńska, A.; Colas, F.; Lecacheux, J.; Molotov, I.; Slyusarev, I.; Polińska, M.; Nesvorný, D.; Beshore, E.; "Datura family: the 2009 update", Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 507, Issue 1, 2009, pp.495-504, November 2009
Olech, A.; Rutkowski, A.; Schwarzenberg-Czerny, A.; "Curious Variables Experiment: SDSS J210014.12+004446.0 - dwarf nova with negative and positive superhumps", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 399, Issue 1, pp. 465-473., October 2009
Descamps, P.; Marchis, F.; Michalowski, T.; Berthier, J.; Pollock, J.; Wiggins, P.; Birlan, M.; Colas, F.; Vachier, F.; Fauvaud, S.; Fauvaud, M.; Sareyan, J. -P.; Pilcher, F.; Klinglesmith, D. A.; "A giant crater on 90 Antiope?", Icarus, Volume 203, Issue 1, p. 102-111., September 2009
Gromadzki, M.; Mikołajewska, J.; Whitelock, P.; Marang, F.; "Light Curves of Symbiotic Stars in Massive Photometric Surveys I: D-Type Systems", Acta Astronomica, vol 59, no 2, p. 169-191, June 2009
Kamiński, T.; Schmidt, M.; Tylenda, R.; Konacki, M.; Gromadzki, M.; "Keck/HIRES Spectroscopy of V838 Monocerotis in October 2005", The Astrophysical Journal Supplement, Volume 182, Issue 1, pp. 33-50 (2009)., May 2009
Marciniak, A.; Michałowski, T.; Hirsch, R.; Polińska, M.; Kamiński, K.; Kwiatkowski, T.; Kryszczyńska, A.; Behrend, R.; Bernasconi, L.; Michałowski, J.; Starczewski, S.; Fagas, M.; Sobkowiak, K.; "Photometry and models of selected main belt asteroids. VI. 160 Una, 747 Winchester, and 849 Ara", Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 498, Issue 1, 2009, pp.313-320, April 2009
Bressi, T. H.; Hergenrother, C. W.; Christensen, E. J.; Gibbs, A. R.; Beshore, E. C.; Garradd, G. J.; Grauer, A. D.; Hill, R. E.; Kowalski, R. A.; Larson, S. M.; McNaught, R. H.; McGaha, J. E.; Loaring, N.; Vaisanen, P.; Kwiatkowski, T.; Polinska, M.; Kryszczynska, A.; Buckley, D.; Charles, P.; Colmenero, E. R.; Hashimoto, Y.; Kniazev, A.; O'Donoghue, D.; Still, M.; Kankiewicz, P.; Burton, D. M.; Birtwhistle, P.; Chodas, P.; Williams, G. V.;
"2006 RH120", Minor Planet Electronic Circ., 2008-D12 (2008), 02/2008
Buckley, D.; Loaring, N.; Vaisanen, P.; Kwiatkowski, T.; Polinska, M.;
Kankiewicz, P.;
"Minor Planet Observations [B31 Southern African Large Telescope,
Sutherland]", Minor Planet Circular 61989, 7 (2008), 02/2008
Kwiatkowski, T.; Kryszczynska, A.; Polinska, M.; Buckley, D.; O'Donaghue, D.;
Charles, P.; Crause, L.; Crawford, S.; Hashimoto, Y.; Kniazev, A.;
Loaring, N.; Romero Colmenero, E.; Sefako, R.; Still, M.; Vaisanen, P.;
"Photometric Survey of the Smallest Near-Earth Asteroids with the SALT
Telescope", Asteroids, Comets, Meteors 2008 held July 14-18, 2008
in Baltimore, Maryland. LPI Contribution No. 1405, paper id. 8333., 00/2008
Kwiatkowski, T.; Kryszczynska, A.; Polinska, M.; Buckley, D.; O'Donaghue, D.;
Charles, P.; Crause, L.; Crawford, S.; Hashimoto, Y.; Kniazev, A.;
Loaring, N.; Romero Colmenero, E.; Sefako, R.; Still, M.; Vaisanen, P.;
"Photometry of Asteroid 2006 RH120 During Its Short Visit to a Geocentric
Orbit", Asteroids, Comets, Meteors 2008 held July 14-18, 2008 in Baltimore,
Maryland. LPI Contribution No. 1405, paper id. 8297., 00/2008
Dilday, Benjamin; Kessler, Richard; Frieman, Joshua A.; Holtzman, Jon; Marriner, John; Miknaitis, Gajus; Nichol, Robert C.; Romani, Roger; Sako, Masao; Bassett, Bruce; Becker, Andrew; Cinabro, David; DeJongh, Fritz; Depoy, Darren L.; Doi, Mamoru; Garnavich, Peter M.; Hogan, Craig J.; Jha, Saurabh; Konishi, Kohki; Lampeitl, Hubert Marshall, Jennifer L.; McGinnis, David; Prieto, Jose Luis; Riess, Adam G.; Richmond, Michael W.; Schneider, Donald P.; Smith, Mathew; Takanashi, Naohiro; Tokita, Kouichi; van der Heyden, Kurt; Yasuda, Naoki; Zheng, Chen; Barentine, John; Brewington, Howard; Choi, Changsu; Crotts, Arlin; Dembicky, Jack; Harvanek, Michael; Im, Myunshin; Ketzeback, William; Kleinman, Scott J.; Krzesiński, Jurek; Long, Daniel C.; Malanushenko, Elena; Malanushenko, Viktor; McMillan, Russet J.; Nitta, Atsuko; Pan, Kaike; Saurage, Gabrelle; Snedden, Stephanie A.; Watters, Shannon; Wheeler, J. Craig; York, Donald; "A Measurement of the Rate of Type Ia Supernovae at Redshift z ≈ 0.1 from the First Season of the SDSS-II Supernova Survey", The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 682, Issue 1, pp. 262-282 (2008)., July 2008
Hajduk, M.; Zijlstra, A. A.; Gesicki, K.; "An occultation event in the nucleus of the planetary nebula M 2-29", Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 490, Issue 2, 2008, pp.L7-L10, November 2008
Sullivan, D. J.; Metcalfe, T. S.; O'Donoghue, D.; Winget, D. E.; Kilkenny, D.; van Wyk, F.; Kanaan, A.; Kepler, S. O.; Nitta, A.; Kawaler, S. D.; Montgomery, M. H.; Nather, R. E.; O'Brien, M. S.; Bischoff-Kim, A.; Wood, M.; Jiang, X. J.; Leibowitz, E. M.; Ibbetson, P.; Zola, S.; Krzesinski, J. Pajdosz, G.; Vauclair, G.; Dolez, N.; Chevreton, M.; " Whole Earth Telescope observations of the hot helium atmosphere pulsating white dwarf EC20058-5234", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 387, Issue 1, pp. 137-152., June 2008
McGowan, K. E.; Coe, M. J.; Schurch, M. P. E.; Corbet, R. H. D.; Galache, J. L.; Udalski, A.; "Optical and X-ray variability of two Small Magellanic Cloud X-ray binary pulsars - SXP46.6 and SXP6.85", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 384, Issue 2, pp. 821-826., February 2008
Marciniak, A.; Michałowski, T.; Kaasalainen, M.; Kryszczyńska, A.; Kwiatkowski, T.; Hirsch, R.; Kamiński, K.; Fagas, M.; Polińska, M.; Velichko, F. P.; Michałowski, M. J.; Snodgrass, C.; Behrend, R.; Bernasconi, L.; "Photometry and models of selected main belt asteroids. V. 73 Klytia, 377 Campania, and 378 Holmia", Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 478, Issue 2, February I 2008, pp.559-565, February 2008
Sako, Masao; Bassett, Bruce; Becker, Andrew; Cinabro, David; DeJongh, Fritz; Depoy, D. L.; Dilday, Ben; Doi, Mamoru; Frieman, Joshua A.; Garnavich, Peter M.; Hogan, Craig J.; Holtzman, Jon; Jha, Saurabh; Kessler, Richard; Konishi, Kohki; Lampeitl, Hubert; Marriner, John; Miknaitis, Gajus; Nichol, Robert C.; Prieto, Jose Luis Riess, Adam G.; Richmond, Michael W.; Romani, Roger; Schneider, Donald P.; Smith, Mathew; SubbaRao, Mark; Takanashi, Naohiro; Tokita, Kouichi; van der Heyden, Kurt; Yasuda, Naoki; Zheng, Chen; Barentine, John; Brewington, Howard; Choi, Changsu; Dembicky, Jack; Harnavek, Michael; Ihara, Yutaka; Im, Myungshin; Ketzeback, William; Kleinman, Scott J.; Krzesiński, Jurek; Long, Daniel C.; Malanushenko, Elena; Malanushenko, Viktor; McMillan, Russet J.; Morokuma, Tomoki; Nitta, Atsuko; Pan, Kaike; Saurage, Gabrelle; Snedden, Stephanie A.; "The Sloan Digital Sky Survey-II Supernova Survey: Search Algorithm and Follow-up Observations", The Astronomical Journal, Volume 135, Issue 1, pp. 348-373 (2008)., January 2008
Frieman, Joshua A.; Bassett, Bruce; Becker, Andrew; Choi, Changsu; Cinabro, David; DeJongh, Fritz; Depoy, Darren L.; Dilday, Ben; Doi, Mamoru; Garnavich, Peter M.; Hogan, Craig J.; Holtzman, Jon; Im, Myungshin; Jha, Saurabh; Kessler, Richard; Konishi, Kohki; Lampeitl, Hubert; Marriner, John; Marshall, Jennifer L.; McGinnis, David Miknaitis, Gajus; Nichol, Robert C.; Prieto, Jose Luis; Riess, Adam G.; Richmond, Michael W.; Romani, Roger; Sako, Masao; Schneider, Donald P.; Smith, Mathew; Takanashi, Naohiro; Tokita, Kouichi; van der Heyden, Kurt; Yasuda, Naoki; Zheng, Chen; Adelman-McCarthy, Jennifer; Annis, James; Assef, Roberto J.; Barentine, John; Bender, Ralf; Blandford, Roger D.; Boroski, William N.; Bremer, Malcolm; Brewington, Howard; Collins, Chris A.; Crotts, Arlin; Dembicky, Jack; Eastman, Jason; Edge, Alastair; Edmondson, Edmond; Elson, Edward; Eyler, Michael E.; Filippenko, Alexei V.; Foley, Ryan J.; Frank, Stephan; Goobar, Ariel; Gueth, Tina; Gunn, James E.; Harvanek, Michael; Hopp, Ulrich; Ihara, Yutaka; Ivezić, Želko; Kahn, Steven; Kaplan, Jared; Kent, Stephen; Ketzeback, William; Kleinman, Scott J.; Kollatschny, Wolfram; Kron, Richard G.; Krzesiński, Jurek; Lamenti, Dennis; Leloudas, Giorgos; Lin, Huan; Long, Daniel C.; Lucey, John; Lupton, Robert H.; Malanushenko, Elena; Malanushenko, Viktor; McMillan, Russet J.; Mendez, Javier; Morgan, Christopher W.; Morokuma, Tomoki; Nitta, Atsuko; Ostman, Linda; Pan, Kaike; Rockosi, Constance M.; Romer, A. Kathy; Ruiz-Lapuente, Pilar; Saurage, Gabrelle; Schlesinger, Katie; Snedden, Stephanie A.; Sollerman, Jesper; Stoughton, Chris; Stritzinger, Maximilian; Subba Rao, Mark; Tucker, Douglas; Vaisanen, Petri; Watson, Linda C.; Watters, Shannon; Wheeler, J. Craig; Yanny, Brian; York, Donald; "The Sloan Digital Sky Survey-II Supernova Survey: Technical Summary", The Astronomical Journal, Volume 135, Issue 1, pp. 338-347 (2008)., January 2008
Buckley, D.; Kwiatkowski, T.; Kryszczynska, A.; Polinska, M.; Charles, P.;
Colmenero, E. R.; Hashimoto, Y.; Kniazev, A.; Loaring, N.; O'Donoghue, D.;
Still, M.; Vaisanen, P.; Kankiewicz, P.;
"Minor Planet Observations [B31 Southern African Large Telescope,
Minor Planet Circular 59592, 15 (2007), 05/2007
Buckley, D.; Kwiatkowski, T.; Kryszczynska, A.; Polinska, M.; Charles, P.; Colmenero, E. R.; Hashimoto, Y.; Kniazev, A.; Loaring, N.; O'Donoghue, D.; Still, M.; Vaisanen, P.; Kankiewicz, P.,
"Minor Planet Observations [B31 Southern African Large Telescope,
Minor Planet Circular 59315, 15 (2007), 04/2007
Garcet, O.; Gandhi, P.; Gosset, E.; Sprimont, P. G.; Surdej, J.;
Borkowski, V.; Tajer, M.; Pacaud, F.; Pierre, M.; Chiappetti, L.;
Maccagni, D.; Page, M. J.; Carrera, F. J.; Tedds, J. A.; Mateos, S.;
Krumpe, M.; Contini, T.; Corral, A.; Ebrero, J.; Gavignaud, I.; Schwope,
A.; Le Fevre, O.; Polletta, M.; Rosen, S.; Lonsdale, C.; Watson, M.;
Borczyk, W.; Vaisanen, P.; "XMM-LSS survey: AGN classifications",
Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 474, Issue 2, pp.473-489, 11/2007
Machalski, J.; Koziel-Wierzbowska, D.; Jamrozy, M.;
"Giant Radio Galaxies as a Probe of the Cosmological Evolution
of the IGM. I.Preliminary Deep Detections and Low-Resolution
Spectroscopy with SALT", Acta Astronomica, 57, pp.227-248, 09/2007
Reed, M. D.; O'Toole, S. J.; Terndrup, D. M.; Eggen, J. R.; Zhou, A. -Y.; An, D.; Chen, C. -W.; Chen, W. P.; Lin, H. -C.; Akan, C.; Cakirli, O.; Worters, H.; Kilkenny, D.; Siwak, M.; Zola, S.; Kim, Seung-Lee; Gelven, G. A.; Harms, S. L.; Wolf, G. W.; "Follow-Up Observations of Pulsating Subdwarf B Stars: Multisite Campaigns on PG 1618+563B and PG 0048+091", The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 664, Issue 1, pp. 518-535., July 2007
Descamps, P.; Marchis, F.; Michalowski, T.; Vachier, F.; Colas, F.; Berthier, J.; Assafin, M.; Dunckel, P. B.; Polinska, M.; Pych, W.; Hestroffer, D.; Miller, K. P. M.; Vieira-Martins, R.; Birlan, M.; Teng-Chuen-Yu, J. -P.; Peyrot, A.; Payet, B.; Dorseuil, J.; Léonie, Y.; Dijoux, T.; "Figure of the double Asteroid 90 Antiope from adaptive optics and lightcurve observations", Icarus, Volume 187, Issue 2, p. 482-499., April 2007
Gromadzki, M.; Mikołajewska, J.; Whitelock, P. A.; Marang, F.; "On the nature of the cool component of MWC 560", Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 463, Issue 2, February IV 2007, pp.703-706, February 2007
Cassan, A.; Beaulieu, J. -P.; Fouqué, P.; Brillant, S.; Dominik, M.; Greenhill, J.; Heyrovský, D.; Horne, K.; Jørgensen, U. G.; Kubas, D.; Stempels, H. C.; Vinter, C.; Albrow, M. D.; Bennett, D.; Caldwell, J. A. R.; Calitz, J. J.; Cook, K.; Coutures, C.; Dominis, D.; Donatowicz, J. Hill, K.; Hoffman, M.; Kane, S.; Marquette, J. -B.; Martin, R.; Meintjes, P.; Menzies, J.; Miller, V. R.; Pollard, K. R.; Sahu, K. C.; Wambsganss, J.; Williams, A.; Udalski, A.; Szymański, M. K.; Kubiak, M.; Pietrzyński, G.; Soszyński, I.; Żebruń, K.; Szewczyk, O.; Wyrzykowski, Ł.; "OGLE 2004-BLG-254: a K3 III Galactic bulge giant spatially resolved by a single microlens", Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 460, Issue 1, December II 2006, pp.277-288, December 2006
Beaulieu, J. -P.; Bennett, D. P.; Fouqué, P.; Williams, A.; Dominik, M.; Jørgensen, U. G.; Kubas, D.; Cassan, A.; Coutures, C.; Greenhill, J.; Hill, K.; Menzies, J.; Sackett, P. D.; Albrow, M.; Brillant, S.; Caldwell, J. A. R.; Calitz, J. J.; Cook, K. H.; Corrales, E.; Desort, M. Dieters, S.; Dominis, D.; Donatowicz, J.; Hoffman, M.; Kane, S.; Marquette, J. -B.; Martin, R.; Meintjes, P.; Pollard, K.; Sahu, K.; Vinter, C.; Wambsganss, J.; Woller, K.; Horne, K.; Steele, I.; Bramich, D. M.; Burgdorf, M.; Snodgrass, C.; Bode, M.; Udalski, A.; Szymański, M. K.; Kubiak, M.; Wiȩckowski, T.; Pietrzyński, G.; Soszyński, I.; Szewczyk, O.; Wyrzykowski, Ł.; Paczyński, B.; Abe, F.; Bond, I. A.; Britton, T. R.; Gilmore, A. C.; Hearnshaw, J. B.; Itow, Y.; Kamiya, K.; Kilmartin, P. M.; Korpela, A. V.; Masuda, K.; Matsubara, Y.; Motomura, M.; Muraki, Y.; Nakamura, S.; Okada, C.; Ohnishi, K.; Rattenbury, N. J.; Sako, T.; Sato, S.; Sasaki, M.; Sekiguchi, T.; Sullivan, D. J.; Tristram, P. J.; Yock, P. C. M.; Yoshioka, T.; "Discovery of a cool planet of 5.5 Earth masses through gravitational microlensing", Nature, Volume 439, Issue 7075, pp. 437-440 (2006)., January 2006
Reed, M. D.; Zhou, A. -Y.; Harms, S. L.; Wolf, G. W.; Terndrup, D. M.; An, D.; Kilkenny, D.; Chen, C. -W.; Chen, W. -P.; Lin, H. -C.; Zola, S.; Baran, A.; Ogloza, W.; Siwak, M.; Gazeas, K. D.; Niarchos, P. G.; "Follow-up observations of pulsating subdwarf B stars", Memorie della Società Astronomica Italiana, v.77, p.476 (2006), 2006
Wolf, G. W.; Reed, M. D.; Zhou, A. -Y.; Terndrup, D. M.; Harms, S. L.; An, D.; Chen, C. -W.; Lin, H. -C.; Zola, S.; Baran, A.; Ogloza, W.; Siwak, M.; Gazeas, K. D.; Niarchos, P. G.; Kilkenny, D.; "Follow-Up Observations of Known EC 14026-TYPE Pulsators", Baltic Astronomy, Vol. 15, p. 279-282, 2006
Tylenda, R.; Crause, L. A.; Górny, S. K.; Schmidt, M. R.; "V4332 Sagittarii revisited", Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 439, Issue 2, August IV 2005, pp.651-661, August 2005
Munari, U.; Henden, A.; Vallenari, A.; Bond, H. E.; Corradi, R. L. M.; Crause, L.; Desidera, S.; Giro, E.; Marrese, P. M.; Ragaini, S.; Siviero, A.; Sordo, R.; Starrfield, S.; Tomov, T.; Villanova, S.; Zwitter, T.; Wagner, R. M.; "On the distance, reddening and progenitor of V838 Mon", Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 434, Issue 3, May II 2005, pp.1107-1116, May 2005
Kurtz, D. W.; Cameron, C.; Cunha, M. S.; Dolez, N.; Vauclair, G.; Pallier, E.; Ulla, A.; Kepler, S. O.; da Costa, A.; Kanaan, A.; Fraga, L.; Giovannini, O.; Wood, M. A.; Silvestri, N.; Kawaler, S. D.; Riddle, R. L.; Reed, M. D.; Watson, T. K.; Metcalfe, T. S.; Mukadam, A. Nather, R. E.; Winget, D. E.; Nitta, A.; Kleinman, S. J.; Guzik, J. A.; Bradley, P. A.; Matthews, J. M.; Sekiguchi, K.; Sullivan, D. J.; Sullivan, T.; Shobbrook, R.; Jiang, X.; Birch, P. V.; Ashoka, B. N.; Seetha, S.; Girish, V.; Joshi, S.; Moskalik, P.; Zola, S.; O'Donoghue, D.; Handler, G.; Mueller, M.; Gonzalez Perez, J. M.; Solheim, J. -E.; Johannessen, F.; Bigot, L.; "Pushing the ground-based limit: 14-μmag photometric precision with the definitive Whole Earth Telescope asteroseismic data set for the rapidly oscillating Ap star HR1217", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 358, Issue 2, pp. 651-664., April 2005
Kallinger, Th.; Zwintz, K.; Pamyatnykh, A. A.; Guenther, D. B.; Weiss, W. W.; "Pulsation of the K 2.5 giant star GSC 09137-03505?", Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 433, Issue 1, April I 2005, pp.267-273, April 2005
Górny, S. K.; Stasińska, G.; Escudero, A. V.; Costa, R. D. D.; "The populations of planetary nebulae in the direction of the Galactic bulge. Chemical abundances and Wolf-Rayet central stars", Astronomy and Astrophysics, v.427, p.231-244 (2004), November 2004
Kreiner, J. M.; Rucinski, S. M.; Zola, S.; Niarchos, P.; Ogloza, W.; Stachowski, G.; Baran, A.; Gazeas, K.; Drozdz, M.; Zakrzewski, B.; Pokrzywka, B.; Kjurkchieva, D.; Marchev, D.; "Physical parameters of components in close binary systems. I", Astronomy and Astrophysics, v.412, p.465-471 (2003), December 2003
Kilkenny, D.; Reed, M. D.; O'Donoghue, D.; Kawaler, S. D.; Mukadam, A.; Kleinman, S. J.; Nitta, A.; Metcalfe, T. S.; Provencal, J. L.; Watson, T. K.; Sullivan, D. J.; Sullivan, T.; Shobbrook, R.; Jiang, X. J.; Joshi, S.; Ashoka, B. N.; Seetha, S.; Leibowitz, E.; Ibbetson, P.; Mendelson, H. Meištas, E.; Kalytis, R.; Ališauskas, D.; Martinez, P.; van Wyk, F.; Stobie, R. S.; Marang, F.; Zola, S.; Krzesinski, J.; Ogłoza, W.; Moskalik, P.; Silvotti, R.; Piccioni, A.; Vauclair, G.; Dolez, N.; Chevreton, M.; Dreizler, S.; Schuh, S. L.; Deetjen, J. L.; Solheim, J. -E.; Gonzalez Perez, J. M.; Ulla, A.; Østensen, R.; Manteiga, M.; Suarez, O.; Burleigh, M.; Kepler, S. O.; Kanaan, A.; Giovannini, O.; "A Whole Earth Telescope campaign on the pulsating subdwarf B binary system PG 1336-018 (NY Vir)", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 345, Issue 3, pp. 834-846., November 2003
Kepler, S. O.; Nather, R. E.; Winget, D. E.; Nitta, A.; Kleinman, S. J.; Metcalfe, T.; Sekiguchi, K.; Jiang, Xiaojun; Sullivan, D.; Sullivan, T.; Janulis, R.; Meistas, E.; Kalytis, R.; Krzesinski, J.; Ogloza, W.; Zola, S.; O'Donoghue, D.; Romero-Colmenero, E.; Martinez, P.; Dreizler, S. Deetjen, J.; Nagel, T.; Schuh, S. L.; Vauclair, G.; Ning, Fu Jian; Chevreton, M.; Solheim, J. -E.; Gonzalez Perez, J. M.; Johannessen, F.; Kanaan, A.; Costa, J. E.; Murillo Costa, A. F.; Wood, M. A.; Silvestri, N.; Ahrens, T. J.; Jones, A. K.; Collins, A. E.; Boyer, M.; Shaw, J. S.; Mukadam, A.; Klumpe, E. W.; Larrison, J.; Kawaler, S.; Riddle, R.; Ulla, A.; Bradley, P.; "The everchanging pulsating white dwarf GD358", Astronomy and Astrophysics, v.401, p.639-654 (2003), April 2003
Kepler, S. O.; Nather, E. R.; Winget, D. E.; Nitta, A.; Kleinman, S. J.; Metcalfe, T.; Sekiguchi, K.; Jiang, Xiaojun; Sullivan, D.; Sullivan, T.; Janulis, R.; Meištas, E. G.; Kalytis, R.; Krzesiński, J.; Ogłoza, W.; Zola, S.; O'Donoghue, D.; Romero-Colmenero, E.; Martinez, P.; Dreizler, S. Deetjen, J.; Nagel, T.; Schuh, S. L.; Vauclair, G.; Fu, J. N.; Chevreton, M.; Solheim, J. -E.; Gonzalez Perez, J. M.; Johannessen, F.; Kanaan, A.; Costa, J. E.; Murillo Costa, A. F.; Wood, M. A.; Silvestri, N.; Ahrens, T. J.; Jones, A. Kyle; Collins, A. E.; Boyer, M.; Shaw, J. S.; Mukadam, A. S.; Klumpe, E. W.; Larrison, J.; Kawaler, S. D.; Riddle, R. L.; Ulla, A.; Bradley, P.; "WET Observations of GD 358 in 2000", Baltic Astronomy, v.12, p.45-53., 2003
Handler, G.; Balona, L. A.; Shobbrook, R. R.; Koen, C.; Bruch, A.; Romero-Colmenero, E.; Pamyatnykh, A. A.; Willems, B.; Eyer, L.; James, D. J.; Maas, T.; "Discovery and analysis of p-mode and g-mode oscillations in the A-type primary of the eccentric binary HD 209295", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 333, Issue 2, pp. 262-279.; June 2002
Kurtz, D. W.; Kawaler, S. D.; Riddle, R. L.; Reed, M. D.; Cunha, M. S.; Wood, M.; Silvestri, N.; Watson, T. K.; Dolez, N.; Moskalik, P.; Zola, S.; Pallier, E.; Guzik, J. A.; Metcalfe, T. S.; Mukadam, A. S.; Nather, R. E.; Winget, D. E.; Sullivan, D. J.; Sullivan, T.; Sekiguchi, K. Jiang, X.; Shobbrook, R.; Ashoka, B. N.; Seetha, S.; Joshi, S.; O'Donoghue, D.; Handler, G.; Mueller, M.; Gonzalez Perez, J. M.; Solheim, J. -E.; Johannessen, F.; Ulla, A.; Kepler, S. O.; Kanaan, .; da Costa, A.; Fraga, L.; Giovannini, O.; Matthews, J. M.; "Discovery of the `missing' mode in HR1217 by the Whole Earth Telescope", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 330, Issue 3, pp. L57-L61., March 2002
Rogoziecki, P.; Schwarzenberg-Czerny, A.; "The dwarf nova WX Cet: A pretender or a clone of WZ Sge?", The Physics of Cataclysmic Variables and Related Objects, ASP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 261. Edited by B. T. Gänsicke, K. Beuermann, and K. Reinsch. ISBN: 1-58381-101-X. San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2002, p. 535., January 2002
Ogloza, W.; "Photometry and spectroscopy of selected preCV stars", The Physics of Cataclysmic Variables and Related Objects, ASP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 261. Edited by B. T. Gänsicke, K. Beuermann, and K. Reinsch. ISBN: 1-58381-101-X. San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2002, p. 65., January 2002
Mikołajewska, Joanna; Brandi, E.; García, L. G.; Ferrer, O. E.; Whitelock, P. A.; Marang, F.; "Circumstellar Environment of RX Puppis", Post-AGB Objects as a Phase of Stellar Evolution, Proceedings of the Toruń Workshop held July 5-7, 2000. Edited by R. Szczerba and S. K. Górny. Astrophysics and Space Science Library Vol. 265, ISBN 07923-71453. Publisher: Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston/Dordrecht/London, 2001., August 2001
Rogoziecki, P.; Schwarzenberg-Czerny, A.; "The dwarf nova WX Cet: a clone of WZ Sge or a pretender?", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 323, Issue 4, pp. 850-858., May 2001